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Recent Afk Fix Makes It A Nightmare To Play Now


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You make solid points and I understand that games are played in a multitude of ways. I'm just saying that IMO spamming 4 for an hour is not playing a game. It's mindlessly progressing. Games are made for people to enjoy, interact, and have fun with.

Although you don't find it enjoying, some people do.

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Did you even read anything? This was T4 Defense.


As I responded to another comment, this was more of a "to whom it concerns" than directed at OP. That being said, it sounds like their whole team was sitting on one spot, probably with an egate-esque squad set up.

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FFTY. This makes no sense. I'm in no means ashamed of "what I consider work for". I was simply giving a very VERY broad spectrum of it. If you want me to go into detail, it would be this. Run around. Shoot things. Don't sit afk pressing one button. BE A SPACE NINJA!

Remember everyone, using your space ninja powers doesnt qualify as being a space ninja.

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You make solid points and I understand that games are played in a multitude of ways. I'm just saying that IMO spamming 4 for an hour is not playing a game. It's mindlessly progressing. Games are made for people to enjoy, interact, and have fun with.

Yeah, and people can "have fun" in Warframe in a multitude of ways. What you might not consider "fun", someone else might love.  In the case of our T4 Defense - it's not much of a laughing matter, especially since we were doing some hard theory-crafting --- more than I am used to anyway.


We were having a fun time over voice comms, but the gameplay was pretty serious: we were there to get far, clearly even if we died trying.  I'm not too sure of what weapons would ever get you past wave 60 of a T4 Defense. 


But I think the point is made: people enjoy Warframe in a multitude of ways, and it is noted that you are of the opinion that this AFK system is good for promoting active gameplay and team interactions. And that is okay, I respect that. And to build upon your opinion, I simply think the AFK system needs to be improved or more complex in its implementation. (IE: It shouldn't mark a player as AFK that isn't AFK)





Edited by AuraMau
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 Parkour 2.0 is going to be a nightmare, let us be honest with ourselves. Why is that? Because do you see how many ninjas do not know how to slash dash? How to jump flip, how to do even the simple moves. : / I mean sometimes we have to walk someone through a map level in order for them to get to extraction... As for the E-gate sitch humans will always find a way to make things easier, and solve complex tasks quickly. If it isn't one thing they will complain about it is another thing that is why there are forums. Enough of the whole "AFK SUCKS IT PENALIZES EVERY MECHANIC." Afk, is annoying but again this could be worse like Riot and League of Legends where you are forced to play the game or you'll end up being sorry even if your mother is in the hospital or an emergency came up. YOU ARE FORCED TO PLAY OUR GAME OR SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES...

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Vote kick will be another door opened for higher ranked players to pick on lower ranked players in a mission!

I have seen it in other games which have vote kick enabled.


Mouse movement filters should do the trick because even if you do rely on your warframe abilities you do have to aim and shoot at the enemies as well - hiding in a good spot you will still have to move your mouse to aim and shoot - not having to move your warframe to expose it to enemy fire.

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You are complaining about not being able to press 4 to win anymore. It is not hard to move 2 inches or shoot something every 60 seconds. You have no right to whine.


EDIT: All you E Gate farmers don't seem to realize these changes were INTENTIONALLY MADE TO MESS YOU UP. What you were doing is an exploit, consider this your punishment.

Well if you don't think hanging around after wave 50 in T4D would cause any problem, then just go ahead and try it.

This has nothing to do with E Gate. Skill spamming is be boring but it is always the best way, and sometimes the ONLY way to dispatch group of enemies before they put us down.

Simply banning it won't help anything, if DE really want skill spamming gone, they should at least give us something we can use when we were both outnumbered and outstrengthed.

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+99999 OP


a 60 SECOND AFK timer, srsly DE, 60 SECOND is enough to consider someone AFK?


and this does NOTHING to address ppl using macros, since they can just add some WASD into their macro and continue on their merry way


the ppl that are truly going AWAY FROM KEYBOARD for extended periods of time are doing it for HOURS


DE needs to change the AFK timer to 5-10 mins, this give any reasonable person room to get a drink, let the dog out, go to the bathroom, etc and not fail the mission, u tell yer team, u got AFK for a sec and you can come back without suffering while you were gone


then the ppl who want to AFK farm for hours while they sleep can truly be addressed


of course an even larger issue is that DE continues to narrow the scope of the game and the content is so shallow that currently, there is little else to do but grind/farm, so the players are going to continue to gravitate towards the most efficient method of getting the treats from the skinner box

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Well if you don't think hanging around after wave 50 in T4D would cause any problem, then just go ahead and try it.

