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February 13Th: Community Hot Topics!


Community Hot Topics  

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The Core Issue

In the last Community Hot Topics, many Warframe players voted that they would like to see some rewards moved out of the void and onto different nodes. Since then, R5 cores have been moved out of the void and into different missions  (disclaimer: the Community Hot Topics and the R5 Core change are not causally related). Initially, the core rewards were bugged, but have since been fixed and are as follows on PC:

Rotation A, Survival, Hard Mission Reward Rotations.

Fusion Core (RareModFuser) x5 =  25%


Rotation B, Interception, Hard Mission Reward Rotations

Fusion Core (RareModFuser) x5  =  50%


These changes will be on consoles with the next update. So with that in mind, what is your opinion on the changes to R5 core rewards? Do you like that R5 cores are easier to get without spending void keys? Are there other changes that you would like to see made? Please, answer in the poll and post in this thread or in the source threads below (some of the source threads may have outdated information now that the core rewards have been fixed). 


Source threads:



Friendly Fire

We’ve highlighted some hot topics on “hardcore” modes in previous Community Hot Topics, and the source threads for this topics suggest another way to add additional challenge to Warframe. How do you think friendly fire would change how you play Warframe? Would you enjoy the challenge of friendly fire in certain missions types? If so, what missions types do you think would benefit from it? 


Source threads:



Nekros Changes Aftermath

Nekros received some significant changes the day before our last Community Hot Topics thread, so, as requested, I’ve Necro’d some source threads about his recent update. We’re working on getting these changes to console players (they might be on consoles by the time I post this), and I’ve included the details in the spoilers below: 

Terrify Changes:


Terrify casting time reduced.

Terrify will now affect a greater number of targets.(Before: Maxed Terrify = 12 targets. After: Maxed Terrify = 20 targets.)

Terrify can now be recast.

Terrify will prioritize unaffected targets on cast.

Terrify range has been slightly reduced.  (Before: Maxed Terrify = 20 m. After: Maxed Terrify = 15 m.)


Shadows of the Dead Changes:


Increased the damage output (x2.5 with Maxed SOTD) of summoned shadows created by Shadows of the Dead.

Increased the health (x2 with Maxed SOTD) of summoned shadows created by Shadows of the Dead.

Players can now walk through shadows created by Shadows of the Dead.


Soul Punch Changes:

Soul Punch can be cast from any direction/orientation, meaning that Nekros doesn't have to orient himself to cast on a selected target.


Last time we discussed Nekros in a Community Hot Topics, Soul Punch and Terrify were voted as the most in need of a revision (disclaimer: Community Hot Topics do not determine Warframe change). Do you think the recent changes to these two abilities make them more valuable? If not, what other changes do you think are necessary? Desecrate was voted the least in need of a revision and subsequently has been left untouched. Do think Nekros’ is well-balanced now? Vote in the poll and post your comments in this thread and the source threads!


Source threads:




I try to include some hot topics on weapons in each Community Hot Topics, and this week I noticed some hot topics on daggers and how they can be improved. The source threads suggest that daggers could find a useful niche in stealth combat. Do you think daggers should infer a bonus while stealthing? In your opinion, what should the bonus be? How do you think daggers compare to other melee weapons, overall? Should they have a niche purpose or should they be comparative to other melee weapons in all circumstances? 


Source threads:



Rakta Ballistica

The Rakta Ballistica is another hot topic that I received several request to cover. The Rakta recently received the following buff on PC and will receive it on consoles in the near future:

Rakta Ballistica Changes:


The following changes have been made to the Rakta Ballistica.  Future adjustments may continue to be made, and feedback on any weapon are encouraged to be posted in the appropriate subforum.


Rakta Ballistica’s crit chance has been buffed from 15 to 20 on charge.

Ratka Ballistica’s damage on charge has been changed to 5 Slash, 5 Impact, 90 Puncture.


What are your thoughts on the recent Rakta changes? Are they appropriate or are there additional changes you would suggest? 


