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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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yea those ps4 are still at U12.4  dat deus doesn't know that their wait time from their 12.6 to U13 will be way shorter then us but yea some people who are  adults complain but they are probably like in the game since the game started . I joined the game at U12.2(holidays I game like for 16 hr and have 3 primes alr so aint a newb :3) still kinda disappointed about whole  delay  I just hope that the day right after  dev stream 26 we might get a early release I alr bought  icus pack, and syandana and  a slot for the new warframe .

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hopefully this thread will not be deleeted (they deleeted me like 4 threads just saying wens-day in the message)


amm.. so everyone thought it's going to be wens-day and well.. that day is over... 

and after the vault helmet alert i missed for the second time.. and the minor heart attack i got for it

nothing really supprizes me anymore... 


but seriusly now... am .. 


how disapointed were you about the update not coming yesterday ?



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Various quotes from the more reasonable side of this thread. Among with the explanation from Rebecca.


This is to highlight something.


Did DE originally intend a last minute second timer? No.
Do we want to trust Dev that they need just 1 week more time? Yes.
For those of you we've let down, see you next Wednesday and please play the apology alerts if they appeal to you - otherwise, see you Friday for a playthrough on the stream.



 Lack of explanation?

 Cold response?

 She just said they needed more time to finish it up. And she even said the 3 compensation alerts.

 Things not always go the intended path. If they need a week to deliver something so massive and with less bugs, I will gladly wait. 


 Patience is a virtue.



So, I assume your getting whiny about U13. If so, here's a question. Would you rather they rush it, and release a potentially over-buggy update, or take their time and have it be amazing? I have patience, I don't know about you.



Quite frankly I'm surprised they even had this update come out so soon, most other games I play wait months on end before something as big as this. And especially with the quality they put out with the updates



I'm not mad at all. Don't see the problem. U13 will be ready when it's ready.



You have it real nice over here. Play world of tanks/warthunder sometime. Indeed, they release their patches on a test server before final QA testing and polishing, so that inpatient people can get a sneak peek preview, and catch bugs before final release to avoid any later hotfixing.


However, each small patch takes 2 months on average, the big ones, almost a year if not longer. Dare to whine about delays, and you will be laughed out of their forums by the devs themselves. Typically, you just get banned for being annoying.


Do you realize how harsh working in the game industry is? Google it sometime. Expecting such a big patch to be a released so soon is a ridiculous expectation, no offense.


This type of hype is fine. Personally, I love it. Most games have sneak peeks whole months before release. Perhaps you may want to check your exaggerated expectations before expressing your disappointment about not getting high with fresh air.


What is that something? Let me tell you.


Warframe is F2P.

Yup, F2P. We aren't paying a monthly sub-fee.

"So what?"

Well this generally means that we (in theory) shouldn't feel highly obligated to play this non-stop. Sure, fans will be fans, but the point remains the same.

Now, adding to this. The F2P model is also fair. RNGy, but fair. Compared to the majority of other F2P's.

DE have been taking loads of feedback from the community to improve Warframe and this is why we love them, no?


They are independent and that's why we are able to enjoy this level of community interaction that also brings results (within reason).


All-in-all, we have a good thing going on here, fellow Tenno.


Yet we still complain. Why? Beats me. Every forum ever, right?


The reason why we see this enormous amount of complaining on Warframe forums, is because DE doesn't restrict us as badly as most other forums restrict their user bases.


Should DE take after other developer/publisher forums? No, this here is good. Sure this doesn't limit the negative that much, but feedback is feedback.


However, it would be great if the user base would show some respect to the developers. Not saying this isn't the case. The quotes above show that there still are people who do and there are loads more, but it doesn't take much to get the negativity/troll train rolling. Not to mention the high amount of self-entitlement.


Not to mention that, topics that go wrong get locked, not deleted. That is a huge difference in forum moderation. One hides the "truth" and the other simply stops things getting worse.


Yes there were topics that were deleted after the last screen was revealed (with a timer), but they were just pieces of this topic spammed over the forums.



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Ha! I knew it :d

And that's why i never join any of the hype trains.

I can agree that DE should be clear why they screwed up, plus they shouldn't give people any of the teasers without having a full working patch, but that's just me :)


But on the bright side i can finish my DA:O playthrough :D

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In my opinion the disappointment was simply caused by the fact that DE had release grinnersystems.com. Dont get me wrong, im not here to rage about it. I just think that it would have been much easier to take it easy that the update wast released if grineersystems wouldnt have been made in the first place.

Yeah it was cool ,but id built up expectation which as you saw wasnt fulfilled. If they would just have said ,,we expect it to be released at wednesday'' then we at least would have patiently checked up on wednesday.

As for the upcoming Updates, im glad to see so much change and im looking forward to see on friday what awaits us. But as for my level of hype, it simply just degraded to a skeptical hype roller. Hopefully evrything will go fine this week and then we'll get our long awaited Update 13.

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It's not a SIMPLE delay.


Actually it is. We simply get the content later rather than sooner. Content that mind, wasn't even given a definitive date anyway, despite the Grineer Systems site.


Having game content delayed is not the end of the world, nor a life-changing experience, or a life-or-death situation. Besides, Melee 2.0's been delayed for several weeks now, what's a week more?

Edited by LGear
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The Teaser site was planned for the Update to go live today, so we understand the frustration when players saw a Timer instead of an Update. We goofed and we know it. But please stick around with us, and at the very least accept our apology alerts. We're still working on Update 13 so that when it goes live we can say we're happy and proud of what you'll be playing.


Weve waited this long for it, i dont mind waiting abit longer. TBH i feel that its better for you guys to release it when you feel its ready, and not release it and face a week of bug fixes. Anyway, it gives me an extra week to play titanfall.

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Content that mind, wasn't even given a definitive date anyway


I'm really tired of people saying this when it just isn't true.



The Teaser site was planned for the Update to go live today, so we understand the frustration when players saw a Timer instead of an Update. We goofed and we know it.

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Weve waited this long for it, i dont mind waiting abit longer. TBH i feel that its better for you guys to release it when you feel its ready, and not release it and face a week of bug fixes. Anyway, it gives me an extra week to play titanfall.

+1 from me mate, better play it clean then dealing with massive bugs at release.

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Just my two pence:


Honestly, I am disappointed that we were all hyped up and then slapped with a wait timer. I can understand the reasoning behind it as I'm a programmer myself and stuff breaks almost every five minutes.


That said, in situations like these, it would be ideal for DE to contact the players FIRST, rather than smacking a second countdown up then waiting for several hours to give us a response.


It doesn't need to be a large response, we don't need to know the details of what's gone wrong and what you're doing to fix it, but at least next time please just say to us "Oops, we screwed up, it'll be later than planned, sorry about that."


Simple reassurements like that are what stop the community from going to boiling point, which I noticed happening yesterday. That's never a good thing.


Finally, I am willing to wait for the update as I would much prefer a quality release with fewer bugs to iron out than a quantity release with bugasaurus rex in it.

Edited by Adamusa
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