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Coming Soon: Devstream 50!


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Why are you insinuating an admission of failure in the context of expanding a 5/6 month old system? If you want an admission of failure in the context of Syndicates, there's plenty of that to be found in bits and pieces (not having % increases on Sigils at release, Standing's ups and downs, etc), but as a system as a whole that's many moving parts, it's not failed (mental note to provide stats on Stream to defend this claim). It looks like you're bringing a strong opinion to this question that a yes/no answer might not really satisfy, perhaps because you've already 'beat it'?


Since launch we have added Secondary Weapons, Syandanas, Augments, 'Syndicate Buddies' (who are polarizing in usefulness), Sigils with % Increases, added 'Medallions', made significant adjustments to how Standing works. Content wise - this brief is half 'new stuff' and half 'attempts to refine'. Is your question focused on 'when are we doing more of this and in what way'? Or would you like it answered at a more character/lore level? New transmissions/custom hunter squads? More 'long term goals'?


If all you want to know is 'are we going to do anything more', see above, the answer is surely yes.


Thanks for the response. I insinuate "failure" because, were the answer "no", then I would fail to see how Syndicates in their current state would in any form be a success, given what had previously been said about the devs wanting the system to be long-term. I'd suggest the same if there were no plans for revamping PvP and Conclave (but you guys have expressed plans for that). So, in the context of a long-term ( or long-ish?) system, I would consider the current Syndicate system a sort of failure if there wasn't at least some desire to expand it (and mainly I'm talking about the first six PvE ones, as the Conclave and Simaris ones, by design, can be much more long-term, I would imagine).


The question was simply, "Is more going to be done with them in any shape or form?" I certainly am curious about any possible expansion to the system beyond new weapons/content and refinement, but for the moment I was just not sure whether the system as it currently stands (sigils, augments, syandanas, buddies, standing, etc) is the entire scope of what was envisioned for the system.  So thank you for the answer. :)


Another question I've got (unrelated to the Syndicate question, and certainly not expecting a response here):


Does the art team have any plans to standardize the order of color choices? I'll use Excalibur Prime and the Targis Prime Armor to help explain what I'm asking:


Excalibur Prime and the Targis Prime Armor have a similar appearance. They've got a base color, a pattern, a second color, and a third color, just to be simple in terminology. For Excalibur Prime, the pattern (the stripes/lines on his body and helmet) is the primary color, whereas the base color is the secondary color. The second (the face, neck, and shoulders color) and third (back of the arms and legs, and the back) colors are tints 1 and 2. For the Targis Prime armor, the pattern (again, the thinner lines) are tint 1, whereas the base color is the secondary color. Is there any plan to standardize these color options the same way the Prime color has been set to be Tint 2 (fourth color option), such as the largest colorable area always being the Primary color, the next largest always the secondary, the pattern (usually covers the least area on a frame or cosmetic) always being Tint 1 and then a fourth always being Tint 2 (or the Prime/metal color in the case of Prime items and other items with metal)?


Next question: Archwings. Any new modes being worked on? Any that aren't just Archwing versions of existing "ground" missions?


Next question: Any new stances coming up for swords and/or the sword and shield?


Last, just a comment: the Simaris Synthesis target lore for the Grineer Lancer was great. A bunch of people, including myself, really enjoyed it, from a lore standpoint and also just for the writing. It was really fun to read as well. So, I reall y, really enjoyed it. that is all...

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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1.> You've said that you wanted to add pasive bonuses (such as mesa) to older warframes is this still on the table?


2.> Team restorers have taken away from certain warframes (such as trinity).  Is there any plans on giving these warframes a bit of love in order to give them new purpase again?


3.> Some weapons have been giving nice shiny metalic textures, is it posible to make the none metalic textures available so that players have a choice to go old school or shinny? (its already there, we just have to recycle it, HINT HINT).

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So...any chance of a Primed Ammo Drum for the Void trader?


For realsies.


I want a Primed Ammo Drum.


I know there was an April fools image from reddit, but I was thinking about it, and I would really love a Primed Ammo Drum for real.




How about a Primed Intruder? XD


Also, are there any plans to add in some personal space code for Simaris?  Dude needs to back up.  Also, breath mints, look into it man.



Edited by JebusHCripes
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Q1: There is nothing quite like weaving between cover and incoming fire on survival missions. But when I have a split second to change direction and aim behind me, my warframe does this awkward little dance that brings the flow of combat to a screeching halt. Will Parkour 2.0 include a quick stop (or skid lasting a couple inches).