This has nothing to do with E Gate. Skill spamming is be boring but it is always the best way, and sometimes the ONLY way to dispatch group of enemies before they put us down.

Simply banning it won't help anything, if DE really want skill spamming gone, they should at least give us something we can use when we were both outnumbered and outstrengthed.

This doesn't prevent skill spamming. This prevents doing doing nothing BUT skill spamming. Also, if enemies can one shot you, it's a point where you need to decide to either run the risk of failing, or extract. That is the point of missions getting harder.

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I will spam my suggestion in every auto-afk is broken thread in hopes of it being noticed.







A very simple system that prevents macros and solves the incorrect tagging of players as AFK when they aren't.

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I will spam my suggestion in every auto-afk is broken thread in hopes of it being noticed.







A very simple system that prevents macros and solves the incorrect tagging of players as AFK when they aren't.

well if i ignore that it is absolute bullS#&$ then it is very fine idea

but srs you are wrong at so many levels that i call it troll bait


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well if i ignore that it is absolute bullS#&$ then it is very fine idea

but srs you are wrong at so many levels that i call it troll bait

Can you elaborate? My suggestion is an alternative to what we have now. Personally the only kind of AFK that ever bothered me was in pubs. Before, I'd run invasion and there would often be someone AFK mooching. I originally thought this was the whole reason they designed an anti-afk system. At the time I did not consider macro-farming. I dont know how wide spread it even is.

Now with my suggestion, players using skills and standing still will not be marked afk as long as they kill something. They won't be able to loot though after x amount of minutes. This added effect is suggested by me to address NMacro farming specifically.

I'm happy to hear alternative suggestions.

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As we know, the job of Mesa, is to find a place, press 4 and hold Mouse 1.


Now it become Afk.


The job of Hydroid, is to find a place, press 3 and wait till the end.


Now its Afk.


And so on.


The Afk Timer is totally a Bug.


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As we know, the job of Mesa, is to find a place, press 4 and hold Mouse 1.


Now it become Afk.


The job of Hydroid, is to find a place, press 3 and wait till the end.


Now its Afk.


And so on.


The Afk Timer is totally a Bug.


I can certainly agree that the AFK system is having a negative effect on the game, but I do not think that is a bug, I think that this behavior that we players are noticing is intended though I do not like these interactions. Maybe the feedback section can come up with some better suggestions for DE to try and implement?

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The AFK timer is helpful, it stops players from sitting in the back to get mission rewards without doing anything, like I'm sure many players were doing for Tower and Alert Missions, hell they still do it, the difference is that they use a power or two now and again.

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No. It is not a bug. Take a single step....one step and the timer resets. It is not that hard of an idea for anyone with half a brain to wrap thier head around.


seems like ur not using the other half of ur brain. mid-high level people are busy on concentrating on the enemies they have to kill. i dont wanna have to think every minute of the mission to keep moving keep moving KEEP MOVING

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So if I bring a Hydroid, and keep using my weapons while contributing to the mission objective, my frame's doing a bad job or even none at all?

Strange, that is how I use my Mesa. I had no idea I was not contributing positively due to not using Peacemaker for the entire mission.

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The AFK timer is helpful, it stops players from sitting in the back to get mission rewards without doing anything, like I'm sure many players were doing for Tower and Alert Missions, hell they still do it, the difference is that they use a power or two now and again.


please play a bit before commenting and what u dont know. EVEN IF u use a power or shoot now if u stand in the same spot for over a minute and a half or 2 u WILL be considered AFK

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seems like ur not using the other half of ur brain. mid-high level people are busy on concentrating on the enemies they have to kill. i dont wanna have to think every minute of the mission to keep moving keep moving KEEP MOVING

I do high level missions all the time, it is no issue to move about a bit. 

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