Source threads:



Upcoming Conclave changes

The last Devstream revealed some pretty major changes coming to the Conclaves. The source threads for this topic offer suggestions on how to make the most of the upcoming changes. How would you improve the Conclave? Do you think you’ll PvP more with the balance changes that are coming? Do you like the idea of restricting conclave gear? Do you like the idea to have separate balance for PvP and PvE? If you haven’t caught up on the upcoming changes, check out the Devstream and post your opinions in this thread or the source threads. 


Source threads:


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I really hate to do this but...



You dont hate it enough to not do it.


Its going to be interesting to see if anybody is OK with the rakta changes....Rakta Ballistica needs an overall buff in damage, or some actual viable crit percentage added to it. I mean Vaykor Marelok has 20% crit chance AND 35% Status, come on now. Why are you so afraid to buff this gun?


Edit: Oh my...People ARE actually ok with it... This is heartbreaking.

Edited by armedpoop
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Do you think the recent Nekros changes have made his abilities more useful?


Nekro´s ultimate still is one of the worst abilities in all the game (no exaggeration, it really is)

It always created allot of chaos and mess into the battlefield, all those npc's can be very harmful for the tenno.

The devs did well to make them pass trough and also bullets can punch trough them, but they still are opaque, transparency would help allot.

And strategy wise, they would be so much better, if they were only 2 or 3 shadows, but strong and smart npc's, its better then all those useless mediocre npc's that, again, just cause confusion and can work against the tenno.






In your opinion, how do daggers compare to other melee weapon types, overall?
Daggers or any fast weapons are the only good melee weapons since 2.0
Since all animations are arbitrary, doing one combo that does a whatever animation or another combo that does whatever other animation is all the same and not tactical, going with fast melees is way better. (Also daggers are the only ones I can actually hit random combos just by pressing the amazing E button, because of the speed.)
This also reflects all the problems we have with heavy melees, the fact they are slow, they aren't good for coptering or air melee; heavy melee's no longer make sense in the game since melee 2.0 removed the charged attacks.
Edited by 7grims
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On the first point:

- I voted "I think the changes are ok, but need tweaking. (post your explanation below)" because this one is closest to my real answer.


I believe the way the R5 fusion cores are spread is ok. Because it is in so many missions the chance means that it can lead to a lot of small bonuses while playing missions. And small bonuses are nice and make me enjoy the game more.


I (and more) do not like, however, the cells that replaced the cores in T4 survival. This is because there is simply a lot less use for Orokin cells compared to the Cores. It leaves a nasty feeling. I can't believe I'm saying this but it's almost like you go to out to eat in a place you're used to, you order a coke like you've done so many times before, but they give you pepsi.



- Reduce the chance on cells and replace that with something that a player determines useful.

- Or create a way to trade recources for other things, 20 cells for 1/2 neurodes for example.

Edited by AnonymousArmadillo
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Cores... yeah, even with adding core packs to the star map, its still overall a nerf to core farming.  And considering how many mods go up to rank 10 now (regardless of rarity) has made cores an extremely important sought after resource.  With the nerf to T4S there is no "Reliable" way of farming them anymore.  Thats why I would say that adding core packs to the star map didn't make things any better, the drop rate is to low to make up for the nerf to T4S.  And there is also the issue that they added cells to T4s... seriously a slap in the face of the players, if they wanted to nerf core packs they could have at least added a prime part or change the drop percentage of prime parts rather that something that is not wanted in the rotation drop pool. 


Friendly fire?  Please... never ever ever ever, there are to many potential negative issues with it. 


The changes to nekros are pretty good, maybe a slight bit more tweaking, but its damn close. 


With regards to daggers, single daggers most definitely fall behind many other weapons. 


The balistica was just a bad weapon to begin with, there is not much that can be done to make it a good weapon, even damage buffs won't make up for it being a bad concept. 


PvP, with what they showed in the last devstream, it looks more fun that what we have now, definitely.  But I hope they plan on replacing the crap dark sectors conflict pvp also, its just god awful. 

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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Voted anyway here what I think :


The Core Issue: You know you won't do better than what used to be T4 survival , but you will have again the same problem with the hight amount of orokin cells ...


