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Coming Soon: Devstream #22


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Question: You mentioned previously that adding more lore had become an important priority. Have you considered the importance of story replayablity and how the current tracking of account based player starmap completion could negativley effect said replayability? I use the taunts/warnings a boss gives you on a star map when you complete nodes as an example. Once you have completed a boss node there is no way to ever cause those taunts/warnings to reappear again, effectively cutting you off from minor interactive story points forever (unless you make a new account).

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The strongest weapons in the game, such as Soma, let players get to ridiculously high levels on defense or survival. But considering even a Rhino with his Iron Skin on gets one-shot at this point, did you really want to players to get this far?


I'd like to point out that those firearms is what makes players cry for end-game and warframe buffs.

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Will there be Warframe reworks or quality of life changes to some of them?

There is absolutely no reason at all to pick a Banshee over a Nova for a mission nor is there any reason to take Saryn over a Rhino to a mission. There are some Warframes that are just not good enough compared to other Warframes and unlike weapons, I think your original intention is to make all Warframes quite equal in power for different play styles, sadly this is not the case though.

Never do I see anyone asking other than Nova, Rhino, Frost and Vauban for defense missions for example. I know that not everyone is meant to be a defense oriented Warframe but the thing is, all of these excel pretty well in normal missions as well wheres non-defense oriented Warframes only work for no durability or CC required missions so they are much more limited in terms of versatility.

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Q1: Will melee 2.0 buff all melee weapon's raw damage?


Q2: Any chance of the statless helmets getting stats along with an option to disable or customize helmet stats?


Q3: Any chance of Aviator being buffed? It requires you to be out of cover already, and that's practically a death sentence.


Q4: Any chance of old helmets getting buffed? Thrak helmet gives less than an unranked vitality and Avalon gives less than an unranked redirection while Coil gives multiple ranks of power range and Vanguard gives almost as much as a full Rush.


Q5: Please don't remove stats from helmets. Not a question but still.


Q6: Any chance of the weapon status mods being buffed? They are quite bad. Having them max out at 90% compared to the Cicero mod's 60% would feel better.

Edited by Kaidinah
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Are there plans to further differentiate Prime Warframes from their non-Prime counterparts? Aside from just polarity and energy in the void.


Any plans to rework drop tables on defense? As it stands, it's a little slap in the face to go to wave 30 plus (or 100 as someone else posted) and get an uncommon 5. Maybe make drops cumulative?

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1) What is the process you usually go through when creating a new Warframe. Specifically, the abilities and power. Do you have certain workers who just play the game and give feedback or the devs guess if it would be a success or not?


2) I think Statistics speak for themselves regarding some items in the Marketplace (Skana- 150 plat -.-). Is there any plans to balance that part some more?


3) Has this been asked before? I dunno but... What are the developers favorite Warframe's?

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With upcoming melee 2.0 will be eventually see a system where we can equip different things to different hands, similar to guild wars 2, say a shield in one or dual, or even mismatched weapons?


Unrelated question - Time based boosters, so a 12 hour booster actually gets you 12 hours boosted game time, not 5 hours play and 7 hours where your computer might not even be turned on?


And finally, regardless of these 2 things, i imagine this year may be quite a good year for warframe with all the upcoming changes and features you guys have planned, really looking forward to it :D

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Dear DE,


am playing this game since three months now and have come across three questions i would like to ask:


1) Support of Nvidia 3D Vision ? [currently NOT working]

      i am a fan of 3D and bought myself recently the active 3D kit playing a few Nvidia 3D ready games with it in the same genre as Warframe [batman Arkham City, new Tomb Rider] and have come addicted to it. when i tryed to run Warframe i had to turn it off allmost immedietly 

      the HUD text & pictures are not balanced for the 3D making the reading of text quite hurting & the menus are the same layer. on the other hand the game itself looks grate in 3D! ... would be possible to get you guys a 3D kit and try to tune up the HUD and Lobby to be 3D compatible?


