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Don't You Love Dem Afk Players?


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I really liked how this guy was so desperate to enter a T3 SURV and then he just left us there....alone....struggling for survival, nah I'm just kidding, but I'm a bit upset that we worked for him too, he didnt even came back at the end of mission to say atleast "thx for carry"....not even that.




PS: I've covered the other players name beacause....reasons.

Take this post however you want,this is just a reminder that players like him are here too.

Peace out and death to Nullifiers.

Edit:okay sorry for shaming, I've edited with my paint skillz his name too, I've only let mine out there to get famous.

Edited by SnAAk3
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Please remove the images or also censor the "afk" player's name. Naming and shaming is frowned upon/not allowed on forums.


EDIT: I've had this happen to me once, someone pushed HARD to get to join our T4S, went afk at the very start, screwed us over, we couldn't get to 15m. Worst breed of gamer. I wish there was a sort of afk checker in this game...

Edited by Stratego89
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Ahhh... I've been an AFKer a few times as well, I was called so many names when I came back to the game after playing a while and leaving to help my old mother when she called me, specially now that she is sick and needs to be cared for. I just went and Aborted the Mission, such a shame that those were always when I used my Void Key, so none of them got rewards.


It's not like we can know the reason why people AFK all the time, there are leeches but most people think the wrost of others and just say "He is leeching the SOB!!"

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Ahhh... I've been an AFKer a few times as well, I was called so many names when I came back to the game after playing a while and leaving to help my old mother when she called me, specially now that she is sick and needs to be cared for. I just went and Aborted the Mission, such a shame that those were always when I used my Void Key, so none of them got rewards.


It's not like we can know the reason why people AFK all the time, there are leeches but most people think the wrost of others and just say "He is leeching the SOB!!"


It doesn't hurt to tell teammates if you go afk.... and why/ how long if there is time.

Most will understand.

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They're bothersome, but a kicking feature would be abused. That's why it has not, and probably will never be added.

As I have posted before many a time, there are ways to minimize abuse.

1) Create a set of strict automated flags

2) Let the automated system open the option vote (unannounced)

3) Humans vote to confirm the Kick, the automated system opened

This solves both abuse of human stared Kicks, and the dangers of false positives from an automated system.

The set of conditions that can "open" a kick vote can be quite aggressive. Since the majority of humans playing would have to confirm. It takes initiation out of human hands and removes it as an overt trolling tool.

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Why is name/shame so frowned upon..? People should know the names of losers like that to know to avoid them

Probably because it would ultimately be harassment and make it so the individual cannot properly enjoy the game, even if they do leech at times via afking.

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I also imagine the forum would be spammed with such topics if this were made standard too.


As rude as it is for someone to go AFK without typing an explanation, sometimes stuff happens too. I wouldn't vilify someone off of a single second hand account.

Edited by IlluminaZero
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They're bothersome, but a kicking feature would be abused. That's why it has not, and probably will never be added.

A built-in automatic kick to players that are afk more than 3 minutes won't harm, most online based games have this basic feature...or atleast a vote-kick where all the other players must agree that the afk person must be kicked and with a limit on those vote starts so it wont be abused.Trust me I'm an engineer.

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