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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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The Teaser site was planned for the Update to go live today, so we understand the frustration when players saw a Timer instead of an Update. We goofed and we know it. But please stick around with us, and at the very least accept our apology alerts. We're still working on Update 13 so that when it goes live we can say we're happy and proud of what you'll be playing.



okay :D

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I will give OP the benefit of doubt this time, as the only statement we have is buried in the biggest thread on the forums right now, to clarify OP, Yes, they were planning to do U13 today, but it flopped, and yes, the potatoes and forma are part of what i hope to be a continous apology program.

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I'm loving all of these kids posting 5 paragraph essays outlining their entire Warframe history like it's an autobiography that leads up to today, the day where DE stabbed them in the back by delaying U13, betraying their trust and destroying a beautiful dev/community relationship, leaving them lost and alone in a cruel, unforgiving world where delayed game expansions aren't uncommon.



Get over yourselves. 


If BF4 players could wait a week for Naval Strike, you can too.

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The Teaser site was planned for the Update to go live today, so we understand the frustration when players saw a Timer instead of an Update. We goofed and we know it. But please stick around with us, and at the very least accept our apology alerts. We're still working on Update 13 so that when it goes live we can say we're happy and proud of what you'll be playing.



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The Teaser site was planned for the Update to go live today, so we understand the frustration when players saw a Timer instead of an Update. We goofed and we know it. But please stick around with us, and at the very least accept our apology alerts. We're still working on Update 13 so that when it goes live we can say we're happy and proud of what you'll be playing.

inb4 death threats everywhere.

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The Teaser site was planned for the Update to go live today, so we understand the frustration when players saw a Timer instead of an Update. We goofed and we know it. But please stick around with us, and at the very least accept our apology alerts. We're still working on Update 13 so that when it goes live we can say we're happy and proud of what you'll be playing.

That's what I've been looking for. Thanks Megan <3

*jimmies unrustle*

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Many people here are raging because there was no U13 today and the Hype was Intensified to the Sun, I will admit that for a while I was angry for it as well, but the question that kept coming up was "Why?" And I came to those conclusions:


Did DE find an error that could be gamebreaking (or gamecrashing)?


It was way more content than you though it was?


The new mechanic still needs a few tweaks or there could be a bad feedback if those erros were found?


Maybe the weapon switching was not working proplely when they mass-tested it on their computers?


I'm sure we have other speculations, but I want DE to give us an answer why they didnt release it today when it looked like it was going to be.







I just hope that was not a late April Fools Joke.

Edited by Kao-Snake
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I'm angry U13 got delayed :(


I've been expecting this for a long time. I wouldn't stop talking about it yesterday.


I even wore my Warframe Founder shirt today </3



I never got my warframe founder shirt =(

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The Teaser site was planned for the Update to go live today, so we understand the frustration when players saw a Timer instead of an Update. We goofed and we know it. But please stick around with us, and at the very least accept our apology alerts. We're still working on Update 13 so that when it goes live we can say we're happy and proud of what you'll be playing.


Delay it as much as you wan't. I badly need some free catalysts. :p

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People keep saying "oh, gamers are not entitled, blah blah"


Players are the reason for this game's very existence.


You can't have a game without players. The game is a product, players are customers, and DE is a seller, and they just screwed us over. 


So much this.


And who gives them the money?

We do. We're the customers.


They're not doing us a favor and neither are them volunteers making the game for charity. They're professionals employed for a job and we should expect a professional conduct from them.


They've been hyping the patch for a long time and more so as wednesday neared, then today they pull a fast one and delay it another week. That's borderline incompetence and in any other job that would get you fired.


But devs get away with bs like that because there's countless fanboys to white knight them in the forum and make them feel like it's ok to screw up.

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U13 wasnt even supposed to be released TODAY. So what if they added a countdow bar, i dont think they even said U13 is coming out April 2 / 2014. Yea so every1 take a chill pill. (i dont care if i get banned from forums but some people need to chill the fk out)


The Teaser site was planned for the Update to go live today, so we understand the frustration when players saw a Timer instead of an Update. We goofed and we know it. But please stick around with us, and at the very least accept our apology alerts. We're still working on Update 13 so that when it goes live we can say we're happy and proud of what you'll be playing.

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I'm fairly disappointed the update didn't come. I can understand why, but what I don't understand is why DE felt the need to hype up the community, and then not deliver. Now we got a S#&amp;&#036;storm of people who are pissed, and disappointed. Everyone was pumped, and this happens. I liked the hype and secret messages, but when you don't deliver, this happens.

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The Teaser site was planned for the Update to go live today, so we understand the frustration when players saw a Timer instead of an Update. We goofed and we know it. But please stick around with us, and at the very least accept our apology alerts. We're still working on Update 13 so that when it goes live we can say we're happy and proud of what you'll be playing.


Sorry, but I've lost all faith in you now by the fact that your forum mods are deleting almost every thread trying to discuss this - angrily or happily.


No, sorry, the hype-train accident I'm not even bothered about. The constant deletion of threads, however, I find completely unacceptable.


Major faith lost. Way to kill any enjoyment out of a potential update.

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The Teaser site was planned for the Update to go live today, so we understand the frustration when players saw a Timer instead of an Update. We goofed and we know it. But please stick around with us, and at the very least accept our apology alerts. We're still working on Update 13 so that when it goes live we can say we're happy and proud of what you'll be playing.


We can understand you did not planned this, Megan, but it is not how you should have handled the problem.


What needed to be done is a post by one of the Staff member, an apology, explaining there will be a delay, BEFORE the last pannel was revelead.

An explanation before we learned the update was not gonna be this week by deciphering Rebecca's post about the next DevStream.

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The Teaser site was planned for the Update to go live today, so we understand the frustration when players saw a Timer instead of an Update. We goofed and we know it. But please stick around with us, and at the very least accept our apology alerts. We're still working on Update 13 so that when it goes live we can say we're happy and proud of what you'll be playing.



To err is human DE


We'll be ready next week....





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The Teaser site was planned for the Update to go live today, so we understand the frustration when players saw a Timer instead of an Update. We goofed and we know it. But please stick around with us, and at the very least accept our apology alerts. We're still working on Update 13 so that when it goes live we can say we're happy and proud of what you'll be playing.


Update 13 is gonna be worth the added wait. Keep up the good work! :3

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