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Mag... Useless Or Worth Dat Potato



So, as the tittle says i build recently Mag Prime only for curiosity and well it feels like only a cosmetic change from the original Mag. Ultimate almost useless, only 2 habilities usefull or kinf of, her number 1 is a crap........ and finally she's ugly as hek. So if someone have a build to mag prime and help me to doesnt be almost useless (like in void) i'll be glad. 

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her number 1 is a crap........

Uhhh... You sure about that?


I mean, you can use it as pretty ridiculous CC. It does moderate damage to light enemies. When modded right it pretty much reaches everything from the ground to orbit...


Either way I always potato all my frames.

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A full shield polarize build with range, strength and efficiency (duration doesn't matter so fleeting expertise is in) is a compelete hard-counter to Corpus. Everyone needs Mag or Mag prime potatoed and forma'd up for that. The damage component works amazingly well on hordes of proxies and the shield stripping makes the Damage 2.0 chart super simple since you can ignore shield and proto shield whenever it really counts.


I run her with a puncture + viral / rad primary for after shield polarize, impact + magnetic / toxic secondary for clean up and ammo conservation, and a full Viral glaive prime build for throwing at the faces of shield-stripped Corpus Techs.


Rad > Electric because Corpus bosses have Alloy armor. If you're sure there's no Zanuka and no boss coming your way then you could go Viral + Electric, but I've never felt like I needed to make that adjustment. Once you hit Shield Polarize the proxies aren't too troublesome.

Edited by VKhaun
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She is really good, on of my favorites actually. I have every frame and I'll say she certainly deserves potato. I always thought of her as not so good frame because when I tried pc warframe I chose her as starter frame and didn't like her at all. That was up until I got rank 8 on ps4 with High Rank Blind rage. Pull is useful when teammate is down and Shield Polarize for killing units.

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Definitely change the helmet to the standard Mag helmet. 


Pull is great against anything without armour as it is cheap to use and does reasonable damage.  Armoured or higher level stuff still gets disabled for a moment so even then it has uses.


Shield Polarise is amazing against Corpus especially if you have Blind Rage and Fleeting Expertise.  You'll simultaneously restore your party to full shields and wipe most of a room of Corpus.  In the Void it is still worth having for anytime a group of enemies has a crewman, moa or drone in it.


Bullet Attractor is funny if you have an Excalibur in your party  but I also find it useful just to reduce incoming fire.  If you have heavy gunners coming from both sides you put BA on one while you shoot the other.  The one in the BA and her friends nearby will hit her instead of your party.  Also, I always find it funny to make Bombards and Napalms shoot themselves.  I once got a Napalm to kill a Fire Prosecutor for me!


Crush is probably my least favourite power.  It takes a while to cast and leaves you a bit vulnerable and Pull has a better damage/energy ratio.  However, there are times when you just want to grab everything around you and fold them into little balls while your party catches their breath.

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As Letter13 said, Pull is amazing CC, cheap, fairly fast and huge AoE.

As VKhaun said, Shield Polarize simply murders anything with shields, once it's modded up. (Bonus points: Since the damage is based on the amount of shield, it scales with enemy level.)


As Trichouette said, Bullet Attractor + anything that bounces = lol.

And Crush is okay CC, okay damage.


I don't particularly like her, but yeah, worth a potato.



For reference, I did the bonus stage of the Tac alert with a potato + 0 Forma Mag P, and a no potato-no Forma Detron.

Shield Polarize murdered all the smallfry, Detron... took a while, but killed the Hyenas.

Edited by Chroia
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I have Mag Prime with a reactor installed. I do not know why you don't like Mag Prime but she is a really useful Warframe. She is a support/CC frame and when you craft Mag Prime, you should have the original Mag helmet available as well.

You got the point "Support/CC", i think maybe thats the reason why i dont like her

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Can't say I ever really considered Mag support. Shield polarize is nuke+debuff in my mind. Technically I'm aware it restores the team's shields but I've never seen that make or break a fight.