Q2 part 1: I only know of one set of skins for the warframes, other than excaliber's Darksector skin. Can we expect any new ones to come out? Or maybe just an Immortal Skin for the newer frames?

Q2 part 2: Will we at any point be able to apply all those lovely skins onto the Scindo Prime once again?? Also; NODACHI skin for the Galatine?? huh? Huh!? think about it. I'd buy it!

Q3: What are your thoughts on the following; *ahem* lock-on missiles, sentry guns, infrared visors, nunchaku, a decent single dagger weapon, some sort of alien cat or bird companion or maybe even under see creature companions for Sharkwing? Just a scatter shot, ball park of a question, really. Have a great day!

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Another Question.


Have you guys ever considered upgrading the prime warframes power Stengths as a passive Upgrade?


Instead of modding their armor and energy pool values maybe upping their stengths in either : 


-Power Duration

-Power Strength 

-Power Effiency


To make the Prime Frames a bit more intersting.


Obviously you wouldn't want to upgrade some warframes Strength and duration. Espically if their powers aren't affected by them.


For example maybe if we got an Ash Prime you could upgrade either his stength for Blade Storm and Shuriken or maybe make his duration to be naturally longer so his Invisibility would be able to compete with Loki's.

Edited by DigitalizedDreamer
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Last dev stream I submitted the following questions which were not included (understandable regarding limited time and massive amounts of questions!):


First Question: Could you tell us your vision with Excalibur? It is my understanding that you all at DE want ALL frames to be end-game viable, and I for one fully support this.  I do not recall the last time I have seen "H T4D/S, need excal" in recruiting chat.  As a matter of fact, the only time I have seen Excal actively recruited was for cheesing missions.

Second Question: speaking of Excal, and accessories, so the prime Edo armor. This one is a multi-part question:

A.) When is it expected for Excal Prime expected to get the PBR treatment? This is a lead in for the second part of this question, but basically without this, Edo prime will look rather not prime on this frame(default colors on excal prime). I love the Edo armor looks, and am drooling over the Edo Prime armor, but this is holding me back a bit for now.

B.) So accessory color selection. Most of the above could be negated with a default colors button added to the accessory color selector. Any plans to create this?

Third Question: Dear Steve, where do you buy your pink shorts? 


I did expand on the first question a bit, but I really am in a mixed bag of feelings regarding Excal.  I love to play Excal, but at the same time, if I want to group up and do some T4D/S, I get discriminated against regarding my choice of warframe.  It is my understanding that every frame should be end-game viable, but I do not feel that the community agrees that Excal is end-game viable.


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While i enjoy the game a lot there are a few things that come to mind that i would like to see added so i'll ask.


are we going to see any new stance mods for machete weapons in the future?


are we going to see any other puncture weapons excluding the upcoming puncture glaive?


i was also wondering if the probability of doing another PC to console transfer was something that is being considered in the future? seeing as how the original transfer was such a short transfer before many could acquire the consoles to transfer to before the holiday season.

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Elemental theme warframes like volt, ember, sarin and frost should have passive resistance to their associated elements. Is it too much to ask for them to also gain some energy when they take damage from there associated element? Overall I would like to see more passives across the board. For example rhino with inherent knock down resistance and ash with increased melee damage when he only has a Melee weapon equipped. Also I miss Rebecca.

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Two questions, pick one, both, or none.


1. As it stands, frames like Limbo and Mirage, who have been out for a while now, only have one alternative helmet to select, whilst a frame like Loki has up to 3 alternate helmets in addition to the default one. Meanwhile, several other frames are still sitting at 2 helmets. When can we expect more customization options for frames such as Mirage, Oberon, Hydroid, etc.?


2. Despite all of the codex entries, events, quests, and now Simaris information, Warframe is still sparse in some respects in lore. Throughout the development cycle, I've seen a lot of lore questions answered outside of the game. Characterizing Vay Hek transmissions are typically Devstream only and are later uploaded to Youtube. In one thread closely following the release of Syndicates, DE_Steve was discussing the thought process behind the alliances of Syndicates, explaining things like why New Loka and Suda are at odds and much more. This information isn't readily available in game, and most players probably will not look forward to leaving their game and hunting down an old forum thread. When will some of the droplets of lore that have been discussed by Staff in the forums or played via Youtube clips be incorporated into the game, if at all?


EDIT: With Today's update bringing new alt helmets for Mirage and Limbo, certain elements of my first question are innaccurate. So, when can we expect all frames to have 3 alt helmets like Loki?

