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Chroma, The New Dragon Frame (Teased In Devstream 45, 46, Tennolive) Anticipation Megathread


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That looks like a spikey Rhino.


I find the whole "Be different just for the sake of being different." thing worse than cliches.


Sometimes it's nice to be conservative... since sometimes stereotypes tend to be stereotypes for a reason (cause they work).


I'd much rather have decent looking cliche than overdesigned mess.

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OK, here's the thing with Chroma. He looks AMAZING. That is a seriously sick design. The only problem is that he was hyped as the 'dragon' frame, and clearly he has no relation to dragons in terms of his appearance. "Chroma" sounds like "chromatic", which makes me thinkg of chromatic dragons... mulitcolor, different elements, etc. So his powers make sense in that regard.


He looks infested to me. And that's fine. I just think we may have been a bit misled by the whole 'dragon' thing. They probably should've called him the "chromatic" or "elemental" or "prismatic" frame.

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I've been at it for about 6 hours now, im too tired rewriting the same thing in different words to different people. I'll come back tomorrow, my Chroma poor design choice hate has depleted for today.

You brought it upon yourself, you chose to come into what could've been a positive thread and insisted on being negative. You had no place here to begin with.

Edited by KlarVyvern
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Here's the next gen:









Yeah no, they're still pretty sleek. We get it, you don't like Chroma. Neither do I, but they all look sleek.

The only ones that aren't sleek are Booben, valkyr and Zephyr. They have a sorta jagged design to them.

Edited by ScrublordPrime
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The problem with Chroma (and Limbo and Hydroid) is that each of their themes detract from their design instead of enhancing it. Take Limbo as an example, if he had part of his frame as transparent, visually signifying that he was always part of the Rift, then the theme wouldn't need to be so dramatic. Having an alternate magician helm would be fun as well since it wouldn't detract from the design by making it exclusively a gimmick. Hydroid being a Davey Jones rip-off doesn't make his design any better and it certainly makes him stand out when compared to the design of nearly everything else in Warframe. The entirely optional parrot sentinel skin is enough of a gimmick already.

The result of taking a theme too far is that it makes the concept of the frame secondary to the novelty of the gimmick itself. Chroma may be a fantastic frame but the visual style will always make him/her less appealing since it dominates the overall design. Besides how does a dragon frame fit with the lore of Hayden Tenno, the Orokin, or even a Corpus or Grineer influenced frame? In the end these themed frames may be fun but they stand apart from the rest of Warframe. If DE wants to have fun with a theme then use an alternate helmet or armor/skin to do it, don't compromise the entire design just for the sake of making it fit a theme.

EDIT: It is worth noting that Zephyr and Mirage are frames where the theme isn't taken too far. Zephyr has feathers and feels lighter when jumping but her frame is entirely appropriate given the visual design of Warframe. Mirage has a harlequin design but again it does not dominate the overall look to the point where that is all you can see. Still, these themes should be subtle, not forcing you to see it and nothing else so these two are part of the problem as well.

Edited by (PS4)Hiero_Glyph
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You brought it upon yourself, you choose to come into what could've been a positive thread and insisted on being negative. You had no place here to begin with.

So it's fine if Chroma supporters can post "butthurt" pics in "Chroma hate" threads, alright.

Edited by kiteohatto
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It's just... Dragon warframe which looks like a melting Infested.

But whatever, that's their vision.


Actually these "melting flesh" parts looks somewhat like feathers or long scales. I can't understand what they wanted to achieve with the helmet - it looks out of place imo. Waiting for an alt.

Maybe he won't look so gross with different colors :p


Honestly I was waiting for something like this:


Meh, if he won't look good, then I'm simply not going to use him like I don't use Mirage, Zephyr, Limbo and Hydroid.

See, I think Mirage looks awesome. I don't think Chroma does...although until we see a turntable of him, it is hard to judge entirely.  Don't like his head as of now...



(Hydroid's looks fine to me. Limbo is meh. Zephyr is meh. ....my opinion)

Edited by Lanieu
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So funny thing..

there are some real life animals called dragons of one type or another.

Most folks were likely expecting something along the lines of the Smaug Giganticus https://www.google.com/search?q=smaug+giganteus+for+sale&safe=off&rlz=1C1CHWA_enUS628US628&es_sm=122&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=g6_7VLqMINfsoATe5IGICA&ved=0CDAQsAQ&biw=1920&bih=1075#imgdii=_

or at least the Komodo Dragon https://www.google.com/search?q=komodo+dragon&safe=off&rlz=1C1CHWA_enUS628US628&es_sm=122&biw=1920&bih=1075&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=q6_7VMSgIsiWoQS97oDoAw&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ

but we ended up with the leafy sea Dragon https://www.google.com/search?q=sea+dragon&safe=off&rlz=1C1CHWA_enUS628US628&es_sm=122&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=BK_7VM3NA4f8oATtyILoAg&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=1075#imgdii=_


Now I have to ask...do you know anyone who ever said "I want to be an awesome sea dragon"? I don't. But hey whatever.

can one of the Alt helmets look more like one of the other style of dragon?



Full Definition of DRAGON (From Merriam-Webster)

archaic :  a huge serpent
:  a mythical animal usually represented as a monstrous winged and scaly serpent or saurian with a crested head and enormous claws
:  a violent, combative, or very strict person
capitalized :  draco
:  something or someone formidable or baneful

(In this case, we are referring to the mythical creature.)


A Komodo Dragon is not a dragon. It is a large reptile. Not a serpent, it doesn't breathe fire, and it doesn't fly. Not a Dragon.

A Leafy Sea Dragon is not a dragon. It is a fish. Not a serpent, it doesn't breathe fire, and it can't fly. Not a dragon.


Just because you name an animal after another animal doesn't make it that animal, real or not.