Friendly Fire : I voted fun but not sure , depends on how the damage it's dealed This could make some war between players you know , Example : "Nekros is AFK , one players notice it , and go to kill him , Nekros come back and notice who killed him , and go hunt for that players " you know the rest .


Nekros Changes Aftermath : Look fine 


Daggers : For some reason I can't not understand why Dagger feel slower than heavy , being weak and slow ,They have no reason to be used except some of them being good to slide / copter they really need to be fixed (PS : nothing to do with dagger but Buff the Supra It's been the weapon that cost alot but nobody use it)


Rakta Ballistica : Still weak , I did'nt check ingame , but the change is almost nothing 


Upcoming Conclave changes : Don't know I throught it would be Dark sector pvp..also if the pvp balance does anything to PVE side I'll of course ignore it (btw could not take off the bold for this line...)

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R5 Core Distribution


The issue players had with the R5 cores being in the Void in the first place was because it impeded their progress to Prime items. Still seeing mostly Forma BPs in the Void, so I can't say that redistributing them changed much.


Friendly Fire


Remember how players requested changes to Switch Teleport, Bounce, Vortex, Pull/Rip Line, Banish and Cataclysm because of the possibility of trolling or being trolled by your teammates? Making Friendly Fire a common occurrence would be bad for the same reasons. Between ultimates and Syndicate weapons, even someone who doesn't do it intentionally could do so offhandedly.


Now that said, I am not saying there is zero tolerance for the concept in Warframe, just very little. Having it be an added risk during sensitive scenarios that already require coordination could, theoretically, be acceptable. I might find it interesting if there were, say, a miniboss whose main defense would be tricking you into shooting at your allies (in a "this is what your enemies see when Chaos is active" type of way), deployed in a manner which could be easily overcome by basic communication; the issue being, I find it hard to believe such techniques would be employed by our enemies.


Nekros Changes Aftermath


Nekros' changes were great for quality of life, but didn't really address the majority of his issues. I made a list after Scott announced his changes in the initial devstream...

1.      The “soul cache” mechanic on Shadows of the Dead forces Nekros players to restrict their killing blows to certain targets in order to make their Shadows worthwhile.

2.      Shadows need an AI overhaul. They aren’t “dumb” so much as too smart for competence, seeking cover when they should be aggressive and patrolling areas their summoner has already left.

3.      Shadows of the Dead, as a body-blocking tool, is a two way street; Nekros and his allies cannot see or shoot through Shadows, which just means they create clutter on the battlefield. Addressed before release.

4.      Despite being his “Oh S#&$” button, Nekros is locked out of casting Terrify an additional time while active, leaving him defenseless if another wave of enemies approaches. Addressed before release.

5.      Of the many ways to decrease enemy armor, only one cannot approach 100% on its own within current Power Strength constrictions or be stacked to that point: Terrify. 

6.      Enemies under the effects of Terrify sprint at full-speed toward the nearest exit, synergizing poorly with the armor debuff and making it harder to clean the slate for a second cast.

7.      Soul Punch has virtually nonexistent area-effect compared to an ability like Smite or Pull, and does not provide sufficient benefits (without the augment) to justify being single-target like Banish or Rip Line. It's just a knockdown at high level, which each of those have and more.

8.      Desecrate’s reliance on RNG forces it to be spammed for maximum effectiveness; this spam locks Nekros players out of using his other abilities or attacks, and makes it difficult to build the “soul cache”. Altogether, this promotes boring backline gameplay.

9.      Desecrate does not synergize with the rest of Nekros’ kit; despite Shadows making him the one frame who can justify having a team to support even in solo mode, they can’t benefit from the loot his “support” provides (nor approach it if they could).


Finally, but most importantly,


10.    Desecrate’s metagame benefits make the loot it provides more important to players than any other skill in Nekros’ arsenal; it doesn't even provide a strong benefit in the mission, but players tear each other apart over it because of the benefits it provides once they leave (many a group has fallen apart because someone didn't want to play a Nekros when the host was hunting a rare mod). Any changes to his other skills won't matter so long as he has to spam this skill, or build exclusively Power Range for the benefit of this skill alone.

