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Does Warframe Have A Relation To Egyptian Mythology?


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I know many have thought about the correlation between the Corpus and The Eye Of Horus etcwlw.png


If in fact the current day Corpus are followers of Horus, it would make sense.  They are known as a type of undead space creatures.  Their father could very well be Osiris, and the Grineer would be Set.  The Grineer took over this Galaxy out of jealousy of their brother, the ruler of all Tenno. Ripping them to shreds and scattering their bodies all over the universe.  Although they thought the Tenno to be dead, Isis -the Goddess of Re-Birth, with use of cryopods brought them back from the dead to rise again.  Using the mummified body of Osiris to birth her son Horus -The Corpus.

Horus, abused by Set, The Grineer; have fought an endless war over the Galaxy.  Although the one thing that Set, The Grineer, have as an advantage is Nephthys.  Nephthys is the gateway, the nurturing mother, The Lotus. 


It makes so much sense why the Tenno are lead to the Grineer, but I have faith because I know how the story ends.  Horus shows his resolve rejecting Set's virulence but symbolically loses his eye.  Geb grants Horus with all the desert, or the universe in this case.  Although Horus lost his eye, a new eye was created from part of Khonsu the moon.

Lastly, for a lingering thought.  I took this quote from the wiki:

"Horus was occasionally shown in art as a naked boy with a finger in his mouth sitting on a lotus with his mother."




For those that support the Corpus, you know your path of sacrifice is just.  Don't lose faith, times are changing.

Typical sacrifices to Horus are as such:

Horus is usually linked to Alcoholic tributes: Vodka, whiskey, gin and rum in addition to beer and wine.

Anything that was green, growing and fertile. Produce: particularly grapes, dates, figs, onions, lettuce and the like.

Additionally many different kinds of grain, loaves of bread and special sacrificial cakes as well. The commonest of these cakes – called a shat-cake – was shaped like an isosceles triangle and had to be laid on its side and stacked head to tail.

There were lots of other non-food related items presented to Horus in antiquity. These included images of hawks, representations of the Horus Eye, ankhs, winged solar discs, jewelry, gold, silver, votive figurines, etc. Since the sun and moon are his right and left eyes respectively you can offer him representations of these. Also, Horus wore the White Crown of Upper Egypt, so anything in this color makes for an appropriate offering, as does solar colors like gold, yellow, bronze, etc. One color to avoid would be red since this belonged to Seth and had certain dangerous and unpleasant connotations for the ancients. Blue as the color of the heavens or green because of its ritual connotations would also be acceptable. Some totally modern offerings that many Kemetics give to Horus today include: tobacco, metal, fire and spicy foods.


Horus enjoys very physical activities carried out in his honor – dancing, running, martial arts training, mountain climbing and so forth. Anything that gets the blood bumping and sweat flowing. Best of all, though, he appreciates when we fight for what we believe in, live justly and help those who are less fortunate than us.

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nope. illuminati


The Illuminati have been known to use "The All Seeing Eye" as a symbol, as their name translates from Enlightened or Enlightenment. The All Seeing Eye is inspired if not a transcended from The Eye Of Horus.  They are pretty much the same thing. So, I see why you draw the conclusion. 


Edit:  Let me correct myself. I was gravely wrong.

  The All Seeing Eye actually has nothing to do with the Illuminati. The Owl Of Minerva perched on a book was the most common emblem used by the Bavarian Illuminati.

What we see as the All Seeing Eye, or the Eye of Providence, is actually a Christian rendition of The Eye Of Horus surrounded by the Holy Trinity.  Freemasons later used an eye surrounded by a semi-circle for the same meaning, that "he" or a divine being is watching over us.

Although leading to the same point, The Eye Of Horus and The All Seeing Eye are conceptually the same thing just transcended through religion.


One thing I did find interesting, a lot of people correlate the All Seeing Eye or the Eye of Providence to AntiChrist.  Although it's very much the opposite.  When the symbol was added to the American currency it was put upon an unfinished pyramid with 13 steps leading up to the eye; as to symbolize the original colonies accepted under "god" and the Holy Trinity. Unfinished to symbolize that the country was only starting and there is much room to build before being finished.


Albeit, there might be some secret society that uses the All Seeing Eye as a symbol.  The "fabled" Illuminati(New World Order), has been known in various conspiracy theories to connect itself to a "triangle" such as the holy trinity in markings or hand gestures. Although the "Illuminati" were very much against religious influence over people. I don't think that the "fabled" link between the NWO and the Illuminati should suggest that the All Seeing Eye is any bit AntiChristian or AntiFaith.


