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Jade is making me and a lot of other people uncomfortable

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Jade is pregnant and fighting and many people on reddit and other sights (myself included) don't particularly enjoy the child death and playing as a pregnant woman in a game where you run around blowing up ships, not that I don't like pregnancy in story telling particularly it's just this is really weird that we're playing as one killing people, and if there was like a alternate skin that doesn't change anything but does remove this uncomfortable looking energy spear on her stomach that would much appreciated. Another thing is that it also sucks when customizing her. 

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4 minutes ago, _Anise_ said:

I don't recall a part where a child dies? also the jade the player has isn't pregnant and also can't die

Technically, but still they are an exact copy of Jade before she died so there is still a chance for the player Jade to be.

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1 minute ago, (XBOX)Spiderwick3666 said:


there seemed to be a (some) consensus that because the players jade is not sick nor suffering the energy drain as the jade in the story that she wasn't pregnant. so she could be a copy from after birth before death.

but I give you that unless DE say anything specific it may be open to interpretation? personally I think it's symbolic of her being the guardian angel mom and not actually meant to be with child

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1 hour ago, DrLego said:

This is a huge financial opportunity for any tennogen artists out there.

Not really, because tennogen doesn't seem to be able to change the shape of the body model (only the helmet), they can only change the skin that fits over it.  So while they might be able to cover over the clear ball part of the frame, they wouldn't be able to change the pregnant shape. 

So they can't fix it :(  We have to wait for a deluxe or prime

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But you're fine with teenagers being the main protagonists of such acts of war, which includes ripping souls off with Nekros or being stabbed in the back by a two-handed blade ?

Then it's a you problem.

Just consider the energy orb in her belly is an energy orb in her belly, you'll be fine.

Or don't play her. Who cares.

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13 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

But you're fine with teenagers being the main protagonists of such acts of war, which includes ripping souls off with Nekros or being stabbed in the back by a two-handed blade ?

The Tenno have already had a complicated life and we're not the ones pushing them into battle in the first place, they are already soldiers by the time we know about the operators, and they go onto the battlefield via piloting Warframes remotely, they aren't actually out there being potentially injured physically. 

But there are a lot of players who are uncomfortable with the idea of teenage/child soldiers and choose to use Drifter for that very reason.

That is also different to the idea of a pregnant woman (or a frame that has the asthetics of a pregnant woman) going into battle.  And that (pregnant woman in battle) aspect is just one of the many reasons players have given for feeling uncomfortable with the idea of a pregnant frame.

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14 minutes ago, 0bsi said:

But there are a lot of players who are uncomfortable with the idea of teenage/child soldiers and choose to use Drifter for that very reason.

That is also different to the idea of a pregnant woman (or a frame that has the asthetics of a pregnant woman) going into battle.  And that (pregnant woman in battle) aspect is just one of the many reasons players have given for feeling uncomfortable with the idea of a pregnant frame.

So... People who are uncomfortable with the idea of a pregnant frame suddenly cannot do what you said they were doing already in the line before ? Playing something else ? Jade suddenly became the only playable Warframe with Jade Shadows ?

I think my game is bugged then because I'm able to play with other Warframes, I'll file a bug report

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There are always exceptions.
And every normal player puts himself in the role of the computer character. That is why the RPGs also work. Real Life is almost always boring. But in the game you are a paladin, magician, hunter with a mighty beast, etc. and this role is also filled with many emotions.

But to each his own.
And I will no longer respond to provocative brainless 1-sentence nonsense from the garbage can. Bring nothing for the discussion.

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I've read a lot of things about Jade and, even though I can understand many players being unconfortable, I don't feel unconfortable at all and the reason is pretty simple : Jade is NOT a pregnant woman : she is a warframe, a female warframe, not a woman.

The same way, I'm not shocked by a male warframe beating/shotting a female warframe on Conclave, I'm not shocked by a male warframe killing female Grineer/Corpus units. Due to their changes, in the warframe lore, male and female warframe (and the same goes for enemies) are absolutely equal in terms of power and strength.

