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Optional Mission Survey Feedback: Results @ A Glance


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Imagine if Rescue was like the Zanuka Capture post-mission. Except you have to free a fellow Tenno, and accompany them as they recover their gear. Each stage the Rescue target thus gets more powerful, and at the end it is like you have a boss-type character at your side, who decimates enemies by the dozen. Make the actual frame type vary each mission, and you have some interesting replayability.

Tho actually writing that AI might be a bit of a hassle... :|


Sabotage needs more objectives, and more dynamic events after you destroy the things you had to destroy. I guess I'll make a post for that on the feedback section.

Exactly what I was getting at here


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Weird how survival isn't the same on both the least liked, and most liked. In least liked Assassination has the lowest votes, but in most liked survival has the most votes... how in the heck does that work? Also I definitely voted rescue as most disliked, and survival as most liked LOL... Sorry people but that's just how it is...

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Well I'm glad Interception at least got pointed out. It needs to be more like an actual defense, not with Grineer suddenly gaining control in mere seconds. Some other mission types also ranked fairly high on least favorite and avoided that were still high on liked, meaning it's still pretty terrible in general.

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So a mission that is rewarding, as well as challenging and offer exploration to some extend is something people want?

Shame no such mission exist. Cause its all just the same grind over and over. Against the same enemies, in the same rooms, with bad rewards. 

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So a mission that is rewarding, as well as challenging and offer exploration to some extend is something people want?

Shame no such mission exist. Cause its all just the same grind over and over. Against the same enemies, in the same rooms, with bad rewards. 


Well said... This survey can give DE an idea of what players would like.


My only concern is that i think this research sample is too small. (In my opinion)

2500 players might not be enough to represent the whole player base in statistics.


Maybe future surveys like this should be pinned in General Discussion.

Edited by RexSol
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I'm surprised at the number of people that avoid or dislike mobile defense. 

Although it's probably because of over playing it as a method of grinding levels has lead to the burn out of enjoyment. 


i love mobile defense missions, but avoid them because of hallway heroes, has become unplayable by this point.


if DE can fix that a  lot of people will play MD again, but why bother when some player goes to the middle of the stage and steal all the fun and XP?

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It is rather up to some degree of interpretation. 

Fast could either mean speed and pacing, or mission run time. 

If it means mission run time(Well, at least that's how I interpreted it), a lot of people may still want to go fast, but not necessarily have fast mission run times.

Some clarity might be needed.

This is pretty important imo. A lot of the choices aren't exactly clear enough, and people are making choices not knowing what it would mean to the devs.

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My 2 cents :


Most Enjoyed : Though it can require a bit of time commitment, Survival is definitely the most fun and rewarding - frankly, a prime part and tons of credit bundles is still greater than just a prime part. (I do think the rewards need to be rebalanced a bit to that degree, though - e.g. making defense rewards consecutive and reducing credit bundle frequency in void)


The following top 4 (Assassination, Defense, MD, and Exterminate) are all reasonable choices, IMHO. I feel stealth running and being able to quickly test weapons has a big impact on making Exterminate more enjoyable - it's essentially a nice light option if you're strapped for time. To me, any other mission that didn't make the top 5 just doesn't have 'enough' to make it very interesting - most of them seem to encourage you to rush the level (Spy/Deception/Capture/Sabotage) instead of providing any actual challenge. Rescue is... another story, and Interception is somewhat overshadowed by Defense at the moment - I feel it needs some tweaking to be more distinct and a few things still need to be smoothed out (Grineer insta-hacking works, but it doesn't feel... right to me.)


Least Enjoyed : Not surprised to see rescue as number 1 here.It's probably worth noting that the next 2 (Spy, Invasion) require you to do something in an extremely repetitive manner (hacking terminals and capturing points, respectively). It also seems that most people find carrying a datamass annoying to some degree; I haven't really found it to be a big a nuisance (especially when people to cooperate to stack datamasses), but I'd be interested in seeing why people disliked MD/Deception/Spy (repeated hacking aside.)


Avoided : Not much to say here, aside from the fact it probably reinforces the fact Interception needs serious tweaking.


Importance : I think it speaks for itself. Good to see though that Rewarding and Challenging missions are the top 2 priorities, though - that's where it should be.


Personal Thoughts : I'm curious to hear what people think of Interception - it certainly doesn't get as much dislike as Rescue, but there's clearly a bit of dislike there and I'm interested in knowing why.


