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De, Please Please Do Not Do Business With Perfect World (Mega/hyper/ultrathread)


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I usually only read these forums for amusement/information but with this news...


I have seen several first time posts in this 100+ page post so far so I figure I will voice my concern too. I have seen and played many games that PWE has touched, once they get their hands on something they milk it for money and let it die. So sorry to say goodbye DE but I've loved Warframe for over a year now and this will no longer be the same game if they gain control.


I hope you'll do something to stop it, if not it was fun while it lasted.

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Even I've been convinced to respond to this.


Perfect World has a history of worming its way into acquisition or majority-shareholding of games, and turning them into cashbox-filled lottery-RNG with much of the content locked behind a paywall. I've been forced to quit several games in the past due to it becoming unplayable after PW's input.


Digital Extremes... you cannot understand how miserable I feel, knowing that Warframe is joining the ranks of those now-dead titles.


All I can respond with is a sad song.



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I played both champions online, startrek online and a lots of other games from perfect world and some was okay some not but i know their market policy so this game will slowly turn into only pay to win and shape itself to their pricing. If this true and DE will sell their licence and they sell with it the game then the player base reduce drasticaly and maybe this going to kill this game. The chance to earn money and this game actualy popular so the Perfect world would be stupid if not try to make profit from buy this game and shape in their plans. As free to play games this or turn off the servers the two possible chance because cannot earn money. If Warframe turn into pay to play with a small fee then this game could make profit and the devs can develop the game in their way what they imagine but ofc the free to play make high population in every game because of word free. 


So I hope they can search other ways to earn money and keep their game alive because there is no chance to be popular again if the PW acquire the title.

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Well, now would be an excellent time to do something about that.


Because unlike games, reality will, unfortunately, always be there.


WOULD  be nice if i had any kind of opportunities...living in a third war country is not easy thing.

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Can we atleast have a refund thingy?

I haven't spent alot of money on this game tbh, i'd say about 50 bucks. But for all i know there are thousands of players who have invested alot more money into this game than me.

Yeah, if this goes ahead, I'd personally like the 600 bux back which I've put into this game. The game that was the dream of DE to make, and that i put faith in them to develop a quality game. Looks like that's out the window.

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Step 1, Start a bad habit
Step 2, Quit said habit
Step 3, Feel proud of your accomplishment in improving your life
Step 4, Use new found confidence to continue improving your life
Step 5, Laugh victoriously

Serious response: 
Sorry to hear you're upset, it's a pretty harsh time for the whole community so I hope you find another game to invest your time in. Good luck Tenno.

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Hey everyone - currently awaiting official comment/info on this topic.


They say power to the people, well your people are very, VERY angry of this news. Hope this turns out fake otherwise you guys are in for a S#&$storm.

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Our devs which art in ontario

Hallowed be thy names

Thy deep space come

Thy missions be done

On Earth as it is in Sedna

Give us this day our daily log in rewards

And forgive us of our spamming in global chat

As we forgive those who speedrun ahead of us

And we protect the noobs we assisted

But deliver us from boredom

For yours is the galaxy, the orokin void, and the devstream couch

Forever and ever...


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