2) More Lore & Story not meaning more Grind or extra rewards. Would it be possible to make a story of each Boss & system to make acctual SENSE of all these Spy, Deception, Sabotaze, Rescue missions?

        In my eyes it would be really easy to make a story out of every system and its missions as they are now. What does lotus get from the rescue/capture people? what info is on spy? where they lead the ships and why? etc. By answering this questions you could get a good Lore & Store for every system/boss ... where you first get the informations on who the boss is & why you need him to get away ... the next missions to gether some components for a machine or tool to be able to reach him, then some defence / survival as they found your building/excavation site and you need to defend it ... and in the end the final component crafted and used to reach the boss and maybe some Vault of his which is only reachable when dooing all the story ... it would acctualy be something like a Quest with a quest reward.

       you would still be able to do single missions and the boss mission also, just without the Valut open. It does not matter what would be inside. [mabe some market blueprints of weps so you dont need to buy them i dont care] the point is you would have a REASON on WHY you are dooing all the missions in a whole.


3) place to state your ideas is missing on the forums, why?

    i have seen a lot of comments on this allready. If the community have ideas how to make this game better, wouldnt it be nice to have a place where they can place it? i havent found a place where to put ideas which would not be lost in thousend of replys of rubbish. why dont make something like you can post just the ideas and other can only vote up for it or someting? with possible feedbeck only from defs if the like it or not?


4) [last] Mod system upgrade with upgrade slots, why not?

      this acctualy is not my own idea but as i am more active on the wiki.warframe then here i have followed it there, someone sayint that the actual mod system is dead now. that you need to get only the best mods and the other supportive/alternative mods have no meaning as you have no place for them. In some degree i have to agree.

      After reaching Master Level 10 i started to question myself why and what is the logic on master levels? where is the benefit? i could find none [now with the excavators ok, but else?] and then i used these two ideas and make one together.

       Upgrade slots for weps and frames. I know it lookes riddicilous and is LARGE in the idea but lissen. What would happen if you would remove such mods as Hush and enemy sence and other supportive and replece them by craftable upgrade modules each in different shape [like tetris] and in each slot of weps and frames make a grid of dont know 6x12 space, which wild be continuesly unlocked by leveling the Master level. Which means that the person with higher master level would get a advancement in UTILITY only when training a new wep/frame in coparioson to a newbee but not any real dps/efectivity

       this would give the veteran players some reward for training hard and would make sence to these mods/components again to activly use thiem in the game!


anyway i like this game a lot and am reallly looking foreward how it will evolve in the end!

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I'm just going to paste my question from the last one if that's ok:


   Has there been any more thought or planning towards any kind of changes in the mod system specifically with Warframes and their four main abilities?


Thanks :)

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[Question]  Will there Be a Color Blind Option added?  


My Girl plays with me, and depending on the energy color choose I Use, things like shadows of the Dead look like the standard units to her.


White seems to be the best choice so she can see the different for energy choose..  But limits me on being unique with my warframe powers.   Idea is to have a Color Blind Option that when toggled all Energy color is set to white or something that a player can set themselves.    She hates wasting ammo on shadows cause they look like standard units to her :/

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Can the Torid get it's cloud damaging the user again since the Stug can do this now?

And can you take away the hop-over maneuver from the jump button? Cause being launched randomly simply because you are close to something that can be use for this is annoying.

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Theoretical DPS numbers continue to override any attempt at balance discussions. Can we get some mods that generate higher damage bonuses but are based on game play conditions, to bring action back into the balance conversation?


+X% Damage per consecutive hit on the same target without missing.

+X% Damage on a headshot / weakpoint.

+X% Damage per target hit by the attack.

+X% Damage on targets that are unaware.

+X% Damage from behind / beside

+X% Proc Damage / Duration

+X% Damage on CC'd targets.


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