Used it as an oh shi- button to save MYSELF once or twice during suspicious shipments but any frame can do that with shield restore packs and health restore packs. I saved myself on Vauban a few times earlier by spamming F1 a few times now when I followed my team into a room with three Hyena dropping fire fields + broken window so no retreating.

Edited by VKhaun
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Uhhh... You sure about that?


I mean, you can use it as pretty ridiculous CC. It does moderate damage to light enemies. When modded right it pretty much reaches everything from the ground to orbit...


Either way I always potato all my frames.

If anyone remembers that scene in Force Unleashed when Star Killer forces that huge (star destroyer?) to crash land onto the planet? That's what a modded Mag does. Really? No. Yes! No?

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Mag is a support / CC and DPS. I like her she is pretty usefull and fun to play with. Her shield polarize can be used defensively and offensively, which is the highest DPS ability in warframe against Corpus and Void ennemies.

I really like her and I do potato everything, but IMO, don't potato something that you will never use.

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Seeing as my screen says you're a gold initiate I have to ask: do you have the proper mods on her yet and are those mods properly ranked? I remember thinking excal was completely useless when I started until I picked him up again after getting some very useful mods.

Regarding pull:it knocks down all enemies in range, giving your teammates a breather, and it's highly spammable, letting you give ypur team an extended breather if they need it.

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If its worth a potato is totally up to you. For me, even AkLato, Dual Skana and Mk1-Braton are worth potatoing. Actually I'm working on a troll 5-forma Mk1-Braton right now and I find it totally worth it. In general, it is worth it if you feel like it's  worth it... If you get what I mean.

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Seeing as my screen says you're a gold initiate I have to ask: do you have the proper mods on her yet and are those mods properly ranked? I remember thinking excal was completely useless when I started until I picked him up again after getting some very useful mods.

Regarding pull:it knocks down all enemies in range, giving your teammates a breather, and it's highly spammable, letting you give ypur team an extended breather if they need it.

i have the properly mods, even if i am gold initiate i have 10 frames all with potato, same about my weapons, so be gold initiate doesnt mean i cant build a frame in the right way lol.


here is my mag prime build, focused on power strength: Flow at 150%, Redirection at 400%, vitality at 360%, streamline at 30 %, blind rage at 54% - 30%, intensify at 30%, plus forma to put energy siphon at max rank, every ability of mag is at max too 

Edited by MaxHeadroomS
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Figured i'd ask to make sure, as people usually trash a frame because they didn't enjoy using said frame due to not having the proper mods.

I don't think you need all her abilities on there as you've stated your distaste for Crush. You may want to consider fleeting expertise instead of flow so your skills will cost much less, also with some enemy leaders that'll disrupt you, as well as energy leech leaders and ancient disruptors, that's a lot of stored up energy lost. Maybe replace a skill with stretch as well to grab a few extra enemies

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If you like a 'frame and play that 'frame, it's worth a potato. I'd argue any you play is worth a potato, but availability of said golden tuber can be a limitation.


MagP (and Mag) is an excellent warframe. She was my starter 'frame (Mag, that is) and I still play MagP on a regular basis. She's capable against any opponent and devastating on an ideal one. Her only drawback is her low health pool, which can be problematic when facing poison attacks.


Pull is both good damage and excellent utility. Ignore it at your peril. If anything, crush is arguably her weakest ability overall. All have their place.


I spent most of this weekend's tactical alert playing MagP in the 700 conclave phase. She did very well against the hyenas. Shield polarize to strip them of shields (and blow up the small fry) and then shoot the bejeezus out of them (weapon of choice was a 4-forma Braton Prime) when exposed. Smooth and easy.


My own MagP is a one forma build. She has a - polarity in her aura slot to enable use of corrosive projection and/or energy siphon depending on mission requirements. I use a high efficiency build (75% reduction), run heavy shields (max redirection and vigor), blind rage (2 rank) and intensity for damage, and top it off with a stretch mod. Works well enough for what I require of her.

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