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Excalibur Is My Personal Most Hated Frame


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Your wrong again. For star chart any weapon works, they do the task perfect, all the depends on modding same as warframe. So the same way u need to mod abilities to nuke rooms u have to mod weapons. 1st of im not the only one saying its boring, as u may know the OP did it 1st and u are part of few people that find watching others players nuke entire rooms for entire game amuzing and fun. The OP stated the abuse of abilities, camping in one spot behind cover and kill them all through walls and probabily reaching spawns, this is how major of these cheap players do.

I didnt brag anywhere, that was a fact that not using killing abilities u can have most kills on team, if u say i dont understand english i guess u are another one who doesnt.

Ill will state again as u seem not to understand very well: im not against using abilities to wipe out a room, im against the abuse and spam, making it boring for the team and the stupid and cheap press "4" and "w" gameplay, that IS broken, its a fact not opinion.


What? Do you know what reading comprehension is? I have never said that there are weapons that are not suited for clearing the star chart. Show me in which post I said that and I'll give you a cookie.


I could argue about everything you are saying but after you started implying that I don't understand English and you keep using "your" instead of "you're" I'm assuming you are a troll and I'm not going to engage in conversation with you again.

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While his attack is powerfull, remember that later on it means nothing, i am talking about long defenses or long survivals, there is a point where it begins to fail.

Kappa is far away from having lvl 70 enemies and so excall is more than enough, especially with the corrupted mods that take a while to find and lvl up. In other words it's not common to find someone with that many corrupted mods on and if you do find an excall like that then you have a solid player on your side.


It's not the excall that is the problem, it's the combination with excall and corrupted mods that make him godlike for what the current game has to offer, to avoid this, simply endure more than 30 waves in defense.

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when I see players running around coptering and shooting enemies I just laugh and say look at the noobs still chasing the enemies when the enemies are coming to them<<< presses  4 and clears the room and whats left standing is a few shots from my side arm. pops an energy restore rinse and repeat.


 you guys ask for this type of gameplay, now deal with it or play solo. don't think that anyone is gonna conform to your style of playing, basically I've played that way for months and it's outright boring and now that they (DE) forced the abilities on the players which players like you was all for it (OP) players like me will sure as hell make good on that.


 I wont criticize your style of play (speed coptering) nah ill just press 4 and leave you with nothing to speed run to. problem solved for me.



Edited by ranks21
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Thats because players suck and want steal all kills from team and have more XP, its not just game fault. I have those builds too on excal and saryn but not with huge range to wipe whole room and also i dont spam it, i just use once in a while even if my effciency lets me use 7 or 8 in a row. If players were reasonable and not bunch of .... this wouldnt happen. If they like the boring gameplay they should go solo mode and not ruin others experience 

you do realized he spam that "4" 100% of the EXP will contribute to his Warframe level instead of his weapons, while other team mate gain 50-50 to warframe and weapons they trying to level up. i feel better when just sitting around for Excal to do all the killing for me so i can gain my level and rep faster. one thing i don't like is an Excal who doesn't defense the console and run off killing and let the console alone (that is what i hate about Excal player)

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hurr durr they be stealing ma kills in a co op game. seriously theres frames that do it worse try doing sechura with a mesa spaming 4 all the enemies die in the spawn the doors don't even open sometimes and they are already dead if it bothers you that much play solo or make your own party 

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Have you actually ever tried playing with excal?

Try play him and you will understand

Ranting here is useless

Excalibro is Life

EXCALIBUR TAKES MORE SKILL than any other frame so please stop flaming him, thanks.

Also this

Edited by Godhands
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Ok so by your theory lets nerf every frame with AOE damaging ability? Ok lets do it, what do we end up with....Saryn-Trash,Excalibur too limited use,Volt was mainly shield and speed now only shield and speed, Mag was Crush+SP now only SP, Rhino now only Roar, Frost only Globe and Icewave....should I go on? And what will make Warframe different from other 3rd person shooters then? If you want a game where only shooting required go play something else. This game is about utilising abilities and weapons and enjoying mass killing factors in different fashions. 

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Clearly everyone has blown this way out of the water. The title says it's MY PERSONAL MOST HATED FRAME. PERSONAL. Did I say everyone had to agree with me? I forgot you can't express your opinion on the internet without everyone going insane.... everyone just chill and stop trying to cause arguments.

