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Dev Workshop: Koumei & the Five Fates - Caliban + Nova Rework


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9 hours ago, [DE]Sam said:

Enemies killed while Slowed have 15% to drop Health orbs. Enemies killed while Sped Up have 15% to drop Energy orbs.

Love all the changes for nova as a nova player but i think this would make a bit more sense if it was reversed because you're way more likely to take damage when the enemies are actually sped up than giving you energy for some reason.
Also if the slow/speed are a toggle now does that mean that the neutral "0%" slow build is just dead now in a way?

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Hi there DE Devs!

Great job on these changes! 👏🏻 I am looking forward to trying out the Warframes that have been tweaked and reworked, and I am excited for the update and new Warframe! ☺️👍🏻

I wanted to follow up on my first comment here, as I had an epiphany in regards to tap-cycling abilities that I wanted to share with you all, and it is mainly a UI thing.

I had an epiphany on how to bring about a huge QOL change for any Warframe with an ability which requires repeated tapping to select the version of the ability you want to cast. The type of abilities I am talking about are as follows (though I may miss some).

Chroma: Spectral Scream

Ivara: Quiver

Jade: Symphony of Mercy

Titania: Tribute

Vauban: Minelayer

Wisp: Reservoirs

Xaku: The Lost

So, I am specifically referring to the abilities which require cycling to cast a specific "mode" of that ability. Presently they feel a bit clunky to switch, and in Titania's and Xaku's case either hardly used or never switched.

What if in place of Tap-casting to switch, the UI gives a mini radial menu by Hold-casting, and releasing uses the one you have selected in that radial menu? Similar to the gear wheel, but the selections themselves stay stationary. So Tap-casting would actually cast the ability, and Hold-casting will allow you to select which version of the ability you want to cast from a small radial menu including the same visual assets that are currently being used. Just in a radial menu instead of having to mash the Tap-cast until you get to the selection you want, potentially passing it a few times by accident? (I am speaking from experience sadly, and I main Wisp lol 😂)


I really really think that someone in DE should look into doing this, as this would be a huge QOL change for Warframes who currently are using the tap-cycling thing to select ability modes! ☺️👍🏻 A radial-holdcast menu would also encourage usage of a wider array of modes for these abilities!

I'm not sure if Pablo will be looking into it, or another Dev, but whoever you are, if you are seeing this post and you are a Dev, thank you! 🥰


I really hope this can happen. It would make me really really happy, almost as happy as this update and these reworks are making me. Keep up the good work guys! 💪🏻 



Edited by UlyssesTheDM
Linking to post in the appropriate forum. ☺️👍🏻
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Wormhole will now stay up indefinitely unless a) all of its charges have been used or b) it has been replaced by a recast Wormhole when players have created the maximum number of portals.

We need a way to manually remove a wormhole. More often than not, I create a wormhole because I fat-fingered 3 instead of 4. Previously, this was a minor annoyance, because it eventually expired. But since that doesn't happen now, now I will have to run to an out-of-the-way corner and spam cast it, which is just annoying.

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Caliban losing his armour strip field is a huge nerf, and also his summons not scaling? Why? Didn't we have this issue with Protea's turrets on her release and then she got buffed to where they can scale? Why is it any different for Caliban? We've waited a long time for him to be buffed, and this is what we got?

Having the shield regen only applied to the stationary summon is not great as most mission we aren't standing in 1 place. I feel like all summons should be able to shield regen for Caliban alone, but make the stationary summon apply to allies too. 

Love Nova's rework, sometimes I forget which Nova I've brought to a mission and it's slowva in a defense mission, now I don't need to worry about that. 

Looking forward to Nyx and Trinity's glow up.

Caliban needs to go back to the drawing board though. 


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While a lot of these changes are great I feel like they don't touch on some of the issues Caliban has. Like when Pablo said his passive was already pretty strong so they didn't change it. I could not disagree more. The real issue with his passive is that it doesn't stack with adaptation while being half its effectiveness. This means you cannot decided to skip using it as that's a huge loss in his already poor survivability but if you decide to use adaptation his passive basically becomes nonexistent. They either need to make it stack with other sources of DR or let it go up to 90% so you don't need to slot in adaptation. 

