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August 8Th: Community Hot Topics!


Community Hot Topics August 8th  

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Can't believe people are voting yes on vote to kick, a system like that will be abused.

On oberon's renewal, it's both 1 and 2 but I voted other because just making it "faster" or whatever doesn't really make it a better ability; trinity is the healer and if you make renewal faster and less situational it's just going to become a slightly weaker blessing.

No I think renewal would be more interesting if it was turned into a buff, like for example, we all dread status procs so how about renewal acting like a proc removal and invulnerability for a certain duration?

Or just a buff that straight up increases resistance to special damage types? (fire/radiation/lasers/etc..)

Stagger resistance, energy/life strike for everyone, something.


We already have a frame that heals and restores energy, a frame that restores shields, a frame that buffs armour, a frame that buffs damage and a frame that buffs speed, renewal is kinda pointless the way it is now, it should do something that isn't covered yet.

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Best way to get rid of Kubrows is to let players sell unranked Kubro Pups. It gives people that dislike what they have a way to get rid of them, and it allows people that are looking for a specific type of pup to get what they want. It also allows people that like the breeding system to basically start a puppy breeder profession within Warframe, allowing them to breed puppies to trade for plat so they can get things they need, such as warframe slots, therefore promoting Platinum Sales as well.


Multiplayer Doors

They should be there to slow down players that rush ahead so that everyone can catch-up.  However, they become problematic with another player is afk of just hopelessly lost or unable to proceed (e.g. stuck in the map, can't perform required parkour).  So instead of forcing two players to open it there should be an alternate option.


If two players activate it at the same time it should immediately open.  It only one person attempts to open it in a multiplayer game then it should start a timer (30 seconds? 60 seconds?) and open after that.  This could be explained as the door being hacked.


Vote to Kick

This should NOT be in the game. It offers too much griefing potential. However, there should be an option for the host to kick a player from the pre-game lobby.  If there is a vote to kick option it should only be applied to afk players, and it should only become active after they have been afk for a set period of time.


Edit: A better solution is simply a personal blacklist so that you never have to play with a certain player again.


Auction House

The game needs this, badly.  Players should be able to trade items for plat through the AH, leaving the trade chat open for people that want to trade items for items or items for credits.



Oberon's renewal is far too situational.  To make it useful, but unique from Trinity's blessing, it should heal all players Health only to full instantly, regardless of range.  It should also remove all status ailments. Since it would remove status effects, heal only health and not shields, and not grant damage reduction, it would be useful while still being unique.

Edited by (PS4)DesecratedFlame
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This, a billionth times over.

It's just frustrating to try to ask for a simple and humble trade and then be suddendly knocked off by neverending cluttered walls of text. Not to mention than more than half of them are selling the same junk over and over again, let alone find something you want that might be hidden in all that mess.

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Kubrow should be donated to alliance and see in dark sector conflict.  I found those mobs in the void are not "tenno" like enough to be mobs in DS conflict.


Addition of kubrow to DS would be a step to further customization of your army in DS conflict.  


Broker Issue


Clan should be able to build those broker/auction house in the dojo and members can see all item listed of whichever alliance that clan joined.  The larger the alliance, the more items you can find.

Edited by Hueminator
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To the Kubrow release:


I don't think a quest to release them into the wild is a good idea. Players who might want to get rid of unwanted Kubrows might find it bothersome, while those who care about them might find it a bad idea to release a genetic engineered Kubrow which needs constant genetic stablizer into the wild might be a good end for it.


So i think maybe a thing between the first two options might be ideal. Create the option to send them away with 1 or 2 clicks, but connect it to the lore information that the Kubrows will be adopted by the Tenno colonies.

Tenno colonies you might ask? Well apperently there are some, since Leech Kril is endangering them at Ceres, so they exist.


They might always need some Kubrows for various helpfull purposes and most likely have the better equipment to keep their DNA stable. So unwanted Kubrows are simply send to them instead of being released into the wild or thrown into the Void or something. Maybe even reward the players with random resources like an Orokin Cell or an Argon Crystal from the colonist.



Troublesome system.


On one hand it can allow a group of players to punish AFK farmers and annoying players. Or help someone who is stuck with an AFK player to go on with the mission when no additional player arrives to open a yellow door.


But it could also easily be abused by groups, to anger other players. Like removing him/her from a survival or defence mission just when it's about to be won. Or the ever so popular "kick the noob" choice.


So i would rather not like to see such a function in place.

Edited by Othergrunty
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What do you think is the best way to remove unwanted kubrow?


