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Petition To Make Aklato Do The Same Damage As The Lato


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While i can understand if leaving the Lato in the starter weapon hell was done on purpose, the AkLatos weakness compared to single Lato looks like a obvious oversight, which could have been fixed months ago. It's not like giving it 18 damage would unbalance the game.


So yeah.



Or even better... Make a new weapon, the mk-1 Lato, then buff Lato to be in line with the other dual secondaries (A cross between Lex and Vasto), then buff AkLato accordingly. 



I still think that would be a good idea, both in terms of consistency and in favor of Warframe's promotional material. They made the Mk-1 label the official title for starter weapons with Update 14, so there isn't much reason for Lato and also Skana to be stuck in that sorry place.


Both are part of Warframe's signature weapons (just look at how often they appear with Excalibur), so one would at least expect them to be in the category of "boring but usefull" like the Braton, Latron, Boltor, Furis and other weapons you regular see on images and which hold up to Pluto.

However their status ingame is basicly that of benchmark for weakness, a status that would fit cheap Corpus merchandise better than Tenno craftmanship.


For both consistency with the starter weapon title and to give them more basis for their signature status, it would be a good idea to get them out of the starter weapon hell, via MK-1 replacements. The Skana's 150 plat price tag would also make more sense.


The Lato and AkLato could be on the level of the Vasto but with higher reload time and a different damage type. Making them sidegrades while leaving the Magnus as the stronger replacement.


However for the moment getting the AkLato's damage to finaly be fixed would allready be nice.

Edited by Othergrunty
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