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Every Frame Has A Defensive Ability Except For...


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You are cornered only feet away from evacuation, hardcore no shields, only 500hp left. One of every unit Grineer/Corpus/Infested standing between you and escape.

Luckily you have a wall between you and the enemy. What CC/Defense ability do you use to get past without being shot to death?


Rules -

No Augments

No Natural Talent

No Weapons

Assume you die in 1 bluet (unless you have a buff) and they have auto aim + hit scan weapons.



Ash - Smoke Screen

Banshee - Sonic Boom/Sound Quake (Will hit through walls)

Chroma - Vex Armour/Effigy (as distraction)


Excalibur -  ?????????

Frost - Snow Globe

Hydroid - Tempest Barrage/Tidal Surge

Limbo - Rift Walk (GG 0 damage)

Loki - Decoy/Invisibility/Radial Disarm

Mirage - Eclipse/Prism

Mag - Bullet Attractor/Crush

Mesa - Shooting Gallery/Shatter Shield

Nekros - Terrify/Shadows of the Dead

Nyx - Mind Control/Chaos

Nova - Worm Hole/Molecular Prime

Oberon - Hallowed Ground/Reckoning

Rhino - Iron Skin/Rhino Stomp

Saryn - Molt

Trinity - Link/Blessing

Volt - Electric Shield

Valkyr - Warcry/Paralysis

Vauban - Bastille/Vortex

Zephyr - Turbulence/tornado


With all these frame's, without having to expose yourself to enemy fire you have the opportunity to apply some sort of defensive ability.

However with the exception of two frames.



Ember. All her cc requires LoS (Line of sight), Fire Blast will get you shot and killed during the casting animation.


Excalibur. Radical Blind has returned to LoS again, you will get shot and killed during casting animation.


For these two frames, while following the rules I have listed above, how can either of these frames have a chance to survive?

Also which of the passed frames do you think would not be able to survive unless you had a lot of experience and timing? Eg. Saryn's Molt.

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Accelerant doesn't count? World on fire actually has an increased fire proc rate acting as CC.

Edit: I'm looking at the auto aim hit scan portion... Doesn't that nullify Zephyr's turbulence?

Edited by Epicagemo
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You forgot Valkyr's hysteria, best defense power in the game imo, right up with rift walk.


I miss ember's overheat...the idea of her covered in a shell of fire so hot it vaporizes most shots before they get close is a great idea. Excalibur...could use something. Part of me want's to say his ultimate should be changed, or he should get super jump replaced. The idea of Excal having some power where he summons swords around him, kinda like his ultimate, and using them to block/reflect shots back at enemies would be awesome.

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Tempest Barrage is not that reliable to be honest, and the cast animation is just too long without Natural Talent.

And yeah, Effigy as a decoy doesn't work that well, but the radial stun plus speed boost for Chroma works wonders, and if a single bullet kills you then there's no point in Vex armor, just want to point that out :P

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Excal also has invincibility during his slash dash (can increase duration, too), and his super jump both stuns and provides invisibility for 10 energy. Radial blind does still work, and enemies that survive radial javelin are staggered.


reference for invincible slash dash: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Slash_Dash

  • Excalibur's health is immune to damage while dashing.

This actually is a thing. It finally got patched out of pvp recently.


For Ember, Fire blast augment can be used to force a panic proc in close range. Admittedly this isn't as useful as many other abilities.


This upcoming augment should hopefully help that (adds knockdown to world on fire)


Edited by Pythadragon
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You are cornered only feet away from evacuation, hardcore no shields, only 500hp left. One of every unit Grineer/Corpus/Infested standing between you and escape.

Luckily you have a wall between you and the enemy. What CC/Defense ability do you use to get past without being shot to death?


Rules -

No Augments

No Natural Talent

No Weapons

Assume you die in 1 bluet (unless you have a buff) and they have auto aim + hit scan weapons.




Banshee - Sonic Boom/Sound Quake (Will hit through walls)

Volt - Electric Shield


Ember. All her cc requires LoS (Line of sight), Fire Blast will get you shot and killed during the casting animation.


How will you walk to the extraction while soundquake is active?


Same for Volt´s shields, they are stationary, you won´t get to the extraction in your scenario.


As Ember I would use accelerant and pass all my enemies.



Rules -

No Augments


For Ember, Fire blast augment can be used to force a panic proc in close range. Admittedly this isn't as useful as many other abilities.