Let's look at a list of animals that are named after other animals.


-Bat Falcon (Not a Bat)

-Elephant Shrew (Not an Elephant)

-Bee Hummingbird (Not a Bee)

-Mole Cricket (Not a Mole)

-Leopard Frog (Not a Leopard)

-Camel Spider (Not a Camel)

-Antelope Squirrel (Not an Antelope)

-Elephant Seal (Not an Elephant)

-Giraffe Weevil (Not a Giraffe)

-Skunk Bear (Not a Skunk)

-Leopard Seal (Not a Leopard)

-Grasshopper Mouse (Not a Grasshopper)

-Rhinoceros Beetle (Not a Rhino)

-Alligator Lizard (Not an Alligator)

-Leopard Slug (Obviously Not a Leopard)

-Monkey Slug (Not a Monkey)

-Rabid Wolf Spider (Neither Rabid, Nor Wolf)

-Antlion (Neither Ant, Nor Lion)

-Tiger Beetle (Not a Tiger)

-Water Bear (Neither Water, Nor Bear)

-Koala Bears (Not Bears)

-Killer Whales (Not Whales)

-Alligator Turtle (Not an Alligator)

-Ant Bear (Not a Bear, or an Ant)

-Cow Ant (Actually a type of Wasp)


I could go on and on. Just because an animal is named something, doesn't mean it is that thing. I agree that the Chroma's look is awesome, but I hate terrible reasoning. Saying that the leafy sea dragon was a legit source for the Chroma's head would be like saying a Wolf themed frame could have a legit source design from a spider. They are two different things.  

Edited by CoRRh
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From a visual design standpoint my favourite frames are Nova/P, Excalibur, Mag, Nyx, and Mesa. The simpler designs are just so much more striking to me.


The detail level was still a quite broad range even in the original set though. Loki and Trinity are quite a bit more intricate than most of the others, and the model/rigging quality on Frost is complete garbage.

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Did something happen to the first gen? Have they been removed from the game? No they haven't go play those frames if those are the ones you like!


Never said they removed the warframes.. Nor I wouldn't still play them


Just pointed how I miss the design feel of those when I see "some" of the later released warframes

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Never said they removed the warframes.. Nor I wouldn't still play them


Just pointed how I miss the design feel of those when I see "some" of the later released warframes

Missing them implies you don't have access any frames with the sleeker design feel 

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The problem with Chroma (and Limbo and Hydroid) is that each of their themes detract from their design instead of enhancing it. Take Limbo as an example, if he had part of his frame as transparent, visually signifying that he was always part of the Rift, then the theme wouldn't need to be so dramatic. Having an alternate magician helm would be fun as well since it wouldn't detract from the design by making it exclusively a gimmick. Hydroid being a Davey Jones rip-off doesn't make his design any better and it certainly makes him stand out when compared to the design of nearly everything else in Warframe. The entirely optional parrot sentinel skin is enough of a gimmick already.

The result of taking a theme too far is that it makes the concept of the frame secondary to the novelty of the gimmick itself. Chroma may be a fantastic frame but the visual style will always make him/her less appealing since it dominates the overall design. Besides how does a dragon frame fit with the lore of Hayden Tenno, the Orokin, or even a Corpus or Grineer influenced frame? In the end these themed frames may be fun but they stand apart from the rest of Warframe. If DE wants to have fun with a theme then use an alternate helmet or armor/skin to do it, don't compromise the entire design just for the sake of making it fit a theme.

I can see where you're going with this. I can agree with the opinion that Chroma could be less extreme in his design, as could Limbo and Hydroid, but in the end I feel that chroma would get flak no matter which direction they could have gone with. People have started complaining a lot lately and there is no real unified opinion in the fanbase. Some think the new frames are over-designed, others think the old ones look plain or uninspired. Some think the frame's themes are to literal, while some think they're too abstract.


As for the dragon's place in Warframe, I dunno, ask the fans, they were the ones who requested him.


(Sorry If I sound hostile, pretty tired.)

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I guarantee if half of those were released today they'd get complained about.


There is literally no pleasing this community.

This,all day.

If DE announced a sword/melee frame named Excalibur and release our current Excalibur, I'm certain people would whine

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The problem with Chroma (and Limbo and Hydroid) is that each of their themes detract from their design instead of enhancing it. Take Limbo as an example, if he had part of his frame as transparent, visually signifying that he was always part of the Rift, then the theme wouldn't need to be so dramatic. Having an alternate magician helm would be fun as well since it wouldn't detract from the design by making it exclusively a gimmick. Hydroid being a Davey Jones rip-off doesn't make his design any better and it certainly makes him stand out when compared to the design of nearly everything else in Warframe. The entirely optional parrot sentinel skin is enough of a gimmick already.

The result of taking a theme too far is that it makes the concept of the frame secondary to the novelty of the gimmick itself. Chroma may be a fantastic frame but the visual style will always make him/her less appealing since it dominates the overall design. Besides how does a dragon frame fit with the lore of Hayden Tenno, the Orokin, or even a Corpus or Grineer influenced frame? In the end these themed frames may be fun but they stand apart from the rest of Warframe. If DE wants to have fun with a theme then use an alternate helmet or armor/skin to do it, don't compromise the entire design just for the sake of making it fit a theme.

I don't even mind that they push to be stylized with Whimsy so long as it echoes the brand and is bold and distinct. Chroma largely fails as a stylized archetype and as a Warframe. Had you seen a picture without the name and gun in hand, what would you have guessed Chroma was? Infested boss...maybe?

Nekros looks like a frame...Saryn might be a carnivorous plant, Limbo might be a black magician with top hat, and Oberon might be a deer/goat forest lord, but THEY ALL LOOK LIKE FRAMES.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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