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Limbo Master Race? Limbo Master Race.


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For decades, the reign of the Lokis was undisputed, for they only the most worthy of Tenno were honored with the responsibility of wielding a Loki Warframe. Possessing the power to cause great harm to the enemy, Loki could also backfire against the user and teammates if used improperly. It is thus so, that the ones who had mastered the art of using Loki could call themselves "Master Race".


But now, a new Warframe, rediscovered from aeons past, is also capable of causing complete humiliation to the enemy. Its name, Limbo. At last, the rule of the Loki dynasty has been disturbed. Will this challenger possess what it takes to bring down the tyranny of the Lokis?






Here we will compare and contrast Limbo and Loki regarding how they fulfill different parts of the master race criteria. Each frame will be described thoroughly, and then given a final verdict at the end.



BATTLE I: Humiliation


Loki: Capable of turning invisible, Loki can kill enemies right in front of their friends, while leaving them clueless as to why the guy standing in front of them was just chopped in half. Likewise, he can escape pursuit instantly, and immediately circle back around his enemies to tap them on the shoulder before giving them a deft disemboweling - with a claymore. Loki can leave a decoy in front of his enemies, and watch as they struggle to figure out which Loki they should shoot (and most likely peeing their pants to the there suddenly being two Lokis there to F*** with them). Loki can also switch places with enemies, suddenly appearing in a crowd of Grineer who are shocked by seeing their friend usddenly falling from the ceiling down into a bottomless pit, before cutting them all to pieces. Loki's ultimate, Radial Disarm, makes his enemies forget how to use guns, and gives them harmless nerf swords as a replacement. It seems to lower their IQ as well, as disarmed enemies act no differently from mindless infested. Truly, Loki will make enemies lose all sense of pride.


Limbo: While Loki prefers to manipulate his enemies from a distance, leaving them terrified and confused before preying upon them like a Predator, Limbo forgoes all subtlety and walks straight at his enemies while their bullets go through him. Giving Limbo complete invulnerability and restoring energy, Rift Walk allows Limbo to stand in front of his enemies indefinitely while they burst through their magazines in panic. Given Limbo's magician theme, he probably also performs magic tricks in front of his enemies as well, taking his time and enjoying the sheer confusion and terror going trhough their minds. Banish, allows Limbo to drag enemies one by one into the rift with him, and do with them what he wishes. Anything he wishes. Even the strongest enemies are helpless as they are knocked on their backs with Limbo standing right on top ready to finish them off. Most likely slowly and painfully, as every serial killer is ought to do. Cataclysm allows Limbo to not just violate, but completely annihalate the laws of reality, releasing the madness that only he can understand known as the rift onto the normal plane. Enemies are helpless before him: a god inside the rift. One can already imagine Limbo cackling maniacally before methodically killing all of his enemies.


Verdict: Tie



BATTLE II: Trolling


(Trol)Loki: What's worse than having a Loki running towards you with a group of Eximus units in tow, and then having him turn invisible and leaving you to deal with them? How about being teleported into an endless pit. Or maybe you'd be more bothered by Loki leading all the enemies out of your ability's AoE with his decoy. Loki's bag of tricks allows him a great deal of creativity when griefing his allies, so it's probably better to stay on his good side just in case.


(Trol)Limbo: Does this even need saying? Immediately upon Limbo's rediscovery, a few creative Tenno turned screwing with one's allies into an art. From constantly Banishing teammates so that their weapons are useless, to putting Cataclysm over essential drops and enemies, one has to constantly wonder whose team Limbo is actually on.


Verdict: Limbo wins!



BATTLE III: Complexity


Loki: Loki's thorough manipulation of enemy behaviours allows him a great number of strategies. Creativity is a must for members of the Loki master race, and it is even rumoured that young Lokis are taken to a secret temple for testing before they can become full members of the Lokidom. Loki offers great team support as well, with other Warframes such as Nyx and Vauban begging him to complete their half-baked ability kits.


Limbo: While a Loki player may be described as complex and skillful, there is only one word suitable for Limbo: MAD. The only Warframe to literally bring a completely new dimension into play, Limbo's strategies are so incomprehensible and numerous that they haven't even all been discovered yet. Already, he's replacing Trinity for supporting power spam, and replacing Frost for defense. While a few stray bullets can completely ruin a stealthing Loki's day, Rift Walk allows Limbo to be invincible while dragging enemies one by one into the rift with him to be killed, even if it doesn't make him invisible. As the enemies gain new defenses for protecting their intelligence, Limbo's ability to shift in and out of reality has given him the ability to compete with Loki in his home domain.


Verdict: Limbo wins!





Loki: Loki's long history of reverence has given him the largest collection of headgear out of all the Warframes. With each of his helmets representing a different aspect of his prowess while also keeping the signature horns that enemies have learned to fear, no one can deny that Loki is a fashionable Warframe. Likwise, no one can deny that Loki Prime is the most ornate and beautifully crafted Prime out there.


Limbo: While Loki's horns may have a sort of nordic charm to them, they are simply BARBARIC compated to the SHEER GENTLEMANLINESS of Limbo's top hat. Polite and charming, Limbo leaves men teeming with jealousy while bursting ovaries by the dozen. Limbo's short history had only given time for one alternate helmet to be discovered, the wizard hat is perhaps the only piece of headgear to have an innate snarkiness about it. Normally perceived to be silly and crude, the wizard hat represents exactly what Limbo thinks of his enemies while they are unsure whether to laugh at or run from him. His appearance gives the impression that he is there to entertain his enemies, while in reality, he is toying with his enemies for his own laughter. After all, what's funnier than watching a bunch of Elite Grineer running away with their pants down from a guy dressed like freaking DUMBLEDORE?