I think the "multi-stage" Invasion suggestion in this thread with rotating missions per invasion stage  instead of just having a preset mission per node would be a good steep towards making things interesting again. Putting back the old invasion rewards (i.e. the higher ones) would also give more incentive to run them - perhaps at lower stages, you get a very small reward but when you complete the mission, you get the full battle pay?


When it comes to 'challenge', the only real mission that provides a challenge in my opinion is Survival, because it's a matter of trying to see how long you'd last and the game actively encourages you to rise to that challenge with scaling rewards (though again, these could be improved to some degree). Defense and Interception come close in this regard but they lack the encouragement of the scaling reward factor. Assassinate could be this if we got more boss reworks that required actual skill (Lech Kril and Sargas Ruk were a step in the right direction for this, IMHO. Hopefully Hek will be even more complex than they were.) That being said, I think more diverse/high quality rewards and being rewarded for skill in general needs to be a thing for more missions.

Edited by ZephyrPhantom
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i think it is incredibly important to understand the underlying reasons behind the choices besides just the data at face value

the primary REASON that survival is the 'most enjoyed' mission IS NOT necessarily because ppl luv playing survival, but it is because of the REWARDS for playing survival, as seen by the correlation in "whats most important in missions"

additionally rescue missions have a higher than normal failure rate due to the majority of players completely abandoned the rescue target and just running for the exit (ie this should be changed), thus they are more likely to be avoided, also they have no extra rewards considering the chance for failure (either go slow and wait for rescue tgt, or rush and possibly fail, either way not worth time as most players think)

im quite certain that if assassination missions were more rewarding and/or more challenging then they would easily top the 'most enjoyed' chart, but atm even though they are some of the most interesting and well designed content ingame, they become "not worth it" after only a handful of play-throughs, while the xp/mods/resources from surv/def missions are consistently useful

additionally survival rewards 'stack', as the longer you survive the more rewards u get at every 5 mins interval, but defense mission rewards DO NOT stack, thus defense missions are now the bastard step children to survival missions =[ (i was sad to see interception getting the boot here as well, as i think interception is quite well designed, much more so than survival, but it suffers from the same problem that endless wave defense does, no stacking rewards, if interception and defense had stacking rewards im sure they would compete for "most liked" along with survival)

lastly as seen by the votes, exploration is something that a lot of players have consistently expressed interest in, and while there are a bunch of 'secret rooms' scattered throughout some of the tilesets, they have little more than a few lockers/crates in them, making them 'not worth it' since u can find lockers/crates all over the place, but clearly players would like more positive incentives to exploration (there is already enough incentive to rush, ie time-saved and end of mission rewards)

IMHO all of this is important to keep in mind while looking at the results of the polls

lastly, like i mentioned in the original poll thread, the questions asked were quite vague and left a lot of room for interpretation (bad for raw data polling) and the comments section being limited to 200 characters was INCREDIBLY small, 500 character at least would have been more reasonable

Edited by CY13ERPUNK
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The results were to be expect... :D


I wonder how many people voted on Interception as least enjoyable or avoided missions because of the out of control spawnrates during the Tethra's Doom event... xD

Edited by MeduSalem
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Rather disappointing results. I hope DE takes this survey not as a call to redesign underplayed mission types into something that resembles the most popular ones. I'd hate to see this game becoming even more focused around rushing and mass fragging than it already is.


True story. Replacing Raid with Survival is the prime example I still can't get over with.

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Rather disappointing results. I hope DE takes this survey not as a call to redesign underplayed mission types into something that resembles the most popular ones. I'd hate to see this game becoming even more focused around rushing and mass fragging than it already is.



True story. Replacing Raid with Survival is the prime example I still can't get over with.

^^^^^^^^^^^^ this

so much this

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So you are going to improve those?

Instead of replacing them with new more dynamic mission types?





Lately we have seen survival and interception, those are so much more fun then the usual linear missions, I thought that would be the future of warframe.

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No one likes Rescue, but not because of the mission itself.

But because you can fail really easily, the Rescue target have such a poor AI, basically is so dumb, that many times he/she get killed resulting in failing the mission.

I hope DE acknowledge that, an fix the cause of the problem, instead of removing this mission type from the game.

Edited by RexSol
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I don't want Rescue removed.  And I'm a little disappointed that the "favourites" seemed to have won based on the fact that they give the best prizes rather than being the most fun.

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I don't want Rescue removed.  And I'm a little disappointed that the "favourites" seemed to have won based on the fact that they give the best prizes rather than being the most fun.

Fun is entirely subjective. And while the best prizes do trend higher, Survival and Defense, clearly prizes are not everything as Mobile Defense and Exterminate both generally do better than invasions while offering less reward. 

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