My suggestion in regards to a possible option to remove unwanted kurbows follows as such:


A new Dojo room that takes your unwanted Kubow (Consumes Stasis slot and credits to place Kubrow in room)


Your clan members are then allowed to purchase the kubrow via Credits which go to the Clan's treasury.


If you do not have access to the Dojo than the first option


One quick remove button and the kubrow is gone.
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The doors that need 2 people are good so that people dont rush ahead but are bad if one is waiting it out to get creds so i think the kick player should fix this being a problem and with the action house we should get something like the grand exchange in runescape. you list an item, you log off,some one searches for the item,they find it, the plat is removed from their account and into the other players then when the other player logs in again they can got to the action house and claim their plat. 

Edited by knightNeet33
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Can't believe people are voting yes on vote to kick, a system like that will be abused.

Butthurt can overcome rationale in many ocations, and plenty of vote-kick thread starters seemed to have had this mindset, unfortunately.

I do not disagree that there has to be a way to control intetional AFKers and Leechers mid-match, specially for the harder or more annoying missions. However most of those 'vote-kick' thread also simply just said 'add it' thinking only based on those awful experiences and failed to look at the larger picture where, yes indeed it can and will be easily abused (and no, faith in people's goodwill is not a counterargument).

Specially when most games with 'anytime' vote-kick have nothing else to lose but the completion of the mission/level, whereas in warframe everything you do during the mission counts towards your progress. There's enough people complaining about the loss of valuable items due to connection problems, last thing we need is people suffering the loss of such items due to trolls and imbeciles.

Edited by RahuStalker
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Ok, Here goes!!!


"I sped, I ran a stop sign, I sped some more!, I changed lanes at the intersection! I changed lanes without signaling! -- While running a red light and speeding!!!!!"---- ""anything else?" Yes, I have unpaid Parking tickets! Urgh!!!  .... be gentle!"  


Lol no.. just kidding-- incoming Real feedback now


for those who don't know that was from the movie 'Liar Liar'- I had to post it because I'm very OCD and ADHD and all my posts probably resemble that line.


Here goes for real!


1. Kubrows- VotedOther- I would like to see a small quest where you could run out and release them... However, I think this presents a small issue as well.

a. It creates alot more work for the devs for the simple ability to just be able to get rid of something for nothing more than freeing up a slot.

b. as much as I would like to see a quest for this-- there would have to be something besides credits that you may get in return for releasing them -- Kubrow faction so they can help gaurd your Solar rail? "shrugs"  just spitballing.


--Anything that would make this quest worthy I would love to see-- but if we are just talking about a way to remove them (which I think is very needed btw- because the decay rate is about perfect where it is at the moment in my opinion for their strength -, and I don't think altering that just so people can get rid of kubrows is valid)


---Sooo.. Besides a Quest I think there are 2 good choices-  

A. -Sell them for a good amount of credits.  not 2,500 or even 10,000.... a Kubrow sold straight up to free a slot should net atleast some credits + 2 DNA stabilizers or something -- or anywhere from 40,000 credits to 100,000 credits (if a max rank kubrow)


B.  Add a Collar Release function-- once you do this you cannot go back on your choice... the collar is detached.. then a timer starts.  I'd say 24 hours to get rid of one in this manner.  For this you receive something like a DNA Template of that Kubrow in return???


A few other things I wanted to mention about Kubrow--  


-I don't think they should be able to decay in health or loyalty while maturing (mine did both times)

-Question:  I scanned a Kubrow for its DNA-- then took it on a mission solo with unranked mirage and unranked himself and got bolted by the g3--(she died and so did I) obviously.  When I returned to my ship the loyalty read 60%-- it was 100% before that, although I had scanned him-- so my Q is- does scanning them take loyalty away or health?  and if so-- does it not update until you come back from a mission (or the game has a chance to refresh etc.)  Because I thought a death should only take 20%?  It looked like it took 40.






Mastery Test on PS4 and Wait Time--Voted: Other for both-


PS4- I am of the opinion that you should look at the controller scheme before you dig into any game.  I don't even know what it is like to play this game with it's default controls.  I have had no problem passing any test without failing more than 3 times even Pre- Wall-run while shooting Rank 7- which I passed on my first try- barely, but legitly.  I am not bragging either- I am just saying, I studied the game and optimized my controls for all the things that I knew I would probably need to utilize in the future.  


I feel like Game developers of this generation feel like they have to hold too many people's hands mainly because more opinions are heard and just because of the way things have progressed with gaming over time I suppose.