Verdict: Limbo wins!



BATTLE V: Exclusivity


Loki: Having once been a starter Warframe, players constantly complained that new Tenno weren't nearly skilled enough to use Loki, and disgraced the master race with their failures. Now, Loki has been removed from the hands of newbies, and can only be obtained from the Hyena Pack, a boss almost as agile and devious as Loki himself. Loki was the original advanced Warframe, lacking any fire and forget defenses and any direct damage abilities, while having the lowest health and shields in the game. Players of other Warframes often have no idea how to use Loki and find themselves completely dumbstruck when equipping him.  One clearly has to know what they're doing in order to not get clobbered, limiting the number of Loki players out there. In fact, it even says advanced in his description!


Limbo: The path to getting Limbo is far more difficult than that of Loki. Loki drops from a simple boss node, allowing any player who has reached Neptune to get him, while to get Limbo players have to go on an interplanetary scavenger hunt, and wade through painfully boring Archwing levels. Poor Loki players can still get by with simply building for Invisibility, but there is no simple way to use Limbo, and probably no way for those who can't use him to learn either. This more than makes up for Limbo's slightly higher health. A certain degree of madness, rivaling that of Limbo's own is required to understand the intricacies of his abilities. So engimatic are his powers, that players who don't know how to use him decry Limbo as "useless" and "the worst Warframe". One requires a special type of mind just to be able to use Limbo at all, making him even more exclusive than the so-called master race.


Verdict: Limbo wins!




END RESULT: Limbo wins!


It appears that the Limbo revolution has succeeded in overthrowing the tyrannical rule of the Lokis. One can only hope that their leadership will be much kinder than the previous.





Edited by StevesEvilTwin
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Quite the breakdown. However, Limbo is not a member of the master race, he is in a category all his own. He is the only frame to have to drag friends into his schizophrenic world. Loki is the tactician, the trawler, the troll. Limbo is the odd relative noone wants to discuss. The difference is that of genius or insanity. Can the insane be a part of the master race, or will we end up with despotic Limbo frames trying to rule the game?

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Man, you made me laugh at 2:02 AM here, really thanks. Very nice post, I'm waiting for more of this.


Btw, I'm Loki user since I start to play (first crafted frame), and for me Loki will always be better than Limbo (again: for me). I don't play enough with Limbo to build a strategy yet too.


Aaaaaaand one more thing: Loki are faster than Limbo. That's way his Master Race Loki ftw.

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lol, good post. I laughed at ovaries bursting.


Though this thread does seem to be full of Loki-elitist-insecurity. Let's compare them real quick:


Loki can create decoys to confuse enemies!

Limbo is invulnerable.


Loki can turn invisible for a bit!

Limbo is invulnerable.


Loki can swap places with people!

Limbo is invulnerable.


Loki can disarm entire groups of enemies!

Limbo is invulnerable.


Don't get me wrong, I enjoy playing loki but from a power standpoint he's nothing next to Limbo. 


Limbo ftw.

Edited by Meneliki
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lol, good post. I laughed at ovaries bursting.


Though this thread does seem to be full of Loki-elitist-insecurity. Let's compare them real quick:


Loki can create decoys to confuse enemies!

Limbo is invulnerable.


Loki can turn invisible for a bit!

Limbo is invulnerable.


Loki can swap places with people!

Limbo is invulnerable.


Loki can disarm entire groups of enemies!

Limbo is invulnerable.


Don't get me wrong, I enjoy playing loki but from a power standpoint he's nothing next to Limbo. 


Limbo ftw.

And while Limbo is invulnerable, he's also completely unable to do anything at all to enemies unless he presses more buttons, and then his allies can't do anything to them unless Limbo presses even more buttons.


Meanwhile Loki has helped kill everything.

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you grabbed limbos upsides then compared them to Loki's down sides, you never mentioned how Loki's invisibility multiply's melee crit chance by 500%, or how you can completely strip a level 100 heavy gunner of his gun and take no damage as long as you keep your distance, how how he is the fastest warframe in sprint speed or how even the Loki has better polarities and Loki prime has the best polarities in the game.

Edited by BoomToon43
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And while Limbo is invulnerable, he's also completely unable to do anything at all to enemies unless he presses more buttons, and then his allies can't do anything to them unless Limbo presses even more buttons.


Meanwhile Loki has helped kill everything.

Or you know Limbo's allies could use common sense and walk one step into his bubble or shoot at another enemy. Also, you've clearly never seen a good Limbo that can absolutely destroy every enemy within eyeshot before Loki can even finish casting Radial Disarm...

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Sorry, I as much as I'd like it, Limbo won't top Loki. The problem is that he is just too complex. With Loki, you press 2 and do as you please. Same thing with Limbo, but you can't attack anything and enemies will still see you. You can only do anything by pressin more buttons.


Plus, Cataclysm is just weird to use. Any way I try using it on Ceres gets me close to killed. Limbo really needs an extra buff, or enemy debuff, within the rift, because he is just as fragile in his arena as he is outside of it. I'll be interested to see what his augment will end up being.


Sorry, Loki is still master race. I can comfortably take him to any mission, on any planet. Limbo I'd only use for a few cases.

Edited by R34LM
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