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Jade eximus sucks because of the intention implementing them.

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Ahh.. another enemy mechanic, another player detractor. Remember the complain about eximus overguard? Now anyone can cheese them. Hell, I remember player that pissed off because you had to use operator to fight angel/thrax.

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How dare they introduce new enemies rights? To be completely blunt those complains are just stupid. Every single mechanic in game force you to play certain way. Defense forces you to stay in 1 spot, spy forces you to play minigame, bosses force you to hit weakpoints etc. I dont see you crying about "policing the way you play" in those. I can understand complains about dmg being to high but this? Hell no.

Edited by kuciol
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23 hours ago, PrideB4TheFall said:

Well from your pov, I absolutely applaud the implementation. Move it or lose it. Afker's be damned.

Think I detect a whiff of monkey butt somewhere in this thread...

Control how people play? You mean how players can exploit the system? DE taking active measures against that? Awww. Sooooo unfair.

On 2024-06-26 at 11:09 PM, -AncientWarrior- said:

I really like the Jade Eximus, then again I dont stay still at all .. but anything that's anti-AFK I appreciate DE implementing :)

You know AFK doesn't always mean literally sitting and doing nothing for an extended period of time. Sometimes I just want to take a sip of my drink, quick reply to a steam/discord message or click a yew tree on Old School Runescape. Warframe has always been a chill game for this sort of thing, so it's a little annoying be designed against in this regard when historically it's been a nice experience. Now if I take a moment to let my squishy Mag take a rest and sip my Dr. Pepper™ Zero Sugar™ 12oz drink there's a good chance she might be on the ground when I put my drink down.

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4 hours ago, Bakkingamu said:

You know AFK doesn't always mean literally sitting and doing nothing for an extended period of time. Sometimes I just want to take a sip of my drink, quick reply to a steam/discord message or click a yew tree on Old School Runescape. Warframe has always been a chill game for this sort of thing, so it's a little annoying be designed against in this regard when historically it's been a nice experience. Now if I take a moment to let my squishy Mag take a rest and sip my Dr. Pepper™ Zero Sugar™ 12oz drink there's a good chance she might be on the ground when I put my drink down.

I can't tell if this is sarcastic tbh. Do you drink with both hands? Cause base walking speed, walking, not even sprinting, is faster than the orb. (Most frames at least) Or just shoot it. It gets destroyed very quickly. Like, it can be dealt with, with one hand and it doesn't matter which. If you are planning to stay still for 10+ seconds... have you tried going into cover? Like, normal enemies past a certain level will kill you fairly quickly if you go completely afk right in front of them. Jade eximus aren't unique in that aspect. And for period longer than that, I feel like it's extremely unreasonable to expect a multiplayer game to just wait for you to come back without some sort of repercussion, ooo you lost some xp... even if some frames completely get around that. But that's more an issue with those frame's survivability, not really jade eximus.

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On 2024-06-27 at 4:25 AM, SolStreak said:

I might add to pinpoint the main focus, that the Jade Light spawns right above the players. All other Eximus have their ability coming from their own body; Arson's expanding fire Aoe, Blitz's ground blast aiming at you, Shock's homing sparks, etc. meanwhile Jade Light just sees the player and cast a homing Jade Light right above them. Arson's reputation as the hardest Eximus has been dethroned by Jade Light I guess.

Yeah, there definitely should be an indicator as to where the Eximus spawning any given light is. That'd improve readability a lot.

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My problems with the Jade Eximus are that they don't have any kind of LoS check (they can trigger Jade light on you even from behind a cosed door) and that the game still requires/forces the player to stand still : as hacking, capturing targets, or some cast animations.


Le 27/06/2024 à 05:46, RichardKam a dit :

A reminder that Revenant can still AFK while bathing in the glory of Orokin Jade LightTM. For a true anti-AFK experience you might need to throw in nully bubble as well.

This is true and Jade Eximus will be a problem when you are playing some warframes, or just nothing when playing some other frames. It's not only Revenant, by the way, but every signle frame that can stay invulnerable for a long time (Nyx, Valkyr...), or that can generate OG very fast (Styanax, Kullervo, Frost, Rhino...), or that can be invisible (Loki, Octavia, Ivara, Ash, Wisp..). also, most of the time, just a anti-status will significantly reduce the damage taken from Jade Eximus (but it will depend also on your build).

Jade Eximus have two mechanics that can be very deadly : the lassers increasing damage and the 200% Heat status chance.

The problem with Heat status from enemies is that they are much more efficient to reduce Tenno/Warframe armor than Corrosive procs. As tested by other players, Corrosive procs will have a cap of about 27% armor strip, but Heat keeps its 50% armor strip.

So, Jade Light has three things : it removes HP damage reduction by reducing armor (can be prevented by status immunity), DoT (reduced to 2s) of Heat status (also prevented by status imunity) and causes exponentially scaling damage. All these three can be avoided by invisibility or invulnerability (or by disabling the Jade Light with Silence).

There are still so many ways to stay AFK : Jade Light Eximus, in my opinion, have not changed much about this.

