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The downward spiral

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Many people can not see the forest for the trees, but I have been in Warframe for 10+ years. There will be no real end-game content, and this game will be in beta for another 200 years. I see the trend of making everything generic. WOW did the same thing; they called it bring your friend, not the character. Well, we see where they are now. Warframe is headed in the same direction. Let's make everything generic and stale, then cut staff pocket more money. That equation doesn't work for long. Every pet is the same. Just swap a mod. After you work to get something in the game, the Devs will replace it with something else next week or give the equivalent ability to something else. Warframes have the same abilities now, just rehashed. WOW rehashed stuff, too, and called it new; again, we see where they are. I honestly don't see a reason to continue. I can already predict the updates. Another 150 warframes will not change the fact that it is just development now; nothing is creative about it. Tencent will destroy this game as they do with everything they touch. Now you really get the movie "Sleeping with the Enemy" plot. It is not one thing. It is a series of little steps. Eventually, you will have a one-button bullet jump to accommodate mobile and console players. Everything will be easy and generic. That is why there is no need to work anymore. Give DE/Tencent enough time, and they will "design" the work out of everything. How about making something where I can use my 200 Billion resources or my millions of mods? There is nothing creative about this development. It is all about how much coin you can beat out of the players. BTW, WOW did that too, and they lost 60% of the active subscribers. So, instead of focusing on the man on the wall, you should be reading the writing. Now, I am sure the haters will comment, but it may take another five years or so. Just like EA games didn't see CitySkylines coming, you won't see the downward spiral coming until it is too late. I also predicted the fall of WOW from grace, and people thought I was crazy then too. 

I would rather wait 5 years and have decent finished content released than churn out useless updates just for the sake of an update, but then again, this game was never about being finished. It is just a $$$ maker for another game, which is the signature card of DE. 

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Eh, I have my fair share of criticism for DE, but I'm enjoying Warframe still after all this time.

In fact I feel things have gotten better and bolder under the new leadership. *Some* bugs are getting fixed, we keep getting nice reworks of old and dated stuff, and there's new mechanics like the Incarnon weapons.

Now if we can have more and better missions (with more variety, more difficulty, and longer missions too) I think I might even be quite satisfied overall.

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Aaaah, sheeeet, here we go again....

Another Doomsday prophecy


Also Tencent is part of DE for few years and i dont see they ruin anything, more like DE is doing a bit better job

Edited by Myscho
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24 minutes ago, Quest said:

Is this because of the smeeta thing?

Pretty sure its another guy that wants the entire game development to cease just because the new conclave console interferes with his orbiter decorations.

Anyway, topic lock incoming, WF mods hate "doom and gloom" and they will lock this topic right after one of the mods emotionally tells you they hate this kind of topics.

Edited by MaxTunnerX
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Ahh yes, the good old "Warframe is dying and becoming too casual!!!!!" that has been whinged about for the entire life of the game.
Seriously, these complaints have been made by various players of this game since practically the very start.  Practically all large changes (especially nerfs) bring players like you out of the wood work to suddenly proclaim "This game is actually dying and I have ''''''proof'''''''!" and yet this game continues on.

I mean seriously, you're nearly as bad as real world end of the world people.

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For the sake of posterity (even if the post is definitely one-sided), let's address a few things brought up.

1 hour ago, LegendaryMalice said:

There will be no real end-game content, and this game will be in beta for another 200 years.

There is "end-game" content, it's just delegated right now to EDA / weeklies, which becomes a bit repetitive. I'm sure more will be added in the future too, but it seems no different to me from any other live service game. I believe WoW has like, high level raids that people do too, which just repeat the same thing as well (I don't play it so I'm just going on what I've heard / been told, so feel free to correct if I'm wrong).

1 hour ago, LegendaryMalice said:

Every pet is the same. Just swap a mod.

They're literally in the process of reworking pets to make them feel more unique at the moment, hence companion 2.0 dev workshop. As is currently, all kubrows, predasites, kavats, and vulpaphyla have the exact same weapon stats and they're changing them to be unique; they're reworking or modifying existing precepts or type-specific pet mods to be more useful or fit a niche for that companion. That is quite literally the exact opposite of "every pet is the same", it is making pets different from one another so you build them differently (i.e. one may play a more supportive role, use different bond mods, focus on distraction, etc).

1 hour ago, LegendaryMalice said:

Warframes have the same abilities now, just rehashed.

While many of them do similar things (armor strip, provide DR, heal, damage buff, apply cc or status, etc), there's only so much you can do across that many abilities while still maintaining their usefulness. I think overall there's pretty unique kits across all the frames - no two abilities work quite the same (even something like null stars vs desolate hands, both provide DR but one disarms enemies and erodes restraint while the other also provides DR but does damage / is less of a support than the other). You're of course going to have groups of frames (damage, support, area defense, etc) sure, but all of them have their own mechanics and synergies within' their respective kits. I don't think I've ever felt like any two frames play exactly the same.