As you can see, only two of the issues on the list were addressed prior to the update. What's most peculiar is Issue #2, since many players have noted that the new Syndicate allies have excellent AI pathing and aggression.


While Desecrate was the least voted, the recent By the Numbers confirmed a glaringly high amount of Desecrate-spam.

We all know why it wasn't voted up: Players want loot, and don't see a problem with "Press one button for loot" due to the acceptance of Press 4 to Win. As many players within the Nekros Dev Workshop have noted, however, changing his other abilities does virtually nothing to alter this behavior. The RNG nature of the effect and limited window in which to cast it means players have very little time in which to play while spamming it.


In short, Nekros is Desecrate-bot, and that's harmful to the game.




It's a funny thing: Stealth finisher damage multipliers seem to be based on the size/weight of the weapon rather than the actual use in stealth. Presently the highest stealth finisher boost (2400%) comes from using Hammers, while the lowest comes from Daggers/Staves (1200%). Couple this with the short range of daggers (since enemies lose the regular stealth damage multiplier if touched) and it's not worth it to use them for stealth.


With a lot of weapons, there seems to be an issue that the weapon most logically suited to a job is the least functional towards it. For example, the shield and sword has the highest stamina consumption while blocking, causing it to only prevent one or two hits before the user is unable to continue; meanwhile, you can get more efficiency from punching bullets out of the air. 

Edited by Archwizard
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Mostly a positive change.  I can't help but think that in an ideal world, fusion energy should come from time played instead of a mission drop, because unless you add cores to EVERY mission, there will always be a biased preference for where to go.


Friendly Fire

No. Absolutely not. Warframe as a game is too fast and too hectic, with too much collateral damage and too much AOE for this to ever work in current or conceivable game modes.



Improved, but I still feel like his Shadows of the Dead needs work. It takes a long time to cast and is very clunky in use due to the way you cant' recast it while active or control your minions. Nekros as a warframe is very fragile, and I feel like conceptually I should be hiding behind my Shadows army most of the time.


Started a thread for this...




Very short reach and not much impact. If daggers were more adept at single-target stunlock, and/or stacked combo multipliers faster and higher than other weapons, they would have more of an identity.


Rakta Ballistica

Mentioned this several times.... The Ballisticas as a whole really can't be used without charging them, due to absolutely horrific ammo efficiency and constant reloading. And other weapons do equal or better damage compared to the charged shot while being easier to use.

Recommendations:   (1)  Ballisticas only use up 1 round of ammo from their magazine to shoot an uncharged spray of 4 bolts. This allows the "DPS mode" of these weapons to actually be used in a practical manner.  Many other pistols already do equal or better damage, without the weird horizontal pull, so I'm not seeing a big balance problem here.  (2) Rakta Ballistica in specific should have a base crit chance of 40% for its charged shot only.  This allows it to score reliable crits while precision shooting, and compete with the likes of Akmagnus.



They sound like good changes but I don't play PVP at all, here or anywhere else, and it is difficult to imagine a scenario where the conclave changes would appeal to me enough to change that.

Edited by Momaw
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I think taking R5 out of the Void is a bit ! backwards, personally.  The Void is our "end game", so I think all of the things we need the most of in end game should be there.  Not Orokin Cells.  Not T1 keys.  Just lots and lots of cores, Prime parts, Forma, and rare materials as the resource drops (not as completion rewards).


The only thing I'm really hungry to have pulled out of the Void is keys, and credits - I'd love to have way more specialized and general ways of getting keys out on the star chart, like Excavation (makes sense, right?) and Interception, and I feel like we should get way more credits from running things like Mobile Defense, Spy and Capture (stealing important data, capturing VIP's for cash seems like common sense merc stuff).


In general I think every star chart area should have a high or assured chance to give us a key the same type + approximate difficulty as the mission played, so you can target your key hunting - but then also have quicker but more "grab bag" ways of getting keys from Excavation and Interception (since these mission types don't exist in the Void), and if you don't get a key then it should give you a credits cache instead.