I grew up on NES-- there were no forums to complain to if you lost all of your save games-- try getting to the last dungeon on the original Zelda and then your NES breaks... You will love these mastery rank tests! :-)


I was personally alittle upset when the mastery rank 7 wall run test on ps4 got nerfed to be easier- and I don't like the idea of dumbing things down to the point of "I have to change my controller scheme though!" being a valid complaint.


Wait time- I definitely don't think it should be any longer than 24 hours, but I also think there needs to be a significant feeling of failure-- and what is in place currently definitely urks me when I fail, that's how I know it is working the way it should be.  I like ridiculously hard games with little forgiveness for failure. (just my opinion)




Multi player door unlocks-- I voted Fine the way they are - i've never had a problem with them personally.




Vote to Kick-  This is a tough one-- I think if it IS implemented, it should only be for someone who is AFK longer than 5-10 minutes in a game- not for any other reason- not even cursing, griefing, trolling or anything- there is too much abuse potential. I don't  want 3 people voting to kick me 30-40 minutes into a game because I spilled coffee, or my doorbell/phone rang and I had to afk for 3 minutes and end up getting no reward for the 30 mins I did play.  Crap happens man- this should be handled delicately. 


-If you don't want to play with people who aren't experts ALL the time then play privately or with friends-- or instead of telling them how much of a newb they are, try to help them? & I don't 


Fact: We were all new to the game at one point.


Auction/Trading Pubs- I voted YES! I don't want to spend my free time looking for WTS WTS WTS WTB WTB all day, usually resulting in the person backing out or whatever-  I also don't want to have to stay "logged in" to sell things however, or leave my computer/PS4 on.  Another tricky one but I think very do-able!





Hallowed ground: I feel like literally anything done to this skill would be an improvement.  I've never found any good place to use it-- I think Utility more than damage though!.. Smite in my opinion is Oberon's 2nd best skill when used properly next to his ultimate in my opinion.


Renewal:  Initially this skill could actually revive downed people if cast before they died etc... This was cool WHEN trinity had invulnerability on blessing but now, a revive from bleedout is almost as OP as blessing having invulnerability.  (Off point- I still think Valkyr's Hysteria having Invuln is ridiculous.  She has the most armor in the game- why give her such invuln especially now that it has its own crazy melee stance?) 


Back on point-- I love this ability-- it does need a buff though, if I had to name one thing that bothers me the most is that it stops healing once the player is at full health.  --- It should keep healing for its duration no matter what.  Also- I think the travel time is an issue ONLY because Trinity has a map wide full shield/and health heal.


I like to use this skill right now when I am meleeing with Oberon - If I was reworking it- I believe I would make it Heal Stamina regeneration as well as health.. (instant map wide stamina regen to full, because Mag heals shields and Trinity heals Both)- then I would make it heal for it's full duration as opposed to stopping when some one hits full health.


Also-- make it so there is no way to recast this ability until the timer is worn out (minimum 7-10 seconds?)  that way you can't spam stamina heal-- but you could mod negative duration for a stamina heal build!-- also this + some travel time will keep it from being an OP skill with a long duration if your going for a Health-heal build.


I hope this helps DE!!!


Thanks for the Thread Drew!



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If DE is to implement a vote kick system, please make it like Payday 2's.


You can set kicking to be on or off but players can set matchmaking to put them in games with kicking on or off depending on the player's choice.

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As far as the locked doors that need two people to open, they are fine, we just need a way to get around the problem that arises if, for example, there are only two people running a mission and one goes afk for whatever reason. one solution is to make the doors timed. Example: two people in a mission, one goes afk, the remaining person encounters a locked door, interacting with starts a short timer, like 5-10 secs. The door opens if either the time is up, OR if two people interact with the door (as normal). Of course if you are going solo this timer thing should not apply.

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Oberon's Renewal ability isn't situational I just feel like it should stick for a longer amount of time instead of falling off so fast, even another 3-4 seconds on it would be helpful, but you have to cast it so often, and the cast speed is so slow that you get stuck in the middle of things quickly.

Edited by jennibear
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Releasing/Removing Unwanted Kubrow:

Answered other to this. There needs to be a simple and accessible way to remove a kubrow, but honestly I feel the problem lies more in the fact that people are just going to breed and dump them until they get what they want. An adoption system could possibly work and help tie into an auction system in the future. Something like "This kubrow will be available for adoption for one week. After one week, it will be sent to a kubrow sanctuary if not adopted." This gives players a chance to avoid the grind for an egg at the cost of credits / platinum and maybe find a color they like.