Edited by Kuestenjung
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Ash: Bladestorm grants invulnerability during entire sequence. Teleport teleports!

Banshee: Silence has a stun (and it's main intention of stealth)

Loki: Switch Teleport teleports!

Mirage: HoM causes distraction

Nyx: Absorb's knockdown (not to mention the damage)

Saryn: I believe Miasma has a stun (Duration on Saryn is not a bad idea folks!)

Trinity: stunlocks from WoL+EV (Works well with Link!)

Volt: I believe Overload stuns like Mag's Crush

Valkyr: Hysteria: Being invulnerable before Limbo made it cool.


Excalibur: Super Jump's cloaking+Radial Blind. (Believe it or not, folks, but LoS on the Radial's isn't all that bad.)

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Is this an idea for an event or something? 


Or are you trying to stir things up in the community?


I merely want to see which frame has the most creative methods of survival, which is when I ran into the fact Ember and Excal seem to have problems with survival in their kit.


Excal also has invincibility during his slash dash (can increase duration, too), and his super jump both stuns and provides invisibility for 10 energy. Radial blind does still work, and enemies that survive radial javelin are staggered.


reference for invincible slash dash: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Slash_Dash

  • Excalibur's health is immune to damage while dashing.

This actually is a thing. It finally got patched out of pvp recently.


For Ember, Fire blast augment can be used to force a panic proc in close range. Admittedly this isn't as useful as many other abilities.


This upcoming augment should hopefully help that (adds knockdown to world on fire)



Yeah, while I was searching through a frame to play for fun (survivability but not too much to remove the challenge) I might have missed the invulnerable part.

Also WoF hit's 3 at a time with a chance to proc, it's not effectivily the go to frame if im cornered.

Ps: No Aug because I don't want to be forced to include it in a build just to make a skill more useful for survival.

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Assume you die in 1 bluet (unless you have a buff) and they have auto aim + hit scan weapons.

Chroma - Vex Armour/Effigy (as distraction)

Saryn - Molt

Zephyr - Turbulence

Volt - Electric shield

Since there are Grineer there, Turbulence isn't going to do much good.

If you die in one bullet, Molt and Vex Armour are useless.

Electric shield won't cover you from all sides, and won't really cover you when you're running.

Also, your best option is probably the shade or huras you brought. That, or coptering, since coptering makes enemies have low accuracy.


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Ember: accelerant

I have a build specifically built around accellerant spam (still use other abilities too but main focus is accellerant cc) because it's good, spammable cc. I'm pretty sure it doesn't require LoS either. Unless they changed that within the past few hotfixes (haven't used ember for a few weeks)

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I feel like this is a "excalibur is nerfed!1!" thread for some reason, i don't know.


Im just amazed that you are comparing excalibur to ember at this point....


For your situation, ember wouldn't even get that far when enemies will 1 shot you in solo....so there goes your whole "situation".


And to answer your question, i wouldn't get into that situation in the first place.

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Go melee stance and block.


Or slide attack through.


Or just run through, since youre steps away from the end.


Or just kill the enemies since theyre made out of paper mache in the first place, the best defense is a good offense. An enemy cant kill you if its dead.


Also, what enemy does 500 damage to you in one shot when you have no shields? How would half the defensive abilities in the game protect you from getting shot one time?


You also have teammates to come pick up your worthless hide, doing it solo would just be your own stupid fault.


Heck if you die you can just pop a revive that you never end up using that you get 4 of a day anyways.


Last tidbit: and no weapons? Yeah... like that'll ever happen.


Your scenario is so unrealistic and wont ever happen, which is why those frames dont need a defensive ability nor does LOS really put them in a bad place.


TLDR: OP you stupid

Edited by Lordmotav
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I wonder why DE can't just change radial blind and javelin into something else that doesn't have LoS on it but capable to CC greatly?

Just like how they changed overheat into accelerant

Does they afraid they have to redo every single excal videos they made? :|

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Ember, use her #4, while behind the wall, and walk into line of sight, they will take damage.  Done.


Excalibur, (jump and) slide and hit #2.  75% of the animation would be gone while behind the wall, leaving only a small window for them to be blinded.  Not to also mention, #3 has a clocking shield, so if this is outdoors or in a high ceiling room, they would never see him if you do it right.


I fail to see an issue here.

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