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If When Launch Comes Around, All Beta Progress Was Lost, Would You Play?


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hm, live release, as long as getting all my platinum back from everything  that i've used it on was part of that reset., sure, I wouldn't be against starting fresh from scratch, it would  be a chance to experience everything again, fresh.

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I have already been through an 'opt-in' wipe some time ago, and it was not as terrible an experiance. If they were to wipe again, they would let you keep everything you paid for as well as exclusives. For the optional wipe, we still kept the Vandals from CB, our founders gear and they refunded any platinum you bought. I would assume the same would be said of the Prime access packs and their exclusives too.


They do mention in the Beta agreement that account wipes are possible, but since day one, they have strived to go through all of their changes without having to force a wipe, and sometimes that is the part which causes difficulties. How many problems do you think could be fixed if they just wiped everything from scratch rather then trying to grandfather it in? Probably more than we give them credit for.


Would I quit if there was another wipe? No. I would be still playing and if anything it may be the boost I need to start over and make better choices. Would I choose to wipe my account if it were not necessary? Probably not. Reacquiring all those mods was a pain!

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If we got all of our platinum back like we did in the last reset, i wouldn't care because it'd give me something else to do other than sitting here staring at this kubrow pup waiting on it to mature and attempting to feed it space doritos.


what am i gonna do with 30k plat(if not more) I wonder


/looks for Founder Baccarat/Cigar/Spirits/Hookers and Blow Lounge

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I'd probably scrunch my face into a rather annoyed frown, then delete Warframe from my PS4 and (assuming I get around to installing it on my PC) do the same on my PC.


I'm okay with beta resets when the beta is shortlived, but Warframe's beta is not that at all.  Not putting all that time back in on the everlasting treadmill again after a pointless reset for any reason.

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I can't think of any reason that could warrant an account wipe.  If everything is massively redesigned and everything's changed and I have to relearn everything, making me also reearn everything isn't going to help the matter.


Even if they did have a good reason for everyone to start off again fresh, it wouldn't be a good enough reason for me to drop another few hundred hours in here chasing a phantom of where I once was.


Even if the redesign got rid of these annoying freakin' Void Keys and the Void Key system, I'd still be gone.  So goddamned sick of Void Keys and forming groups.

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Yes. It would be fun to reset and not be chasing a curve.


P.S. Fortunately, by virtue of the type of game this is, a reset would make no sense. The progress is not so much upward as lateral. New missions, new frames, no super drastic changes in difficulty...  Also, personal player skill is a huge element of the game and is impossible to reset.

Edited by Po1sOn4Ppl3z
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So far, in less than half the posts the answer was an emphatic NO!


For the other half, it was a CONDITIONAL Yes ...

With continued activity in the game contingent upon crediting actual money expended


BUT ...

The MAJORITY of BOTH sides were outright hostile to the idea of an account wipe reset


So, for reference, consider this:  https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?topic/31798 (Open beta agreement little shook but not really a surprise)


For comparison, consider other games which HAVE done an account wipe in open beta (Hearthstone Heroes of Warcraft, Scarlet Blade, League of Angels)

Footnote:  No personal involvement with any of these - just found citations in Google ...


Now a question ... Can someone succinctly explain or post a reference as to the PROGRAMMING CONDITIONS that REQUIRE a RESET?


Because it seems to me that the only reason a total account wipe would HAVE to take place would be because there was a complete overhaul of the entire data base structure

Edited by ElHefe
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I would probably expect that DE would let us keep:


* Palettes

* Any Prime packs content, even if reset to rank 0

* Any "special" things based on accounts, like Escalibur Prime, or Vandal weapons, just maybe at rank zero

* Purchased slots, but not necessarily the frames that were there or the weapons.

* A large booster time slot based on some formula to help rebuild

* Kubrow genetic imprints we have made

... no idea what would happen to plat we have or spent. I'm guessing it's tracked and we would get some semblance of balance back.


The above is simply based on the fact that those things are not "that important" in the scheme of things. for example, many random alerts or holiday events just drop those anyway, and DE would look kinda hypocritical when they give away 1000 plats during Dev video casts, I mean, you take away a year of work from players and then give 4000-5000 plat away to random people as lottery? It's just too weird to contemplate, and doing so would simply mean that players that had a fair bit before would not risk another major investestment, and would obviously tell all their friends also not to put plat in unless for very simple stuff, like a couple of frame slots.


Simply wiping the slate and saying "sorry guys" would probably kill many "veterans" off, and send a bad message. I could handle a major change that "rebooted" my account, but if I had a total wipe, I would come back and just play for free.


I mean, I have already gotten ALL my money's worth so far, don't get me wrong, I would be just very very wary of putting more in until after I had a decent look at the direction of the game.

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