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Take Deep Breaths, And Remember... Dragonic Armored Anteater..., And Then Think Of Rolling Balls...


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Every time someone tells you Chroma is not dragonic, or cool... remember three little words... "Dragonic Armored Anteater"


Everything will be just fine... Because in the end you know you now want a warframe that rolls into a ball, and runs over balls now...


Cause it be crazy to think it didn't look like an armored ant eater pangolin.jpg and then thought... Chroma is CUTE, and AWESOME... and then also thought... MAN... I want a warframe that rolls into a ball, and runs stuff over...


znhi3QD.jpg you know you want it...

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That thing is called a Pangolin.

its also an anteater...



AAAAND one more thread about looking from different perspectives the new warframe Chroma... come on people!  THE DESIGN IS AND WILL ALWAYS BE UGLY!! AND YOU GUYS KNOW IT! >.< hahaha omg... XD

I actually like it just saying... I still think its cool, and cute.

Edited by Arlayn
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At least the anteater theme is fit on him. 


Anteater prime confirmed.

Chroma prime sounds absolutely sick... infact maybe his prime version will look VERY dragon like...


But still I think I can accept anteater... as long as its dragonic armored anteater...

Edited by Arlayn
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It's a characteristic shared among anteaters and pangolin

They do nickname pangolin " scaly anteater" but they are still biological different

true but doesn't it feel better to just look at the thing people were calling an anteater, and realize it is wearing armor, and notice how it has some dragonic it all together... Makes it better looking from that perspective...

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AAAAND one more thread about looking from different perspectives the new warframe Chroma... come on people!  THE DESIGN IS AND WILL ALWAYS BE UGLY!! AND YOU GUYS KNOW IT! >.< hahaha omg... XD

>Admits different views and perspectives

>Insists that his own opinion is the one and only fact

Logic is hard.

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Every time someone tells you Chroma is not dragonic, or cool... remember three little words... "Dragonic Armored Anteater"


Everything will be just fine... Because in the end you know you now want a warframe that rolls into a ball, and runs over balls now...


Cause it be crazy to think it didn't look like an armored ant eater pangolin.jpg and then thought... Chroma is CUTE, and AWESOME... and then also thought... MAN... I want a warframe that rolls into a ball, and runs stuff over...


znhi3QD.jpg you know you want it...


Even that would be better than Chroma's current design. Still wouldn't be dragon though.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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I was under the impression that dragons are supposed to be powerful, majestic and proud creatures. Not cute.


Chroma is not supposed to look cute.


Considering how every warframe except Limbo looks cute, I think he fits pretty well.


Another addition to our kawaii army.

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That thing is called a Pangolin.

Crap! We already have the Pangolin sword.

That being said, the particular family pangolins are from actually contains Armadillos and sloths. Maybe a giant ground sloth or club-tailed giant armadillo companion is in order?

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Every time someone tells you Chroma is not dragonic, or cool... remember three little words... "Dragonic Armored Anteater"

Everything will be just fine... Because in the end you know you now want a warframe that rolls into a ball, and runs over balls now...

Cause it be crazy to think it didn't look like an armored ant eater and then thought... Chroma is CUTE, and AWESOME... and then also thought... MAN... I want a warframe that rolls into a ball, and runs stuff over...

you know you want it...

............Now you are just being wishful.

Does chroma have armor plates like that does? No.

The only thing that might resemble chroma is the head and that is only because it is long.

Chroma was supposed to be themed after a dragon, not an anteater, not a armored anteater, a dragon.

Don't make excuses for that ugly design that aren't even close to the real theme. Dragonframe not anything else.

And yet chroma barely counts as a dragon themed warframe. It is ugly, it is not themed enough, and that pelt everyone keeps stating is not a dragon pelt. It still looks like something torn off an infested.

EDIT: grammar

Edited by Invalid_Infinity
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