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Clearly everyone has blown this way out of the water. The title says it's MY PERSONAL MOST HATED FRAME. PERSONAL. Did I say everyone had to agree with me? I forgot you can't express your opinion on the internet without everyone going insane.... everyone just chill and stop trying to cause arguments.

I challenge anyone to do 500k+ kills in a week with something other than excalibur, as the only person ever to break 500k kills in a week i know what is required to reach such a feat and trust me when i say excalibur requires more skill than any other frame so if you dont like it, it is probably because you lack the sufficient mods or calibre of ability necessary to excel with THE BEST frame in the game.

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I challenge anyone to do 500k+ kills in a week with something other than excalibur, as the only person ever to break 500k kills in a week i know what is required to reach such a feat and trust me when i say excalibur requires more skill than any other frame so if you dont like it, it is probably because you lack the sufficient mods or calibre of ability necessary to excel with THE BEST frame in the game.

That 500k kills in a week doesnt prove anything else that you seriously got waay too much time on your hands. Anyone could achieve that, but no one cares about how much kills they get on day/week/month/year. Ive seen ya spamming that thing like it would mean you are reborn jesus. God of gaming, just stop it.

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That 500k kills in a week doesnt prove anything else that you seriously got waay too much time on your hands. Anyone could achieve that, but no one cares about how much kills they get on day/week/month/year. Ive seen ya spamming that thing like it would mean you are reborn jesus. God of gaming, just stop it.

not really, 12,000 kills an hour, 570k kills or whatever i am at, 60m credits, 20 of each syndicate mod set, 6k plat made. I gave everyone the ceres method to take advantage of it and only the serious players took the chance if people cant keep up with me with their 4500 kills an hour hats not my fault lol

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Like half of the frames are basically "1 ability" frames..... only the new ones' get to have more rounded skillsets. Deal with it.

That said I would like it if Excalibur did have his 4 replaced by something new....it's just too much like Saryns...and it doesnt matter if the stun is attached or not.

But if Excalibur is supposed to be a melee frame...why not give him an ultimate that actually utilizes that. His only melee ability actually sucks...yet he is marketed as "the melee guy"

I don't even...

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Clearly everyone has blown this way out of the water. The title says it's MY PERSONAL MOST HATED FRAME. PERSONAL. Did I say everyone had to agree with me? I forgot you can't express your opinion on the internet without everyone going insane.... everyone just chill and stop trying to cause arguments.

No you didn't say we had to agree, BUT you put this in General discussion. What do we do in General discussion? DISCUSS!!! Therefore we have the right to argue your point via discussion in this location. Maybe yo should have placed this in Off Topic...


Personal opinion placed in General discussion = DISCUSSION!!! Which since its a personal opinion WILL lead to an argument as to why your wrong because its a discussion. Next time post it some where else if you don't want us to discuss it.

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For defense mission I use my Excal all the time specially for T1 and T2. the javelin is really helpful if you want a qucik wave to come.


Javelin is useful around  level 20 - 35 enemies. Higher than that it wont do damage but still the blind effect of javelin for about 4 sec still pretty useful.


I dont believe such things as "press to win." its just your fighting with lower level enemies and killing them within the power limit of the skill. If players do not want a "press to win" do a harder mission. Fight with Level 50 enemies or higher and thats where you wont feel "press to win."

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Clearly everyone has blown this way out of the water. The title says it's MY PERSONAL MOST HATED FRAME. PERSONAL. Did I say everyone had to agree with me? I forgot you can't express your opinion on the internet without everyone going insane.... everyone just chill and stop trying to cause arguments.


You came onto a forum and said you hated Excalibur the most and gave a rather poor(in my personal opinion) reason about him being super good on a low leveled map(Y'also seem to ignore that there are frames that do much better than Excal on higher levels)...you're going to get some backlash.  Especially because it's a public forum.  In fact, most people here seem to be rather civil, you're the one raising your voice-er..letters.


Iunno, I just find it funny that Excalibur gets one thing(At the expense of something else) and suddenly public enemy #1 to a lot of people, ha ha.

Edited by UFOLoche
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