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Update 13.1.0: Amprex


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dropping conflicts to 12 hours is great, but unless you're dropping the health of the rails or increasing the damage per tenno, then it's still going to be a matter of who does more damage in the 12 hour window, and not which rail is destroyed first.


which means that for the most part every dark sector will be on the same schedule.




i'm assuming that loki's removal of stealth is upon "downed" i.e. no health and makes for other players being able to find him more easily.

if that's the case, good deal. if it's "knockdown" then um... no. (but i don't believe it is)




dark sectors are still showing a 48 hour conflict window, is this so that the last deployed rails are allowed to run through what the clans expected before the update? or is this a bug?

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So revamped Synapse all in all? Not that great actually. Somesort of Freeze Ray or something else we dont have yet but another Lighting Gun?

Oh well.

Good update though Thx DE.


But what me really bothers. Still no fix for being able ti use your Melee weapon with the normal Attack button when its the active weapon, why does it take so long to fix this? Is there at least any foresight yet when we can expect such fix for it?

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I read the update, understanding that the dark sector conflicts would only last 12hrs. But every one I have looked at is somewhere less then 40hrs and many many more then 12hr. Did I just understand it incorrectly?


This was observed as well, saw a 38 hour conflict just now and asked. After asking Dev for clarification, the new times aren't 'instant', any Rail deploys that took place prior to this Update will have the older/incorrect values. Any rails deployed today/after the update will observe the new and intended conflict times. The old data needs to be phased out.

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This was observed as well, saw a 38 hour conflict just now and asked. After asking Dev for clarification, the new times aren't 'instant', any Rail deploys that took place prior to this Update will have the older/incorrect values. Any rails deployed today/after the update will observe the new and intended conflict times. The old data needs to be phased out.


Awesome, Thanks!

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Ha, Rebecca...

I already PMed Seline and Megan, but i guess they have tons of work and/or PMs, so i'll try here.


The french sections lacks some updates (still update 12). I volunteer for helping Seline doing the translations.

Can you tell her if she's not far away from you/if you're are not too busy?

I'll see with her if she accepts, if i send translations by PM or allow me to post in the french news.


Thanks a lot!


Edit: she is aware. Thank you if you told her. Thank you anyway for your attention and constantly informing us of what happens in the solar system :D

Edited by Yaer
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I wonder when we will get the option to bind our melee attack to Mouse 1 TOGETHER with Fire gun... i really wonder since it seems not to be ANY priority... -.-

Yes please! Mashing E while my melee is equipped is kinda bad. After an hour of gaming my hand started to hurt.


Also, that new gun looks super cool. WANT.

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Yay! still no fix for broken delta beacon drops! The drop chance of the tranquli cleave still needs buffed. Also, the glave's stance mod might as well not exsist for the stupidly low chance of it being droped..........      from leech ospreys of all things. well then, so much for having combos on any of the melee weapons I actuly like using. Oh well, at least we got a new gun. But wait, its another clantech that you have to wait 3 or 4 days to even use!

Edited by jss2a98aj
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This was observed as well, saw a 38 hour conflict just now and asked. After asking Dev for clarification, the new times aren't 'instant', any Rail deploys that took place prior to this Update will have the older/incorrect values. Any rails deployed today/after the update will observe the new and intended conflict times. The old data needs to be phased out.


Thank you for following up on this.


Can you also get clarification as to whether the "maximum of 3 days worth of Peace on the specific node" includes the rail deployment time of the contesting alliance (24 hours)?  Two different locations that had winning rails at 85%-95% health appear to have only been given ~2 days of Armistice time.

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The Amprex needs either a damage buff or a slower rate of fire to be really useful. 


Yes, the Amprex needs a rebalancing. The fire rate is too high.

But, the Amprex needs a damage buff AND a slower rate of fire to be really usefull.

The DPS doesn't have to change.

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Yay! still no fix for broken delta beacon drops! The drop chance of the tranquli cleave still needs buffed. Also, the glave's stance mod might as well not exsist for the stupidly low chance of it being droped..........      from leech ospreys of all things. well then, so much for having combos on any of the melee weapons I actuly like using. Oh well, at least we got a new gun. But wait, its another clantech that you have to wait 3 or 4 days to even use!


Warframe now in a nutshell.

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Oh wonderful, more weapons that I'll have to wait an entire week to get my hands on. Seriously getting tired of this S#&$. Might be time to move on to another game. 

Farm mods and prime components, sell them for platinum, and STOP COMPLAINING. It is not even remotely hard to farm for platinum in this game. Phobos: Kepler, go to wave 20 get many tranquil cleaves and reap the benefits.

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By the way, i just did a vault run mission, in which the final door was bugged and wouldn't open AFTER i opened the vault. Way to waste vault keys, especially since it happened multiple times, and that's just counting today. Guess that was a minor problem to fix compared to more clantech and some pretty visuals....

Edited by Huryiade
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Please DE fix the melee mods ! they are so weak right now no one uses them ! i made a post that explains it by simple mathematics, very easy to adjust them: 

Channeling Melee MODS not viable -> Explained: https://forums.warfr...dpost&p=2485017


and just take a look right here for your next melee 2.1:

Melee > Double TAP Movement = Dash: https://forums.warfr...dpost&p=2529397


keep up the good work guys :p

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