1 hour ago, LegendaryMalice said:

Tencent will destroy this game as they do with everything they touch.

They have like, no involvement here other than probably going "as long as it makes us money, it's self-sufficient". There's legit no reason for them to have any interference here otherwise.

I'd address some other points but, I don't play anything by EA or WoW so I honestly don't have comments on any of those things. I think comparisons can be relevant and important, but only given certain context; I don't know enough about either of those to say if they're valid or not, only that I don't think this game is going in the direction you're indicating. It feels like it's in a better place than it was a few years ago, to me at least, and it's a lot easier to get newer players / friends into it now too with all the QoL changes.

Edited by Nekomian
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Some people just seem to enjoy preaching doom and gloom, I pity them, really, from my point of view they must live unhappy and joyless lives to view the world through such a negative and judgmental lens.

The ones that refer back to saying something was trendy is no longer trendy and they 'predicted it and no one listened or heeded their warnings' really think they are Nostradamus or something as well, which is kind of a whole different level of narcissism.

Finally, referring to 'taking the work' out of a video game made for entertainment is truly hilarious. It's a game, not a job.

Do people who make these grandiose predictions as if they are leaving the rest if us with some great missive actually believe they are omnipotent? 

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By the way, I made this kind of topic last year as I saw very clear patterns of the game development that I saw in other games that died shortly after. However DE have clearly shown, the game is not only not dying, but actually making more money than ever, enough to fund their side projects and improve QoL, so I was proven wrong.

Edited by MaxTunnerX
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4 minutes ago, MaxTunnerX said:

By the way, I made this kind of topic last year as I saw very clear patterns of the game development that I saw in other games that died shortly after. However DE have clearly shown, the game is not only not dying, but actually making more money than ever, enough to fund their side projects and improve QoL, so I was proven wrong.

If you read the OP, the screed is about the game becoming too casual and making too much money, as the reason it will die!

So, much like a person who thinks a band 'sells out' when they become popular and make money, the OP obviously thinks that WF making more money is actually a problem for it...

Hard to argue with that lack of logic, which just makes it funnier.

I have been present on gamer online forums pretty much since there have been gamer online forums and there are ALWAYS posters claiming doom and gloom, from Day 0 until a game no longer functions, and then saying they were 'right' all along...it's like predicting a person will die, we all do, and then thinking they have had some revelation they need to spread to the rest of us to save the world.

It's hilarious and frankly, one of my favorite forms of entertainment!

My main thing I just hate is that I can generally never get the actual age of the poster, to understand if it's an old person thinking teh world has passed them by, or a young person full of misinformation and misplaced energy.

I am fascinated by the brain chemistry of those that take on these topics and won't let them go.

We don't see many that come back and say 'I was mistaken', so good on you!

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1 minute ago, Zimzala said:

If you read the OP, the screed is about the game becoming too casual and making too much money, as the reason it will die!

LMAO, I should definitely read more of this masterpiece.

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42 minutes ago, MaxTunnerX said:

LMAO, I should definitely read more of this masterpiece.

We even get a dash of xenophobia and conspiracy theory in the mix!

2 hours ago, LegendaryMalice said:

... Tencent will destroy this game as they do with everything they touch. ... but it may take another five years or so ...

It might surprise the OP that something like 65% of businesses don't make it to the 10 year mark, so DE is already considered a success.

Going to 15 years would just cement that success.

For WF to remain profitable and playable for another five years would be awesome.

However, people in the mindset of tearing down successful people and companies to make themselves feel relevant are not usually very tuned into how the world actually works and think the most mundane realities are in fact some grand epiphanies.

This just in ... nothing lasts forever!

BTW, OP, I am not a hater. I harbor no hate toward you at all. I just think your POV and missive on trying to save us is as entertaining as it is silly.

PS: OP - You yourself have advocated that DE/WF take on a thing WOW had done and also advocated for things to be made easier four years ago. How do you reconcile that with your current screed? Four years ago you were trying to get DE to do what you now say is not a good move, following WOW, etc.

Edited by Zimzala
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2 hours ago, LegendaryMalice said:

Many people can not see the forest for the trees, but I have been in Warframe for 10+ years. There will be no real end-game content, and this game will be in beta for another 200 years. I see the trend of making everything generic. 

I would rather wait 5 years and have decent finished content released than churn out useless updates just for the sake of an update, but then again, this game was never about being finished. It is just a $$$ maker for another game, which is the signature card of DE. 

Take it your someone who doesn't make your own builds?

For the people who metaslave and spam only the most 'efficient' content, these types of updates don't bring them much outside of waiting for their favorite youtuber/streamer to give them the new meta build.

This game is more of a sandbox with a completion side quest, which has only gotten better with each update. The status and armor rework is still providing new things to test to this day, and I really only play 1 Warframe...


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