And I'm sure I'm not the only one pointing this out but the defense reduction field of fusion strike was the best part of the ability. The issue with fusion strike was never that the defense strip was awkward, but rather that it applied its strip AFTER the damage is done meaning you would need to cast it twice even with 100% strip to do any meaningful damage. Getting rid of this merely takes away one of the few tools Caliban has that makes him feel good to use.

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14 minutes ago, PillowPrincess said:

While a lot of these changes are great I feel like they don't touch on some of the issues Caliban has. Like when Pablo said his passive was already pretty strong so they didn't change it. I could not disagree more. The real issue with his passive is that it doesn't stack with adaptation while being half its effectiveness. This means you cannot decided to skip using it as that's a huge loss in his already poor survivability but if you decide to use adaptation his passive basically becomes nonexistent. They either need to make it stack with other sources of DR or let it go up to 90% so you don't need to slot in adaptation. 

And I'm sure I'm not the only one pointing this out but the defense reduction field of fusion strike was the best part of the ability. The issue with fusion strike was never that the defense strip was awkward, but rather that it applied its strip AFTER the damage is done meaning you would need to cast it twice even with 100% strip to do any meaningful damage. Getting rid of this merely takes away one of the few tools Caliban has that makes him feel good to use.

Worth noting as well since only one of the types of summons gives the shield regen and aggro beacons his survivability is gonna be even worse than before unless you just hardlock on those summons which means giving up the (honestly disappointing sounding) tau status from the ranged guys or the damage(which from the video looked really meh outside of the fusion recasts) from the concs. Also a lot of talk about his synergy and adaptability but his abilities actually lost one of their synergies and outside of weapons he has no real way to capitalize on the tau status himself.

An ideal situation would be either a way to summon a mix of summons (a ranged with 2 melees) or the tank guys since at least the concs can slash proc while spinning but since the status only lasts 8 seconds you have no way to easily cap its stacks with the concs out.

Obviously gonna have to wait and see when it all comes out but currently after waiting for this for ages it seems like quite the let down

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To chime in on Caliban;

Tau status sounds good on paper but having that much of it is weirdly redundant. Dante (and Citrines 3 aura btw) both inflict other status with their kits. It makes sense because they have both parts of the equation. Dante in particular has it comboing with Noctua or Dark Verse to set up Tragedy.

The new 1 is already essentially just a tool for applying this new status, so also having his 2 and 3 pile it on rather then potentially capitalizing on it (the 3s in particular) just piles into redundancy.


Also yeah, dead horse by this point in the thread, but taking away his defense stripping zone in favour of a single strip per cast tied to the horizontal beams and with added LoS issues is a pretty hard nerf to w hat was his standout ability.

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5 hours ago, NinjaMaster231456 said:

Wish we could've mixed and matched the sentients caliban summons. Not being able to do this kinda ruins my idea for a Battlefield General build

hopefully we get an augment mod that does this

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Razor Gyre:
    All sounds good, though I do want one clarification. Is that "25% energy refund on hitting one enemy only" or is that "25% energy refund PER enemy hit"?
Also, should we expect an augment to turn the Overshield generation into Overguard generation at some point?
Sentient Wrath:
    No questions or concerns, all looks good.
Lethal Progeny:
    Conculysts: Only thought, is that their basic melee strikes should inherit some mods from the melee weapon, unless their level is going to scale better and their base damage is high enough to work through higher level content. Elemental mods at the very least should be inherited. 
    Ortholyst: sounds good, status spreaders are always nice, and seems like it might be fun to play with using the Mecha set bonus and companions spreading statuses even more. Numbers work, looks good on paper.
    Summulyst: Only comment I have to make is "Does the range really have to be affected by ability range?" Chasing an AI for a buff sounds somewhat annoying, unless there is a duration to the effect or the range is big enough to not matter in the first place. Why not just make it Affinity Range and not worry about it being affected by ability range at all?
    Damage increase, collision and player detection are all good.
    Augment Concept immediately occurs to me: Summon one of each of Caliban's Lethal Progeny, reduce the number of Choralysts the Summulyst can summon to 2. 
Fusion Strike:
    No issues or any concerns. Looks good. Closest thing I'd have a niggle about is the 50% reduction at 100% power strength. Feels a lot like old Frost, especially on an ability that base costs 100 energy. I'm not gonna be a schizo and say "Lol, 100% strip at base" but like... 60%? That seems to be the standard number for armor strips like this. 

