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Hotfix 16.1.3


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More Excalibro nerfs? When his skills don´t even put a dent on enemies/rivals and another buff to already OP (in conclaive) Rhino? just wuuuuuuuut, really, I have been playing since U9 (Rise of Warlords anyone?) and since then Excalibro has been the biggest bro of them all, he could do everything without excelling too much, now the ONLY viable build on him is a general purpose melee build with as much eHP as possible, stamina and speed. and now he is even less favorable for CTC.


Anyhow, Thank you for the fixes, and have a nice day, just be sure to look at Excalibur with an objectively correct view as he is supposed to be at least on par with other starter frames.



SHOUTOUT: Start using Excalibur everywhere, see what happened to him, begin a Pro-Excalibro movement so he would get some love.



I would like to apologize to anyone who found this offensive, but seeing my favorite frame getting nerfed because some people like doing rep-farming with him is horrible.



the nerf I'm talking about is activation time, it is longer than average anyways, now make it even longer?

Edited by Taxiozaurus
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Thanks for the fix guys,




I take it no fix for the hacking minigame requiring keyboard then? I use controller and sit away from keyboard and mouse... so it's kinda annoying. It's the Grineer hacking minigame thats the issue, Corpus works fine.

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Stealthfixed movement and shooting mechanics:


  • Fixed aiming and shooting knocking you out of sprint/slide.

since it wasn't mentioned in the patchnotes hopefully DE was aware of that bug so it wont show up again.

Anyway thanks DE!

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Excalibur crybabies are coming! Don't buff it back, I love to see them crying >:D

Naw I'm done crying, but they'll never get another cent from me. Also DFO just came back out so when it gets out of beta I'll have plenty of money to throw onto my loli mage's new clothes.

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