Mastery Tests (in general)

Honestly, as little as Mastery has mattered in the game so far, the 24 hour time limit isn't something that should exist. I know I've failed Mastery tests before due to bugs, unexplained mechanics of the test, etc. The wait limit serves no purpose since you can't prepare for a test outside of watching a video of someone else playing it or looking it up outside of the game.


Doors that require 2 players to unlock

They're nice to have. It would be nice if there was an afk detection system that could change a door's requirements on-the-fly if Player 2 decides to not play. Ultimately, the game is about teamwork and should promote staying within a reasonable distance of eachother.


Vote to Kick

This is a very loaded option since it can easily be abused. Luckily, however, you guys already have a system planned (I hope) called Reputation that could very well tie into this. If a player is of high enough mastery/reputation with random players (so it can't be abused by getting countless +1 rep from your clan just so you can votekick people anywhere), they should be able to call a votekick. A power that has to be earned and used responsibly or else it will be taken away.


Trading Posts/Auction Houses

I would love to see an auction system in place. This could also be tied into with mastery so a daily or weekly limit can be placed to avoid flooding as much as possible. Maybe a higher credit tax or a (very minor, like 1) platinum tax would be required to use it so dojo trading doesn't simply become obsolete and offers a choice between profit and convenience. Plus Darvo would fit right in running it.


Oberon: Hallowed Ground

My favorite suggestion I've seen regarding Hallowed Ground is to buff allies and debuff enemies standing on it. It fits the Paladin theme well and gives the player a choice between offense and defense.


Oberon: Renewal

I find Renewal to be fairly useless except as a counter to poison or bleed. The best suggestion I saw for this was to make the ability remove procs/debuffs from the frames as they get healed. Something that sets it apart from Trinity and offers a reason to pick up Oberon for the team instead.

Edited by MochiDDR
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Oberon was talked about as a defensive buff frame at one point.

How about some defensive buffs added on to his abilities then?

Hallowed ground-In addition to what it does now have it make all allies that stand on it immune to knock downs and knock backs.

Renewal-In addition to what it does now have it cleanse any status effects and continue to during the full duration of it's heal over time.

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What do you think is the best way to remove unwanted kubrow?

I want to be able eject the Kubrow's Stasis Pod out of the airlock. The downside to this being that the player would lose a stasis slot however I believe that there should be a small chance for a player to receive one of these abandoned stasis pods as a login reward. You could perhaps have the lotus say a message like "Tenno, you have found an Stasis Pod amongst the debris orbiting [name of current planet player's Liset is orbiting]. The Kubrow within it still seems to be alive." the positive side of this being that you have a chance to find a kubrow and a stasis slot and to make it a little more immersive the Kubrow will be 100% disloyal as it is still technically loyal to it's previous master so the new master would have to earn it's loyalty. To counteract the community raging about having to lose a stasis slot to get rid of a Kubrow you could add a quest to release or euthanize the Kubrow as an alternate method of getting rid of them.

What is your opinion on the wait time between failed mastery tests?

I believe that we should be able to retry mastery tests instantly or after a short duration (say 30 - 60mins) However every time you try the test again the difficulty of it would be increased i.e less time, more enemies etc.  the difficulty of the mastery tests should also reset when the trades do.

What is your opinion on doors that require multiple players to unlock?

You need to implement an AFK feature that will mark a player in your game as AFK if they have not moved or interacted with the game in any way for more than 2 minutes, then you can have it so that if every player in your team is AFK other than you then you should be able to open the doors as i have found that often newer players will sit there and AFK whilst you complete the mission for them. Often there will only be 1 other player in these games and so if you come across one of these doors you cannot progress until either A) The AFK player(s) open it. B) A new player connects and opens it. or C) The AFK player disconnects from the game.


TL;DR Either make it auto-kick AFK players in games or make it so that you can open the doors if players are AFK.

Do you think the option to "Vote to Kick" is a good idea?

I believe it can be but the final vote would need to be passed to a moderator to make sure that the player being kicked deserves it for whatever reason. This could however be a problem as the moderators could quickly become swamped with spam vote to kick requests from many players at once.


TL;DR I believe a vote to kick option is necessary but to implement it effectively would be too much effort for very little reward.


don't forget to +1 or provide feedback if you agree, disagree or want to improve upon my ideas.

