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Actually Impossible To Pay For Mod Upgrading/ducat Items. Deep Explanation Within. Please Support.


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I agree with the OP position, to a point the in game systems should support the players ability to level up the mods within reason. That leads us to another question how long should a player invest in game playing to level up each mod. I do not mean "grinding" out Fusion Cores/Ducats I mean how many ours of consistent game play doing level/skill appropriate content for the mod they are leveling up.


If you are someone to does nothing but T3/4 equivalent content and I would say that 150-200 hours of game play would be an acceptable time to level up a Primed Mod. So if it takes him 15-20 days thats fine, the game should not be balanced around making it take someone like the OP 90+ days of playing to level up a single mod. Because a casual player like myself would literally spend 300+ days of play just to level up that one mod, to me that seems a bit excessive.

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Not it hasn't.  It hasn't been a valid playstyle since Primed Chamber at the very least, and then you factor in the Closed Beta items, and completionism stopped being a valid play style since closed beta ended.


Yeah if you want to be pedantic.  But as we both know, I am referring to the style of play in which you seek to acquire everything attainable in game.

Edited by Yorinar
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Yeah if you want to be pedantic.  But as we both know, I am referring to the style of play in which you seek to acquire everything attainable in game.


Primed Chamber is obtainable in game via trade.  It's ludicrously expensive, but it is available.  Does it count in your version of completionism?

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Primed Chamber is obtainable in game via trade.  It's ludicrously expensive, but it is available.  Does it count in your version of completionism?


Yes, because according to the dataminers, Primed Charged Chamber 'may' be going to be for sale tomorrow from Baro Ki Teer


Edit: I dont have it right now, but it looks set to show up again, so naturally, i aim to buy it.

Edited by SnakeWildlife
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Yes, because according to the dataminers, Primed Charged Chamber 'may' be going to be for sale tomorrow from Baro Ki Teer


Edit: I dont have it right now, but it looks set to show up again, so naturally, i aim to buy it.


Not Primed Charged Chamber - Primed Chamber.  One is an event mod release to something like 1000 top players, the other is a primed version of Charged Chamber.

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Not Primed Charged Chamber - Primed Chamber.  One is an event mod release to something like 1000 top players, the other is a primed version of Charged Chamber.


We dont know if it's going to be the same or not yet,  time will tell. Either way im not paying 3k plat for a mod. Like this economy, some things are unreasonable.

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Not Primed Charged Chamber - Primed Chamber.  One is an event mod release to something like 1000 top players, the other is a primed version of Charged Chamber.


I think it is going to be Primed Charged Chamber. I don't think DE would release such a mod that easily into the game.

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Please, keep your comments respectful and on topic. Reading too much hostility in this thread, and I don't want to lock it. 

[DE]Drew I have a question, do you know if you guys are planning to increase the drop rate of R5's in "Hard Survivals and Interceptions"? 25% is honestly too low :(

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Agreed with the OP. This needs to stop. For some reason Sheldon seems to think more grind and more rng is more fun - hopefully he'll wake up before it's too late for this otherwise great game.


[edit] I say this as a completionist myself. I never had much of an issue with the time investment required by Warframe so far, but it's really getting out of hand now.

Edited by Khalum
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You heard the crewman, play nice. Secondly, I thought the primed mods were going into rotation, so you don't have to buy everything every two weeks.

It's impossible to tell when they'll start rotating. We could go through every mod before the rotation begins.


I don't think we're supposed to be able to afford it all.

Then why make it every <2 weeks like it's something affordable?


I'd say DE took into consideration people's pools of prime parts (so made it <2weeks to easily remove those pools, fair enough) but haven't put as much consideration into what happens arfter those pools are gone, or to the people that don't have pools of prime parts.

Edited by Postal_pat
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Totally agree with the OP, and mostly dislike that the void trader goods being sold are temporary sales only, if for example a week i cannot farm enough ducats i might lose the chance to buy what he was selling, without having (so far) the chance of buying what i needed the next time it appears.


As for what it disturb me in Warframe now is that, as opposite when i started when any player could pick up the game anytime and with time and will she could catch up with the most experienced players,  and this was possible even if for a week or more she completely didn't play the game, now this thing is no longer possible.


You (intended as DE management) DO WANT the player to play Warframe regularly and without excuses for a fixed amount of time each week


Is like you are soft forcing your player base through this bi-weekly void trader cycling appearances and the power creep behind legendary mods and mastery fodder weaponry.


I find this disturbing, because now when i launch Warframe i don't think "hell yeah let shoot aliens up and relax a little", no more, i think "ok now i have to farm X of that, and Y of that other, and this will take me Z time of my life", like it was a job for which i'm not even paid.