At this point I'm convinced that dilution is intentional and fishing out a certain Prime part is expected to take a hell of a long time, so I'm just going to ask that the dilution be something we actually care about/is consumable (like cores) and not dead weight.



Please no.



Didn't actually change anything for me about Nekros.  Desecrate takes so many mods to make strong + Nekros needs at least a couple mods dedicated to tankiness that I don't have the spare time or energy to use my Terrify or Soul Punch anyway.


The solution is actually just to buff Desecrate.  The stronger it is without mods, the less pressure I feel to take Fleeting Expertise and Overextended on him to be efficient on him, and the less I'm crippling my other three abilities.



Their niche should be 1) decent attack speed + multiple strikes per attack so they get the illusion of being really fast without actually having 3.0 attack speed, and 2) putting a wicked combo Slash + Puncture + Impact proc on them simultaneously after a stealth attack, so they stagger and bleed wildly if they manage to survive the vicious shanking or throat slitting you give them.



Rework this weapon to not feel clunky to use.  The way it controls now isn't fun.


Also rework the syndicate blasts, because apparently these weapons are being balanced around them and that's why the Gammacor is allowed to be awesome and the Rakta is kinda suck.  Change it to be a smaller blast on next shot + a decent restore to energy, health and shields up front as soon as the bar fills and I'll be more than happy.


(it has a bad habit of exploding when I don't want it to and breaking things I didn't expect it to, including the glass on Corpus ships.)



I think I might PvP if all of the abilities and weapons were standardized/people couldn't go in with an obscene stats advantage.  It could be fun.  I don't think I'd change anything except ask for the aforementioned truly equal footing among players.

Edited by ArcusVeles
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Assuming the Rakta Ballistica is supposed to be comparable to the other Syndicate weapons than no, it's still not nearly strong enough. The other Syndicate weapons are basically direct upgrades to already powerful weapons, but the Rakta Ballistica is basically a sidegrade to a weapon that's barely any better than a starter weapon to begin with. And the Viral proc really isn't enough to make it worth using; as other people have said you could simply change it to a Fire proc instead if it's that big of an issue.


Of course all the Syndicate weapons could use a bit of evening out make them equally as viable, Syn Gammacor is god-tier compared to the rest, Vaykor Marelok and Telos Akboltos are reasonable, Cestras and Castanas are okay but could use better ammo economy, and the Rakta is simply not worth using by comparison.

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The Rare Fusion Core issue is only the tip of the continental glacier. The whole progression system needs to be gutted and replaced; everyone's just too narrow minded to see it.


Friendly fire would be a gargantuan middle finger to group players. Have you seen the exponential damage-output gap between players and mobs? Literally everyone would die to a single misplaced shot.


I don't use Nekros, but the "changes" I saw were simple QoL tweaks, power creep, and a useless attempt to bridge the mob-to-player damage gap.


Daggers are, once again, only the tip of the continental glacier. Movement code needs to be rewritten using procedural animation first, then you can remake melee with procedural animation as the base.


I don't care about that whatever gun, not when the whole progression system needs to be gutted and replaced.


Remember when you said PvP wouldn't have a place in Warframe? Yeah, I even thought you were telling the truth, too.

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No opinion on the cores or Rakta; I'm not invested heavily enough in the Veil to really care about their weapon and my friends and I rarely did that much T4 anyway.  Finding them outside the Void might be handy, I guess, but it's not really what I'd consider a priority issue for me.  As for Conclaves, and PvP in general, I once again really don't care enough to get worked up over the coming changes.


Friendly fire is a definite no.  The only benefit I could see is hard-nerfing power abuse, but that's a bad answer to that problem for several reasons.  First, it would affect all area powers and probably most damage powers, many of which are considered fairly low-tier and in need of buffing.  Second, it wouldn't play nicely at all with autotargeting powers like Shock or target-capped ones like Shuriken unless those were explicitly made friendly fireproof, defeating the whole purpose.  Finally, using FF as a balancing feature for powers and AoE guns would probably be a "mission accomplished" moment, potentially preempting actual balance changes to powers and weapons.  The changes DE's made in the past, from ammo tweaks to flight time, have generally been good, and I'd hate to see "but you can kill you teammates unless you're really careful" become an argument against future balance passes.


