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Strict Nat: Improvements And Testing


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Hi guys,


Up until the Wednesday hotfix, i have been able to host and join others without an issue. Now its a nightmare to join with even one player. I often get errors like "Host unreachable" and "session not found". Or simply if i invite someone and they manage to join, they suddenly get "kicked". My Net is reliable and so are my router and Pc. I have tried various settings in the game too, and all my ports are forwarded correctly. Is there any other alternate method or a better hotfix comming out soon?

Edited by eLetrick_VerViT
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come on !!! i can't start à freaking pvp dark sector mission !!! damn' fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...


... Actually, you can if you are the attacker.... the problem will then be for those defending it since they will have no way to stop the attack.


... Also...


(...) fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...


... Less of ^this^, yeah? If MOAR pictures aren't going to be helpful, ^this^ is going to be even LESS helpful.

Edited by Uhkretor
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Quoting Rydian for the recent guys complaining about how DE hasnt fixed their S#&$ty router yet:


Want progress to be made?


Step 1: Install this: http://www.raidcall.com/index.html

Step 2: Install this: https://www.wireshark.org/

Step 3: Wait for Monday.

Step 4: Follow the rest of his instructions to help troubleshoot.


I'm no fan of how Warframe does networking (I'm quite vocally against it normally), but given the amount of effort that's going into creating workarounds it's obvious that it's not going to change any time soon.  So helping the devs figure out all the workarounds is the next best thing and is the most likely to actually fix the issue right now, so that should be your focus.

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I'm sorry but I don't know what to tell you; those rules look correct but clearly they aren't working. Maybe there is another layer of NAT outside your router that is causing problems for you? Check whatismyip.com and compare with what your router's public address is -- are they the same? if not, you're 2NAT'd.

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Man, reading this thread just frustrates me.  People complain about issues with the game without A) Doing any sort of homework on their network layout.  B) Any formal training in networking.  C)  Any humbleness.


Glen is being EXTREMELY NICE lending a hand to troubleshoot.  That means he cares.


As a developer myself, if QA came to me with these same demands without any sniffs (that would be a WIRESHARK CAPTURE) or any proof of the issue, they would get told to stop wasting my time and do their job.


Do Glen and the rest of us who have to read this nonsense a favor and follow his instructions.

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I'm sorry but I don't know what to tell you; those rules look correct but clearly they aren't working. Maybe there is another layer of NAT outside your router that is causing problems for you? Check whatismyip.com and compare with what your router's public address is -- are they the same? if not, you're 2NAT'd.

 Is my routers public address the WAN IP, or the default gateway?

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Thanks to a helpful user coming by and helping run some diagnostics we found a bug that would make the proxy not work in certain (sadly common) situations with misbehaving routers. I will fix this ASAP and probably will deploy it live later today.

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Thanks to a helpful user coming by and helping run some diagnostics we found a bug that would make the proxy not work in certain (sadly common) situations with misbehaving routers. I will fix this ASAP and probably will deploy it live later today.


Just to satisfy my curiosity, what was the issue? Edit:  By issue I mean, the nitty gritty details.

Edited by (PS4)LunaticGunner
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I patched the server live just now and was able to play with the user that was having trouble before; the bug was that the proxy was not careful enough about the other user's Strict NAT -- it made an assumption that was perfectly valid for well-behaved routers but incorrect with strict routers (but possible to work around).


I expect that this might help a good number of people we were still having trouble.

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I patched the server live just now and was able to play with the user that was having trouble before; the bug was that the proxy was not careful enough about the other user's Strict NAT -- it made an assumption that was perfectly valid for well-behaved routers but incorrect with strict routers (but possible to work around).


I expect that this might help a good number of people we were still having trouble.

Dude, get yourself a cookie :D I know how hard network coding can be sometimes. Cheers for the constant fixes.

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I patched the server live just now and was able to play with the user that was having trouble before; the bug was that the proxy was not careful enough about the other user's Strict NAT -- it made an assumption that was perfectly valid for well-behaved routers but incorrect with strict routers (but possible to work around).


I expect that this might help a good number of people we were still having trouble.


Very impressed with your work Glen! I have two members im gonna try out with tonight who have always had connection issues.

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I'm sorry but I don't know what to tell you; those rules look correct but clearly they aren't working. Maybe there is another layer of NAT outside your router that is causing problems for you? Check whatismyip.com and compare with what your router's public address is -- are they the same? if not, you're 2NAT'd.

I was going to get on Raidcall, but got home a little late. I don't know if it would be any use right now.


If it turns out that we are 2NAT'd, does that essentially mean we're out of luck? It wouldn't surprise me unfortunately. Anyways, thanks for the hard work.


Edit: whatever changes were made seem to be working so... YAY

Edited by Zachhh
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I knew about having strict nat because I don't have 3 digit start on my IP aka static IP. Since Glen said it's a 2nd nat layer, I think there's no hope for me then :/


2 NAT layers shouldnt be a problem with the new Proxy as far as I understand.

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I patched the server live just now and was able to play with the user that was having trouble before; the bug was that the proxy was not careful enough about the other user's Strict NAT -- it made an assumption that was perfectly valid for well-behaved routers but incorrect with strict routers (but possible to work around).


I expect that this might help a good number of people we were still having trouble.


That fixed the problem I was having. You've certainly lowered the number of affected players below 6% with this hotfix, thanks again.


... Also, didn't change a thing on my settings since I posted the Wireshark image a few days ago.

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