    Nerfs are earned, no issues in my book. Just be sure they don't inadvertently break something else before they go live. Don't want the inability to cast Cloud Walker until a heavy slam is complete, to somehow cause Cloud Walker to lose all speed or remove the healing somehow.

Mommy? I mean-
    I'd add one more tweak to Aegis Storm if at all possible. "Increase Fire Rate by 100%", as Balefire Charger is the only weapon you can use in Aegis Storm, only the Balefire Charger could be effected by this bonus. Make being in Aegis Storm more effective with the Balefire Charger, than not being in it, by giving a near instant full charge on the Balefire Charger. Invul and slam on deactivation is a wonderful addition.

    Passive: More orbs are always enjoyed. 
    Null Star: Recast without augment is grand, easier access to 90% DR is wonderful. Not 100% sold on the change to blast yet, but I'll hold off judgement until I have my hands on her in that regard. The additional heat damage on all orbs is a pleasant surprise.
    Antimatter Drop: I honestly never used it much, so I will hold off any thoughts on it. The visual changes are nice though. Also you can teleport Antimatter Drop with a Wormhole? Wha?
    Wormhole: Good changes, no other thoughts to offer
    Molecular Prime: The hold/tap for Speed and Slow is a change, long time coming and I'm here for it. Great change. All great changes here. 

All in all, this is a fantastic set of tweaks and changes, very happy to see it. 

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1 hour ago, UlyssesTheDM said:

What if in place of Tap-casting to switch, the UI gives a mini radial menu by Hold-casting, and releasing uses the one you have selected in that radial menu?

 Just reminding you that that mechanic will require you to stop aiming and moving, just how Gear works, because your mouse input goes for the Gearwheel. Also Warframe does not pause when Gearwheel is opened, and even if it did, it still would not if you are in a squad.

 On paper sounds ok, but realistically tapping the ability to cycle can be done while on the move with your Aim unimpeded. In this fast paced game where time does not slow down when you are fiddling with stuff, a gearwheel option loses.

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I didn't expect a Nova rework and I didn't feel she needed one, but now that I see this? Yeah she needs it, I can't wait! Oddly enough this might be my most anticipated rework 😂

Honestly it's amazing. I never knew I needed a toggle between slow and speed, I just accepted I need to be careful about which build I take on which mission. It's such a nice QoL change, thank you!
3 hours ago, MerlintheAgeless said:

Is this set in stone? It feels like it would be more helpful the other way around. If I'm Slowva-ing I really don't need Healing, but I do still need Energy. If I'm Speedva-ing I can kill just fine, but may take more damage, so would like the Healing, and things like Health Conversion, and Arcane Blessing stacks.

I kind of disagree, I think it's good with healing for slow and energy for speed. I feel like generally when I take a slowva it's for higher level enemies, a more "dangerous" mission where I either try to avoid dying or it just makes it easier to kill enemies if they're slower. That pairs better with getting some extra health orbs. I see your point tho.

In my opinion, the currently advertised way makes more sense for the base scenarios when speed and slow is used most of the time, and for the general playerbase maybe. I think it makes more sense to balance her with the assumption that not all players will use a mod to convert energy to health or vice versa, and assuming most players use speed for lower and slow for higher level missions.

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I like the majority of these changes. I will have to caution about the armor strip change though. It was by far the best part of Caliban's kit and nerfing it like this is not a good thing for him. You could easily just make the beam and the field both strip armor. The other changes don't seem like they're enough to make up for that loss in any high level play, and he'll still end up unplayed. 

The Nova and Hildryn changes are GREAT. Absolutely gorgeous. Thank you devs. 

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2 hours ago, Crisp said:

Love all the changes for nova as a nova player but i think this would make a bit more sense if it was reversed because you're way more likely to take damage when the enemies are actually sped up than giving you energy for some reason.
Also if the slow/speed are a toggle now does that mean that the neutral "0%" slow build is just dead now in a way?


If you're using Speed, the content is probably a free win and enemies unable to cause any real damage.

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Wukong change will do nothing to stop Slam abuse - you oneshot everything and easily cancel slam animation, so you might lose half-second per slam - nonissue = everyone will still slamkong all day.

Hildryn change will still leave Aegis a bad ability that gimps you so it will remain unused/replaced. Belfire - we'll see about the stats.


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