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Coming Soon: Devstream #49!


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Will you ever reconsider the viability of shields in Warframe? Shield bypass and 100 damage per a tick of bleed is not stoppable by every warframe and often equals a death sequence. Can we expect this game-breaking mechanic to be changed?


Refer to this thread for more: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/422204-stop-the-shield-bypass-shield-viability-vs-bleeding/

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question about quest system


you mind to make it non-linear? so depending on quest and tropheys some other items can pop with different rate (maybe you shouldn't) or create some quest dependent alerts as it was with one of alerts before.

and this follows with quest restart system, so players could restart quest once a month to get a better result for example



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What's the future for Archwing?

It had an entire update devoted to it, one that was 5 months long, and it saw almost no evolution. A few tweaks, but no new tilesets, no new enemies, no bosses, no new mission types, and only a couple weapons, which is the bare minimum of extra content.

I love the game mode, but it simply doesn't offer enough currently. U16 launched, and there was zero Archwing content. The only things on the horizon are sharkwing, which is on hold, and J-3 which is only partially Archwing. It feels as if the mode is growing stagnant.

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Q1: Will we be able one day to look up how many marks we have from each miniboss? And will we be able to see for the stalker which mark we still have from which boss?

Q2: Will we ever be able to see in our squad how many times a weapon or warframe of a teammate is polarized?

Edited by Tyreuzs
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1. Will Excalibur recieve a buff after the most recent nerf or even better maybe a complete rework of his powers. Because the way he is now he is one of the worst frames to play (espacially in High Level Missions).

2. Sentients what can you tell us about them for now except that they are coming?

3. Anything to show from Parkour 2.0?

4. When can we expect Parkour 2.0 and the Sentients (just very vague, early, mid, or end 2015)?

5. So after Volt Prime and his ridicouls 200 Baseenergy at level 0 can we talk about some buffs for the old primeframes that got nearly none (like excalibur prime).

6. So with J3 becoming the first archwing boss im afraid archwing won't be as optional as it is right now anymore. Is that ture will we get forced more and mor einto Archwing? I really would dislike that since i absolutly don't enjoy archwing.

7. Focus? Anything? 

Edited by Evers
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I'm mostly just interested in the trade system rework and focus. Any eta on those would be appreciated even if it's just soon or not soon.

Also, with parkour 2.0 coming soon, will there be hard to get to perches to make sniping more viable? Right now it feels like the only time it works is on infested defense missions with a Vauban and tons of punch through or with a Loki and hush or his augment. And even then it's mostly just for mastery fodder.

One last thing, will augment slots every really become a reality? Right now it seems there are only a few warframes that have augments that are worth the slot they occupy. I think I speak for the whole community here when I say that the augment slot would be a VERY appreciated addition.

Edited by (XB1)TheLegend 64312
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1. Will we ever be able to equip Excalibur Proto skin + Arcane or normal alternate helmets? - because we are able to equip other attachments...

2. When is the parkour 2.0 ? (U17?) So when is the U17?

3. One augment slot per frame?

4. How far are you with making transitions from normal tileset gameplay to space Archwing gameplay?

Edited by gvidzix
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please share your thoughts on how trade system is going to be. will we be able to post orders for trades (a trader post on auction like this: give me a paris prime string and you get a lex prime reciever) and trade is done automatically.once a suitable party accepts it.


are you going to remove navigation from our ship? maybe a test period where some missions to launch from relays/dojo?


do you hate shotguns? they are always way behind dps in rifles. maybe +fixed number clip mods instead of % based clip mods? a whole mod adds a single shot to HEK.

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Will more warframes get cloth/ fabric physics?

Will we get an option to pay with either platinum of credits?
For example: I want to buy that weapon which costs a 100 platinum or 10 000 credits.

How many more warframes will there be? And will all of them eventually get a male and female version?



Will we get voice options for our Tenno?


Thanks :D

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Snipers/ Bows and Corrupted Nullifiers.

1) I am one of the few people who ADORES these weapons. A good headshot is my bread and butter, and while I know sniper buffs are coming, I was wondering if DE could look into the way these weapons inact with bubbles. Since currently they dont scale off dmg, OR allow PT theyre kinda "spit in the face" of us uses of these rarer kinds of weapons. ESPECIALLY vectis users. It takes FOREVER to get rid of a bubble with that thing.

Could this be altered?

2) The Lanka and Supra are very high mastery Lvl weapons that I really like, but both are very underpreforming for the amount of fieldron needed to build them. Is it possible that these beauty clan tech weapons could get another pass?

*cough* Halikar still bugged *cough*




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A question about enemy AI changes:

Enemies have always seemed to have a hive-mind of sorts: all who are spawned in know your exact location as long as one of them does. Stealth is often hampered because you can't step out from behind a door and execute a Grineer walking towards it; in that split second he sees you, everyone on the ship knows where you are. Worse still, enemies like Rollers that shouldn't have a way of communicating with the rest also somehow manage to warn everyone when they see you.

But Excalibur's recent changes introduced an awareness mechanic to Radial Javelin, targetting enemies who are aware of Excal. So here's my question: if enemies have the ability to gain and lose awareness individually, can that ability be expanded to allow us so they all don't know where we are if one sees us for a split second? Could certain enemies (like the Rollers) keep awareness of us without alerting everything else? And could we perhaps even stealth kill enemies who know we're around (alarms have been sounded or something similar), but don't know our exact location?

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1) DE, is there any chance you will revert the kohm back to the way it was? The gun suffered terribly with its new hitscan change. It was nice to finally have a gun that compared pretty close to the boltor or soma, but after its nerf, I cant bring it to higher level missions anymore.


2) I noticed Volt Prime got his energy pool doubled and his armor got boosted up to 100 from 15. This is the biggest change ever going from the original to the prime. Are there gonna be any significant changes like this to previous prime frames like frost, excal, ember, or mag? Otherwise, thats not fair to those prime frames that are basically reskins of the original.


3) When will be getting Tyl Regor's remake? Or the J3 Golem remake? I feel like you guys made a big deal about this about mid U15 but none of those bosses made the cut for U16. Are they coming sometime soon?


4) Whatever happened to the grineer underwater tileset? You guys made a big deal about it, also showing off the tileset a few dev streams back. But it never came back up, or mentioned to be in U16 at launch. Is it close to being done? Or has it been pushed back?

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