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If You Had 1 Warframe Ability In Real Life


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Booben's bouncy traps beacuse I could send people flying, also I'll camp doors so they won't evade the bounces.



OH NO, THOSE GUYS ARE TRYING TO HURT ME! No problem, just throw the traps and send them flying! I could use invis, but bounce is funnier





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i'm a simple man. with simple tastes. I wouldn't mind being able to shoot lightning from my fingertips. i'll take Shock please.


Or i suppose iron skin would come in handy too... hmmm eclipse would also be badass... shuriken... invisibility... sonar... man. i can't decide...



hmmmm... i feel like bounce pads would be useful IRL. F***. i just can't decide

Edited by Oakenman
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If diseases and such count as status effects, then Hallowed Ground.  The ability to cure things like cancer and Ebola, that would let me help a lot of people. And I could charge the rich ones a nice fee as well.  I fear demand would far outstrip my ability to supply though, meaning I'd be bothered non-stop by desperate people, so there would be a definite downside.  Still, it doesn't sound like a bad way to make a living.


Otherwise, Blessing.  That won't cure diseases, but could still be a lifesaver for traumatic injury, and hey, invul!

Edited by Axterix13
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Shhhh..have a little fun in life.


Bladestorm. Nothing would survive my onslaught.


This may be slightly terrifying... might need dispel just in case I'm not the only one with a power...


That said, probably invisibility.

Edited by Invisum
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Rift Walk, just to creep on people and, if we didn't collide with things and passed through them instead as being out of phase would indicate, speed with my own car through other cars just so I can get to work without having to "deal" with traffic.

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Energy vampire

That. While you guys get 4 casts at best for your abilities, I can do it forever. It may not be that useful compared to some others (invis, for instance), but I can keep doing it. I would say "now, let's team up with a Smoke Shadow Ash", but the constant trail of blue pulses and dead bodies might give us away. I wonder if you can vampire a Roomba and stick it in a bag...

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