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The Dex Dakra Hype Megathread!


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Oooh, forgot about the Dex Dakra! I was about to build the Dakra Prime, but I think I'll leave it since the Dex variant will be released soon.

Well if I were you, I would build Dakra prime nontheless, since both weapons are off different type, also if your looking for stats, I'd say that freebie items are never really that strong.
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The community will never be happy, because when 100 people cry Nerf, another 100 cry buff right after. People only remember the bad. But yeah I'm with you Dex f***** dakraaaaa

Some ppl have been here since U7 and they do remember everything good and bad. This is still a product and needs to be handled with caution by DE, sometimes they forget that we are costumers and costumers like transparency, so yeah we complain, we complain because we care.

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Without complain noone of devs can develop a game. They should care much more on their community and listen to them and take the good manner critics. Only just bad devs can behave like childrens if they beign critized with their own fault. We are humans and we can learn from our past to build a brighter future. 


This community fine on it's way.

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Soon, Dual Sexy will be mine.



Now, if there would to be Dual primed version, i would be a little hyped.




Yes, I have also wanted that for the longest time. I don't know if it will happen, but the Dex Dakra will suffice for now.

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Yes, I have also wanted that for the longest time. I don't know if it will happen, but the Dex Dakra will suffice for now.

I dont know if you noticed, but Dakra Prime seems to have a bit different position on your back since U16.

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But don't worry, we got about 1-2-3 days left. So start of 21th or 25th. Hopefully it will start on the 21st, thats when Im hopeing PA comes out too. So no worry about 1-2-3 days left. 


Well DE might be nice and bring Prime Access early, they seemed pretty certain that anniversary stuff will be from 25th March to 1st April.

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