Lastly, for Nekros, as fun as his abilities are now - heck, as fun as Soul Punch used to be - the fact remains that he's mostly there to mash Desecrate, a fact made clear to me by an earlier game with Diabolus Ursus.  I was actually taking pains to use more of my powers than the usual Energy Vampire and Blessing on my Trinity, almost as if energy was actually a limiting factor in power use or something, and that made it really obvious that he was just using Terrify to open windows to spam Desecrate.


The easiest fix to Desecrate would be to simply make it a one-shot skill.  Either you successfully roll something from every corpse or you don't, and they all melt away so you can move on.  Coincidentally, this would make the current farmer's build less optimal since it's not purely centered around Desecrate, potentially adding greater benefits to the other skills.  As for those other skills...I don't really know.  I haven't put anywhere near as much thought into Nekros as people like Archwizard and Ursus, and both of them - and others - have hammered out much clearer complaints and suggestions than I could come up with right now.


Edit: Oh, daggers.  Forgot about them.  Single daggers just really have never felt very useful to me, now or back in the original melee model.  The huge lunges we take before striking only make it worse, but their raw damage and effect chances are generally fairly low too, and I don't think we've had a new one since back when I joined. Dual daggers are seriously fun, though, largely because their wider area attacks help to offset the accuracy and control problems that come from the movement system.  I wouldn't call an increase to stealth/finisher damage a real buff, though, just because of how random your successes at both parrying and successful non-cloak stealth are right now.  I'd give them that major increase, though, especially since both assassinations and executions of downed enemies were frequent uses of those weapons Way Back When.  And, as Archwizard pointed out above, very few melee weapons fill their "natural" purpose in general - smoothing that out across the board would be an interesting and hopefully worthwhile balancing project without needing to change more than one or two numbers per weapon (which, admittedly, is still an awful lot of numbers).

Edited by Phaenur
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I don´t care about the cores, never farmed for them anyways. It´s a good move put them in a solar map missions, is a usefull reward. That isn´t the point because people complain. Replace them for Orokin cells in T4S is the problem. Void missions are our Bonus map, we can acces to it getting a rare drop(keys) on normal maps, so for logic, a bonus map should provide usefull rewards. T4 is our hardest content, veterant oriented content. Orokin cells are useless for veterans. 1+1=2


Friendly Fire

IMO will be bad feature, but you can try it and see what happens in a tactical alert maybe. Probably tons of rage, hate and complains, but who knows.

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Fusion Cores R5 Packs should have 50% chance for A and 25% for B in Hard Survivals.


For veteran players, R Cores are pretty much the main reason we go there, second would be ducats, third would be to sell parts for platinum..


Yes there are plat farmers who live in the void. and Yes there are people who live there and sell it all for ducats. But i feel that the general consensus is that the Cores are the most favored, because literally everyone needs them/ can use them.


I am fine if you do or dont adjust it. I just play to play.  But considering their practicality, they should be more readily available.


If they were really easy to get it would lower the price on lots of the ten rank mods, which would overall be better for the community.

(do people tend to buy plat in large chunks or little bits at a time. which ever is most popular should be the grounds for the decision. Meaning: if people buy large amounts more, then its fine. If they buy smaller amounts more then its not fine and cores should be made more readily available, and btw, i think the guy who talked about the F2P model and making money in the video that was really popular.. i think he may have been from valve or something... is an idiot. They try to act like theyre doing it 'for the player' but it all still feels like a ripoff based on his explanations of why. sugar coating insults doesnt make them not insults if you catch my drift. i say this because wether or not people spend money and are okay with it ISNT a good measure of wether youre ripping off the consumer or not. People make terrible spending decisions like erryday. So much in the market needs to be repriced but that is for another hot topic on another day.)







as far as nekros is concerned: Shadows need to respond to waypoints. Period. Do this for him, kubrows, and specters and you have yourself a major improvement to the game.

Edited by T4LCOMX
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