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Update 11.3.0


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well my thing is, this update is especially harsh on new players, because how are they going to get Nyx Pieces if they want to build nyx? htey have to wait for this garbage to resolve? and if the infested don't win, then they won't get a chance at Phorid at all?? so then how are they supposed to get Nyx then? besides buying.


Also i do think they should give Volt a boss to drop from again instead of being in the system like Banshee.

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mag prime 4th does lift the enemy and sets them back down with no hard done to them and they continue shooting at me before the animation from the power finishes, preventing me to get out of danger, in void missions. Is this intended? i have fully ranked and put reactor and maxed the mod, focus flow streamline maxed.


I am very unhappy with no infesteds and my fav places, they are my fav faction. This is getting less fun for me every update. flux has become pretty much useless, and now the only infested i can play are on high difficulty planets only. This might have been a good way to bring in a new faction but this is very disappointing

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I personally cannot see the sense in this new change to the infested...yes, they are supposed to be a disease, but couldn't you have just left the infested planets alone and then introduced this new mechanic into the standard star charts by taking out the infested missions in those situations like Saturn where there were a bunch of infested missions and a load of Grineer missions. I agree with my clan mate hrroach on this one, the infested were fun to fight against. I personally loved doing infested survivals and defences, as I am sure that a lot of other people did.


Also, to be frank, the new damage system is $&*&*#(%& (the literal meaning of the word that is). An organic being such as the Infested, with no armour, would definitely be weak to slash and fire damage. I can understand the viral nerf, that was a bit too good on high level missions for the scaling, but seriously, you introduced the system only a couple of days ago, and then changed it completely when it made sense the first time...


My thoughts on the matter.

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I personally cannot see the sense in this new change to the infested...yes, they are supposed to be a disease, but couldn't you have just left the infested planets alone and then introduced this new mechanic into the standard star charts by taking out the infested missions in those situations like Saturn where there were a bunch of infested missions and a load of Grineer missions. I agree with my clan mate hrroach on this one, the infested were fun to fight against. I personally loved doing infested survivals and defences, as I am sure that a lot of other people did.


Also, to be frank, the new damage system is $&*&*#(%& (the literal meaning of the word that is). An organic being such as the Infested, with no armour, would definitely be weak to slash and fire damage. I can understand the viral nerf, that was a bit too good on high level missions for the scaling, but seriously, you introduced the system only a couple of days ago, and then changed it completely when it made sense the first time...


My thoughts on the matter.

PLUS 1 - feeling it!

Edited by Bladereap3r
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DE, where are you heading? Do you have a plan for this game? What are your ambitions for Warframe? Where do you see Warframe in a year from now? 


Personally I was amazed when I started to play this game about 2 months ago, now not so much.
Turned on the game today, and I saw that there was a new event, Infested is invading. I don't get it if I follow the almost non-existing storyline, but I do get that you want to try something new. Anyways, I did 7 missions before I thought to myself that I am done with this grinding. The journey should be exciting, not farming.


I'll retreat for now (too much is changing too fast, and much of it for the worse), be back after release to check it out again (when things hopefully are stable in terms of changing the direction of the game).


Keep on working hard DE, I'm sure you'll figure it out in the end. I for one can't wait to see the finished product. Good luck!

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Weird, but interesting

Invasion. One change needed. You can make 1 mission in Defense or Survival mods if you are leaving after Wave 5/5 Minutes. Maybe 10 waves/minutes would be counted like 2 missions completed (and further. 3 for 15, 4 for 20...)
Just annoying to start from beginning all over again

Edited by Skynin
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Finally Radiation has a purpose! - mwhahaha die infested die.

Guess all the poeple who skipped the codex gotta get scanning too to stay up to date,

youtube & the wiki wont be as fast as the codex to keep your builds updated now.


Glad to see Infested are an dynamic event instead of a farm / friend fest on one planet.

I'm having Halo Combat Evolved & Mass Effect 2 Flash backs now


I was having trouble recruiting my friends from other shooters till U11 & 11.3


Bout to break 1 million Nano spores(from leveling weapons on Eris) lol.

now back on to the rest of the materials in the game

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Have the people gushing over this update actually played it ?


Its freaking awfull: damage types seem random, more frames are useless tier than ever before and now even trying to farm for many mods takes an extra layer of rng (to trigger an invasion) before you can even start.


You guys really need to hire at least 1 QA guy, honestly.

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