  I think that they only coin the name "illuminati" because of what the original group stood for: To oppose superstition, prejudice, religious influence over public life, abuses of state power, and to support women's education and gender equality.


Sorry again for my poorly informed response, I hope this makes up for that.

Edited by Capitulate
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can you pass the smoke OP? You're overusing it.

I understand why you think this.  Sometimes outside the box thinking and outlandish connections are connected to some form of psychedelic.  The most common psychedelic drugs were usually smoked for some kind of insight or vision.

I have often been asked questions like this.  Unfortunately I don't have that kind of smoke to give to you.  Sorry to say, these things come very naturally to me.  I guess you can think that, as a person, I live my life constantly on a vision quest.

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I mean that's a cool theory but it doesn't fit any of the lore we have. The corpus are definitely alive. You didn't mention the infested. The Tenno were the ones who killed the species in charge of them (the orokin?). And the Tenno are supposed to be keepers of balance overall. You didn't really talk about the orokin or the sentients. So imma have to say that it doesn't really apply to warframe.

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it's the philosopher's stone


Compare to eye of horus


Which one does it seem closer to?
Remove the square and move the circle up and we have the Corpus.


It fits them, considering their attempts to control orokin and tenno, to create wealth.

both mystical and scientific in the focus, and thus quite alchemical in nature.

Edited by Serialkillerwhale
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I mean that's a cool theory but it doesn't fit any of the lore we have. The corpus are definitely alive. You didn't mention the infested. The Tenno were the ones who killed the species in charge of them (the orokin?). And the Tenno are supposed to be keepers of balance overall. You didn't really talk about the orokin or the sentients. So imma have to say that it doesn't really apply to warframe.


True... I wanted to relate Set to the Infested, but it didn't explain the Grineer.  Orokin could be Osiris, as Osiris was the King.  Although there are plenty of tales about outsiders entering the lands that were unwanted.  As for the Corpus, do we know that they are really "alive?" I know they are sentient but how they live, I have no idea.  Although the bit about the Tenno killing the Orokin.  Maybe I have the story slightly wrong in that the Tenno are in fact the creatures of the earth and Set who killed Osiris used the Tenno as a weapon, persuaded by Nephthys(Lotus), his wife.

Infested could also be apparitions of the afterlife, what must be killed in a Pharaoh's journey to see that Ra is reborn and the sun rises again.  In that aspect, what makes us special compared to the other Tenno is that we are Pharaohs.


Good points, I will try to rethink how to relate it better.  Always keeping me on my toes immolator, thanks =D

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it's the philosopher's stone


Compare to eye of horus


Which one does it seem closer to?

Remove the square and move the circle up and we have the Corpus.


It fits them, considering their attempts to control orokin and tenno, to create wealth.

both mystical and scientific in the focus, and thus quite alchemical in nature.


I think you're right.  I had completely forgotten until you had said something.

Great reasons, also the Corpus and their pursuit toward immortality.




  It was knowledge that was given to them by, they claimed, the gods [the Anunnaki].  It is always depicted in the literature as a triangular shaped stone, but it’s about twice as tall as it is wide, kind of an elongated pyramidal shape. I think Zecharia Sitchin refers to it as the “athinder? stone”.  But all of their sacred text always began with it.   

Curious enough, in the ancient Egyptian text it was always referred to as the “What is it?”, and if you read in the [The Egyptian Book of the Dead; the] Papyrus of Ani, that was found in the tomb of Pepe the 2nd in Old Kingdom Egypt, it says, “I am purified of all imperfections, what is it, I ascend like the golden hawk of Horus, what is it, I come by the immortals without dying, what is it, I come before my father's throne, what is it, and he goes on and on, page after page, talking about all these attributes that you acquire as you ascend, but they always stop and ask the question, “What is it?” 

Now we come back to the Hebrews who exited Egypt.  All of the Egyptians that had this knowledge were slaughtered, and no one was there to bring them back to life.  But the Hebrews had this knowledge, and Bezaleel, the goldsmith, was commanded by Moses to prepare the “What is it?”, the manna, or the “bread of the presence of God”, which was another name they knew it as in Old Kingdom Egypt.  In Old Kingdom Egypt they had three other names for it, it was called “The Golden Tear from the Eye of Horus”, it was called “that which issues from the mouth of the Creator”, the spittle, or it was called “the semen of the Father in Heaven”.


Source: http://www.halexandria.org/dward483.htm

Edited by Capitulate
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