Edited by DruakanJenkins
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 interacting with starts a short timer, like 5-10 secs. The door opens if either the time is up, OR if two people interact with the door (as normal). Of course if you are going solo this timer thing should not apply.

with this it would be cool to have lotus say "I've hacked the door for you" or something too lol

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Releasing/Removing Unwanted Kubrow:

 - I just want to say that Dtexas' idea on the first page is reaaaallly good.  Every bit of it.


Mastery Tests on PS4:

 - I don't play on PS4, but I have always played WF with a controller.  They can definitely be difficult this way and for a couple of tests I relied on having a varied arsenal of frames that could help cope with some of those difficulties.  And that wallrunning test? Awhecknaw.


Doors that require 2 players to unlock:

 - Timer when one players activates a panel.  15 seconds or so.  I get the purpose, but at the same time it can get pretty ridiculous if you have the misfortune of being stuck with a player who is taking forever for no good reason.  I remember once joining a match and getting stuck because the other player decided to AFK and I couldn't open the friendship door.  I had no way to progress and had to quit the match to start over again.  I then joined that same player's match a second time and had to set my options to solo to complete that node.


Vote to Kick:

 - I'm really only in favor of a kick for invite-only lobbies that allows the host to remove an unwanted player.  Vote kick for public lobbies.  Should not be implemented for matches that are already in session.  Sure it could remove AFKers or griefers, but players could also throw a fit and remove someone out of spite.  


Trading Posts/Auction Houses:

 - I would love this.  Trading right now is like a game mode all its own, because you have to sit and stare at the screen as you continuously post your sells or buys and wait for responses.  It really prevents you from actually playing the game.

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Also a Kubrow remove quests would add more content, and a fun/heart wrenching experience. that makes the player question their morals or lack there of. 


Moral, what is that, slaying people because a voice in our head tells us so?


If had to remove all my unwanted kubrows by quest (which is all of them, actually) it would get annoying, airlock and out, period. 

Edited by Genoscythe
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Vote to Kick is a Pandora's box.


It could easily be used by trolls, even if there are legitimate uses for a VtK system.


What we REALLY need, is a better Player Reporting system. If a player gets a lot of reports, then maybe the player should be looked at closely and maybe action be taken against them, instead of a VtK system that can be abused.


Sure, you won't get IMMEDIATE results, but if AFKers/griefers start getting punished more often, then fewer people will do it and there won't be the need to VtK.

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Okay, so I voted other on the two Oberon topics, mostly because I play as Oberon the most, and this is what I think should be done with the rework of those two abilities.


Hallowed Ground

I think that Hallowed Ground should be and even balance of damage and utility. Since Oberon is meant to represent the balance Tenno swear to uphold, I believe Hallowed Ground can represent this with some changes such as, a damage buff, a utility that buffs allies/debuffs enemies, and please make Hallowed Ground Surround Oberon and follow him where he goes. It would make the ability much more useful since Oberon himself could take the ability to the enemies and enemies would come to him. Also with a wide enough radius, the buff to allies would be beneficial without huddling the group too tightly together.



I think Renewal is mostly fine as is. I like that it is different from trinity's instant health addition from blessing, and I also like how my build is much more regenerative than *BOOM* health. What I think needs to be changed is the way the ability reaches allies. It either needs to instantaneously activate on allies as it does with Oberon himself, or I think it would work best as a pulsing aura much like the infested ancient healers. In fact I think it would be best if Oberon's Renewal had a utility on top of the health regeneration like the Ancient Healers, providing a damage reduction, or armor buff, over the time period the power is active on the player and allies. Also if the ability were to keep healing even if health damage is recieved, it would provide a massive benefit to this ability and make it less situational.


All in all, I think those two abilities of Oberon's should be reflecting more of the protector/paladin role he was casted in and make him stay somewhat close to the squad in order for them to benefit from the buffs and abilities.


Edit: Let me know what you guys think! I'm interested to hear what your feedback is!

Edited by GhostSwordsman
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In my opinion, a Vote to Kick button is a bad idea just because you're gonna get a bunch of elitist ***holes kicking everyone who's not a high enough rank, not using a specific frame or using abilities that they don't like, which is especially annoying for random join public missions. In some cases it's going to take away the concept of of personalized play styles and mod builds because people will get kicked for not meeting a certain standard. (Seriously, anyone tried playing TF2 MvM? You get kicked for pretty much anything.) 


I understand the main issue this is supposed to solve is stuff like AFK-ers, but then I think it's much safer to install an idle time limit or something, rather than allowing other players to kick each other and trusting them to not take advantage of this to start excluding others... because people are d*cks... all of them... even me, no exceptions. 

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