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2 hours ago, Loza03 said:

Yeah, there definitely should be an indicator as to where the Eximus spawning any given light is. That'd improve readability a lot.

Perhaps making their aura give off a brighter glow while they're actively channelling the power?

Edited by Corvid
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Really not a problem unless you are doing Solo in which case just pause the game if you are gonna leave for a minute. In squads randoms are usually kind enough to pick you up, and failing that just use a revive. One of the key features of warframe is the mobility that we have, its the main way we have to stay alive, as the enemies are literally coded to be less accurate the faster you are moving.

Plus what would you have done for a new eximus unit, I personally think how they approached the matter to be very creative and hope they add more eximus units in the future, since I've gotten quite bored of the ones we already have. And their counter play is quite easy. Far less annoying than the fire eximus unit that can get you through literal walls if another teammate aggroed them and you where looking the opposite way. Especially when a bunch of them spawn and are constantly activating back to back.

That being said I do hate when the spawn during  Elite Deep Archimidia 

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On 2024-06-29 at 4:44 PM, RyllusPurple said:

not to mention that jade eximus break stealth. they don'y have to be aware of you to summon the laser...it's just proximity!

Any proof to back this up?

I just did a few tests with this with Loki and Ivara and didn't have this issue at all.

If I was invisible I never got a jade light on me at all.
If I became visible a jade light could start targeting me, but if I became invisible the light would stop chasing me and just sit there in the air.

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I don't have a problem with the Jade, or any other eximus in general. I am a bit concerned that we seem to be creeping back towards denial of game play rather than making them a dodge and weave challenge.

I was doing some a few missions as Atlas yesterday and the amount of times I got nailed by eximus bubbles that dropped on me every time I did the rumblers skill was crazy. It feels like the game is at critical point for the number of effects you need to avoid and spot. At least they are easier to spot than back in the day with the just area of effect hitting you out of the blue sometimes, but it does feel like it's creeping in that direction.

Not sure I'd say the fact this also stops people just sitting there doing nothing is necessarily a bad thing in itself though.

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2 hours ago, RootyTootyAimAnShooty said:

I don't have a problem with the Jade, or any other eximus in general. I am a bit concerned that we seem to be creeping back towards denial of game play rather than making them a dodge and weave challenge.

I was doing some a few missions as Atlas yesterday and the amount of times I got nailed by eximus bubbles that dropped on me every time I did the rumblers skill was crazy. It feels like the game is at critical point for the number of effects you need to avoid and spot. At least they are easier to spot than back in the day with the just area of effect hitting you out of the blue sometimes, but it does feel like it's creeping in that direction.

Not sure I'd say the fact this also stops people just sitting there doing nothing is necessarily a bad thing in itself though.

But nothing about them "denies" gameplay any more than regular enemies already do. It has always been the case that casting anything while standing still is a risk when enemies are dealing any notable damage. Plus most effects, including every Eximus one, is avoiding by just moving forward or rolling once.

If anything these effects add gameplay by incentivizing different options and playstyles.

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2 hours ago, MutoManiac said:

I don't know if it was a bug, but an interception mission (event alerts) only had jade eximus enemies. Most fun I've had in a long time. Ash with silence=chef's kiss.

The alerts have the same special modifier as the Ascension game mode's event variant: More Eximus spawn, and all Eximus are Jade Light Eximus.

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3 hours ago, Corvid said:

The alerts have the same special modifier as the Ascension game mode's event variant: More Eximus spawn, and all Eximus are Jade Light Eximus.

This was every single enemy, i.e. all of them were jade eximus. There was no other enemy types, normal or otherwise.

Edited by MutoManiac
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1 hour ago, MutoManiac said:

This was every single enemy, i.e. all of them were jade eximus. There was no other enemy types, normal or otherwise.

Thats how it is on SP. Amazing for lvling up stuff and those credits on top just great. I wish we could keep them. I dont even need motes.

Edited by kuciol
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4 minutes ago, kuciol said:

Thats how it is on SP. Amazing for lvling up stuff and those credits on top just great. I wish we could keep them. I dont even need motes.

Maybe interception, I don't remember my other ones, but every other alert (event) mission is a mix of normal enemies and jade eximus. I'll update once they offer another interception. Or are you saying all alert mission types in SP have only jade eximus enemies? If so I must be losing my mind. :)

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9 minutes ago, MutoManiac said:

Maybe interception, I don't remember my other ones, but every other alert (event) mission is a mix of normal enemies and jade eximus. I'll update once they offer another interception. Or are you saying all alert mission types in SP have only jade eximus enemies? If so I must be losing my mind. :)

Interception has the most of them, but not all enemies are eximus. Its like the proportions are reversed, you get like 2 normal ones in a pack. Defense has a lot less eximus, i think the least of all modes. Survival is also amazing.

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26 minutes ago, kuciol said:

Interception has the most of them, but not all enemies are eximus. Its like the proportions are reversed, you get like 2 normal ones in a pack. Defense has a lot less eximus, i think the least of all modes. Survival is also amazing.

Well that's why I think it was a bug, every single enemy was a jade eximus in the interception mission.

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