Terribly terribly terribly disturbing.


Please change direction.

Let the void trader sell retroactively any good he previously had for sale, let players play how much Warframe they want or can, do not force them.

Let them the capacity to catch up or slow down their playing experience.

Edited by perfectStranger
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I don't think the point the OP was trying to make was you have to have it all, but of the economy system of Warframe itself and using that info as a way of illustrating what is going on. I think the reason everything is so expensive is because they are afraid of power creep and maybe they figure this will limit that by making sure only a few can have this much power. Yes it's true you don't have to rank up the new prime mods all the way but you do want to get them to a place where they are better than their vanilla counterparts, thus going back to what the OP said. As many of you saw on the last Devstream the rotation of items is a sore subject and Sheldon defelected the question with joking banter because in my opinion he does not have a solution although the OP gave some very detailed and excellent suggestions. My only hope is DERbecca reads this and brings the OP's suggestions and information to their attention. Well done OP:)

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hey, thank you very much Paul, for not only bringing this to our -the players'- but also the devs' -DE's- attention.


dear devs, once again there's the chance to show us how awesome you are and that you're also listening to your community's worries and fears.


we trust in you! :)

Edited by The3doM
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I semi agree, at least on the Ducat issue. Once your surplus of junk runs out it takes quite a bit of grinding to get new prime items to sell, and it doesn't help how diluted the Void drop tables are with stuff like Cells, Cores, Forma, and keys. And since it's such a small window of time he's actually around you really gotta grind the heck out of the Void just to get enough junk to exchange. It would be nice if there was less "non prime part" stuff in the drop tables, and if more of them could be worth at least 20 (everything seems to be worth 10 now, with the exception of a few 50s which you'd be crazy to sell as junk).


As for the core farming/legendary mods, once you actually acquire them there's no rush to max them out, so even if you are a completionist patience is a virtue. Plus I'm sure his stock will eventually start to loop and resell old items, meaning they'll be time to not have to worry about maxing out your most recent mod in time for the next fortnight sale.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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Okay, I read the wall of text and originally I'm also with the people who say you don't need 'em all and it really looks like DE thought the same when they introduced the void trader. Yes, it is overkill to buy and max all of his stuff.


BUT what OP made me realize is that a huge amount of the whales are completionists and this mechanic is slowly killing them and maybe DE isn't even fully aware of this effect!


Because the dying of the whales is mostly the beginning of the end of a f2p game and I also don't want this to happen!


So DE... why not making all new primed mods R5 and lower the overall ducat costs? Because I think the mod upgrade system is fine as it is, but thoses R10 legendaries? Overkill! Rare R10 were already enough...

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OP is absolutely right.


I really hope this is the last or second to last batch of Baro's items, don't really see the point of more primed mods, it's getting absurd.

Like the op, i pretty much have everything there is to have right now, although I didn't max mods i don't use.


Understand I don't NEED as in physically need to max every damn mod BUT it is nice to have side goals beside go to map x complete the mission.

And that's all i'm left with until a patch with new weapons/frames or game modes is released, hence the importance of these side goals, they make me enjoy the game just a bit more, give a perception of progress and a sense of accomplishment within the game.

That is when these side goals are actually achievable in a reasonable time frame.

This is not the case, and when you require that much time investment for these side goals they become pointless and people get put off by them, so they end up having the opposite effect.


I can't really believe that's DE's purpose hence why I think we are gonna see the last of Baro's items soon and why we're probably gonna get a way of earning legendary cores again.


I understand it's hard to keep people with a lot of time to invest in your game happy. but that's every developer challenge for this kind of games and you have to be creative in dealing with it.

Burying hardcore players under a power (?) creep time sink of outrageous proportions isn't gonna cut it, it's just depressing.


This Baro deal began as "you'll have something to do with your unwanted prime parts" (and most expected some minor system) and then became a huge time sink were we actually GO AND TRY TO GET MORE PRIME PARTS WE NOW DO WANT, just for Baro!


In the end, some announcement about his rotation would be gladly received so we can at least do some planning with our ducats and credits and I suspect console players would be happy to know how much they need to earn in order to get the items they want.

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I will try and be respectful to the what this is about. This sounds like there are things that are meant to take long time and a lot of work to get. That sounds great. I can't just have time put in and know that everything will be easily made the best it can be. I might not be able to take all the mods that are rank 10 to 10. I will have to go with having most at between 6 and 8 which is still better than the others at rank 3 or 5. Thank you DE for adding something that is almost impossible to attain. I will be impressed at someone who can show me they have all the rank 10 mods that people consider "OP" or "best to have" mods at rank 10. I can say WOW to them and mean it. Continue with making content that seems small but requires much work to get the most out of them.

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