All these warframes are being controlled by children (hundreds of years old, but still children) that are killing enemies without mercy.

Why would a pregnant warframe in itself be source of any uncofortable feeling ? She is not a fragile little thing, but a warrior that can destroy a whole army in seconds. Again : Jade is NOT a pregnant WOMAN. Just like Dagath, who is not a disabled fragile woman being forced to figth a war, but a headless female warframe.

On the other hand, I understand perfectly players that are feeling unconfortable for subjective personal reasons (not because of the warframe itself, but because of some personal trauma). I've read a lot of players that had a miscarriage that are feeling unconfortable with Jade. Their feelings are understandable, but I don't think they are enough to ask for changes on Jade's concept (but an alt skin could be nice, to be honest). The reason is simple : there wil always be many things that will remind this sorrowful situation : we cannot hide every pregnant woman from a person that had a miscarriage. This sorrowful situation requires psychological help, not changes in a game's design. And I can add that I used to have this kind of problem with another warframe, that reminds me of a very painful trauma : some years ago, I was totally unable to use or see this warframe, but now I can : the problem wasn't the game, but me. So, even though I understand the unconfortable feelings of players that went through some painful situations, I don't think that Jade is the problem and I don't think she needs any changes.

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10 hours ago, (XBOX)Spiderwick3666 said:

Jade is pregnant and fighting and many people on reddit and other sights (myself included) don't particularly enjoy the child death and playing as a pregnant woman in a game where you run around blowing up ships, not that I don't like pregnancy in story telling particularly it's just this is really weird that we're playing as one killing people, and if there was like a alternate skin that doesn't change anything but does remove this uncomfortable looking energy spear on her stomach that would much appreciated. Another thing is that it also sucks when customizing her. 

The majority are fine, seeing as ours isnt pregnant

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9 hours ago, DrLego said:

This is a huge financial opportunity for any tennogen artists out there.

well, yes, but actually no.

Tennogen artists still have to use the standard mesh of the waframe, which in Jade's case, likely includes the baby bump. the only time the mesh changes is on Primes/deluxe skins. given how Styanax's Deluxe went down with the community though, Liger will probably do something else with her that people will find weird lol. 

easiest solution to put this whole thing to bed is to separate and reclassify Jade's baby bump as an Auxiliary Attachment that can be toggled on/off. 

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5 hours ago, Chewarette said:

But you're fine with teenagers being the main protagonists of such acts of war, which includes ripping souls off with Nekros or being stabbed in the back by a two-handed blade ?

Then it's a you problem.

Just consider the energy orb in her belly is an energy orb in her belly, you'll be fine.

Or don't play her. Who cares.

the thing is, it's literally just an energy orb in our hand. the frame we use are copies based on the og design made by Ballas. the og is absolutly #*!%ed up in concept and makes ballas look even worse even after he died. but for other jade frames? that's just the streamlined version without the baby. it's like how the gaus we got isn't grendel's buddy or our dagath the one who almost killed grandma. the only exception to that was Umbra, because we didn't copy him but instead just patched him up.

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IT'S ONLY A GAME - Seriously, you're getting all bent out of shape just because of a short Quest which (and lets be honest now) doesn't actually show anything Graphic & gives a Sad story arc to a new WARFRAME????

Yet you're all happy to go forth, Killing & blowing others up to smithereens, performing sneak attacks with graphical animations & and yet that sits fine with you as you sit and play for hours on end?  And that's just the obvious ones


Jeez, you only have to flick on the TV or go browsing online and you'll read, view & hear a lot more distressing, realistic content with a PG rating, aimed at a Young audience with Zero warnings. 


I read these posts & considering the game we play, My only thought is: "This is someone Trolling / Flaming / Baiting" to see what responses are given, especially given how inaccurate the OPs initial comments are regarding the Quest & its outcome!


And what's even worse is they're seemingly posting and sharing inaccurate information on Social Media platforms!! Ouch!!



