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Warframe Pairings.

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Loki and Nyx.

Radial Disarm+Chaos. Watching your enemies beat each other to death is pretty satisfying. Especially when the last one standing regains their senses and realizes what they've done. Then you just walk away, forcing them to live with the guilt.

Edited by MisterUltimate
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Post yours.  here's mine.

Excalibur and Mag. For dat bullet attractor/javelin synergy.  That and metal is magnetically attracted. Pretty sure that doesn't work anymore. 


Ash and Banshee.  Because silent and deadly types.  Or dubstep ninjas in any case. That kinda doesn't make any sense to me. Explain pls. 


Ember and Frost because cliche and opposites attract, etc.


Nekros and Trinity. BROBERON  Life and Death. Fixed that for ya, since Trinity is a vampire.


Zephyr and Oberon.  Because it's just natural.

Nova and Rhino because you're all goombas.


Mirage and Loki.  Who saw that coming?  Everyone.  Because they're both trickster jackasses.


Nyx and Valkyr.  OMG LESBIANS.  And they're both psycho.


Vauban and Saryn. Valkyr  Because Vauban seems like an everyday, upstanding citizen.  Until you see his BDSM filled sex life at the beheast of Saryn. Valkyr She already has the shackles!


That leaves only two.  But it's quite unfortunate for Volt and Hydroid, you see.  Water may conduct, but Hydroid is just too much of a salty pirate and doesn't much appreciate Volt's fabulous ways.  So Volt hooks up with Ash on occasion since Ash harbors a secret love for him, and Banshee wouldn't accept Ash's bisexuality.  So they keep it secret.  <--- I'm just so confused. xD 

So, Hydroid might seem a bit lonely, except that would be innacurate.


Hydroid and Every Female Frame at once.  Well, once he drinks enough rum.


They get into everything eventually.


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  • 2 months later...

I can't get the image of Frost and Rhino brofisting everywhere out of my head.


And Hydroid and Trinity just seems like a pair to me, for some reason. Wierd.


Ash and Mesa definitely


Excalibur and nova becuase rewasons


And Valkyr and Loki because Valkyr would have so much fin messing with him all the time

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LokixRhino. Because loki reminds me about that high school kid who hangs out with big boyz and always brags about himself being tough.

And Rhino is typical stupid meathead-dude, who allows little kid hang out with him. And then there's Nova. Most popular girl, who bangs with meathead, and small kid tries to roll his balls near her. Secretly ofc.

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This...became a lot longer than I thought. I am beyond help. 


Excalibur/Mag -- I picture them as sort of the textbook RPG hero and heroine. Until 40 minutes into T4S where Mag becomes a ruthless, unfeeling, uber-scaling machine of slaughter.


Stalker/Mag -- hey excalibro that's a nice waifu you've got there. would be a shame if your angsty evil twin were to *CENSORED*


Stalker/Ash, Stalker/Banshee -- Blind Justice suits them well so yeah. 


Mesa/Banshee, Mesa/Saryn -- MESA SENPAI SO KAKKOI


Ember/Saryn -- aka The Reason I Started Playing This Wretched Game


Ember/Frost -- I don't think I need to explain this one. Oh and buff Frost pls


Any combination among Limbo, Loki, Mirage and Nyx -- Limbo, Loki and Mirage are all themed around illusion and manipulation (OK Limbo's abilities aren't, but his magician motif is); I always pictured Nyx as the queen of these jesters' court. After all, no illusion is stronger than literal brainwashing. My preferred combos (as pairs or pals) are Nyx/Limbo and Loki/Mirage but all of them are a very close team of clowns to me. 


Limbo/Ash -- do you even coat bro???


Nova/Rhino -- Rhino is everyone's b1tch but especially Nova's. I can't think of him as anything else. 


Nova/Zephyr -- light girly frames >_<


Zephyr/Oberon -- Bird and goat, why not


Volt/Zephyr -- Volt used (Thunder)Shock! It's super-effective! 

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Heresy! Saryn is pure desire. Booben on the other hand, is pure clown.


The heretic himself calls Heresy. Vauban looks fine on top, even innocent, but he's almost permanently tripping balls while fixing your wiring.

Saryn is that frame you look at with a :3 face hoping nothing terrible happens to you while she contrives the most sadistic feats of torture to perform.

Edited by Xcedis
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The heretic himself calls Heresy. Vauban looks fine on top, even innocent, but he's almost permanently tripping balls while fixing your wiring.

Saryn is that frame you look at with a :3 face hoping nothing terrible happens to you while she contrives the most sadistic feats of torture to perform.




Vauban is old clown, he even sports a beard!

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