/Mini Rant over - Caffeine on standby... and chilled again  🤘


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4 minutes ago, Destructor7972 said:



IT'S ONLY A GAME - Seriously, you're getting all bent out of shape just because of a short Quest which (and lets be honest now) doesn't actually show anything Graphic & gives a Sad story arc to a new WARFRAME????

Yet you're all happy to go forth, Killing & blowing others up to smithereens, performing sneak attacks with graphical animations & and yet that sits fine with you as you sit and play for hours on end?  And that's just the obvious ones


Jeez, you only have to flick on the TV or go browsing online and you'll read, view & hear a lot more distressing, realistic content with a PG rating, aimed at a Young audience with Zero warnings. 


I read these posts & considering the game we play, My only thought is: "This is someone Trolling / Flaming / Baiting" to see what responses are given, especially given how inaccurate the OPs initial comments are regarding the Quest & its outcome!


And what's even worse is they're seemingly posting and sharing inaccurate information on Social Media platforms!! Ouch!!



/Mini Rant over - Caffeine on standby... and chilled again  🤘


While it's true that games often involve violence and intense gameplay mechanics, there's a significant difference between engaging in fictional combat scenarios and experiencing emotional distress caused by narrative elements. Here’s why:

1. **Emotional Impact vs. Gameplay Mechanics**: Games can provoke strong emotional responses through storytelling and character development. Players may become invested in the narrative and empathize with characters, especially when dealing with themes like loss or tragedy. This emotional engagement is distinct from the mechanical act of gameplay such as shooting or strategizing.

2. **Context and Realism**: Games are often designed with a clear context and setting that distinguishes them from reality. The violence or actions depicted are understood within the boundaries of a fictional world, where consequences and impact are fictionalized. On the other hand, real-world distressing content presented to a young audience through media lacks the fictional context and can potentially have more profound effects.

3. **Intent and Interpretation**: Players engage in games knowingly for entertainment, challenge, or escapism. They make a conscious choice to participate in gameplay mechanics that involve combat or violence. Conversely, encountering distressing content in media aimed at young audiences, without proper warnings or context, can be unexpected and potentially harmful.

4. **Social Responsibility**: Critiquing games for their content is valid, but it’s crucial to acknowledge that games are scrutinized for their potential impact on players’ mental health and well-being. Engaging critically with game content encourages developers to consider ethical storytelling and presentation.

In summary, while both games and media can present distressing content, the context, intent, and impact on audiences differ significantly. It’s essential to recognize and discuss these differences constructively rather than dismissing concerns about narrative impact in games.

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Just for my complete understanding of all of you weird people who have a problem with Jade : Have you wondered whether any of the Sisters were pregnant when you fought against her ? I hope you immediately aborted (heheh) the mission.

That also draws a very weird line. You're OK with beating women to death to get some shiny loots, but OMG if they're pregnant that's instantly a problem.

Edited by Chewarette
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2 hours ago, AegidiusF said:

Nope, not at all.

Read it carefully and you'll be albe to see the difference.

I'm not saying that it's fiction, so it's ok. I'm saying that it's not a fictional pregnant woman at all. If it was the case, I would have been shocked, but it's not.

By the way, that's why I'm much more shocked to see the way Varzia talks about Maroo and Teshin : even in a fiction, that's harassement.

same way a 3000 year old dragon girl that looks like a little girl but really isnt a little girl cause she is 3000 year old dragon right? i mean look at the little dragon girl, she even has 2 or 3 scales, thats not the same as a real little girl at all!

Edited by latetier
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You don't need to play a frame that makes you feel uncomfortable, there are well over 50 other frames.. Personally I absolutely love that pregnant women are not seen as "handicapped" and can be seen as bad ass frames as any other female frame. I like that DE is not afraid to step outside of the "general comfortable circle": we have muscle mommy, hefty boi, a frame without a gender and now a pregnant frame. 

The quest also warned about issues with motherhood. If you don't like Jade, just don't play her. 

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