Edited by Flamingfighter
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Have you considered takeing a second look at charge attacks? I feel like they are pointless as they consume energy. I don't like wasting energy on channeling when I can spend it on powers, especally when a Gallitine uses about 20 energy per swing do to it's reach.

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Why the super slow roll-out on the lore?

Silmarillion was supposed to inform us more on the world around us and it turns out that he is no different than the codex with super vague nothingness.

Is there a lore reason for this? That a thousand years in the future people forgot how to keep records? Cause ever since we got the written word we have kept records. They may be incomplete and such but all of them are not weird first person accounts where everyone is a poet describing their inner thoughts.


Is it because you are more worried about game play? You want to make the game first then fill in the rest of the stuff?

Kind of like the Infested situation where you retcon their origin recently?


One second thing. Can you later on add the ability to leave the Lotus and probably join a Syndicate? Get a different controller helping you out? And you dont have to redo all the lines you could bring back the wabble-wabble sims-like speech since everything gets captioning.


All this vague keep-away lore just made me not like the Lotus at all.

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1.) What are your stances on nerfing? 
I mean come on, the Synoid gammacor didnt require THAT much of a nerf, this is the acrid all over again. 
Of course sometimes nerfing IS required (as it ws with the gammacor) but if you nerf something TOO much something else will just take its place, nerfing that too will continue the cycle. If you nerf AND buff something at the same time you create WAY more variety. For example giving the despair a tiny damage buff and increasing the akmagnus' critical chance and/or damage ever so slightly are just two examples of how to add 2 new weapons into the "Top tier" pool of secondaries. 

1.5,) Do you agree that buffing should be the first thought that comes after nerfing to increase variety? 

2.) There was talk about how we may get an extra "augment slot" for frames similar to how we have aura slots, what about adding something like that to weapons? Not many people use the standart status chance, mag extension, reload speed and similar mods. 

3.) Now I want you to close your eyes, and imagine an excalibur (one of you please keep your eyes open and continue reading, do your best to still drag out the most of your imagination). Majestically sitting on a rock above the forrests of earth. Then he holds out his arm and something comes flying in. Its a little winged creature not unlike a wyvern (a type of dragon, those with just two wings and two legs) and lets out a both adorable and ferocious roar before flying off and hacking out the eyes of grineer! 
These little companions could buff you with songs, blind enemies by well, hacking their eyes out, using elemental breath attacks or just being pure attackers with their claws. Please think about it 

Edited by BaconDragon42
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When will Planets such as Sedna, Europa, and the area like the void get a resource rehaul? And when will Orokin Cells actually drop in the Orokin Void Ships?



When will rifle and pistol status mods be actually useful and up to par?


Will we ever have more Nightmare Mods coming in?


When will Defense/Survival/Excavation rewards have stuff we want, such as instead of Magazine Warp for a first round of Sechura DSD, why not 3x-5x R5 cores?




When will rewards match the diffuclty? All Sciarus Prime parts are considered easy to get, yet some drop from places as high as T4-T3. The part should match the diffculty.


When will more Sentinels be made and added?



Will Neural Sensors be added to Grineer planets, as its description is made for Grineer?

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Why the super slow roll-out on the lore?

Silmarillion was supposed to inform us more on the world around us and it turns out that he is no different than the codex with super vague nothingness.

Is there a lore reason for this? That a thousand years in the future people forgot how to keep records? Cause ever since we got the written word we have kept records. They may be incomplete and such but all of them are not weird first person accounts where everyone is a poet describing their inner thoughts.


Is it because you are more worried about game play? You want to make the game first then fill in the rest of the stuff?

Kind of like the Infested situation where you retcon their origin recently?


One second thing. Can you later on add the ability to leave the Lotus and probably join a Syndicate? Get a different controller helping you out? And you dont have to redo all the lines you could bring back the wabble-wabble sims-like speech since everything gets captioning.


All this vague keep-away lore just made me not like the Lotus at all.


Simarillion is Tolkien. It's LOTR lore (are you a Tolkien fan?). You meant Simaris.

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 1. Will you guys redesign Excalibur to make him useful?


 2. New Prime Warframe have better stats and passives over their normal counter parts. Will you guys do the same for older frames like Excalibur prime and Frost prime?


 3. Speaking of passives... Frames like Mesa have inherent advantages with guns. Will these sort of passives come to other frames?  You know, to be fair.

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Q1: Now that you are focusing a bit on scans/codex, when will finished scans count towards mastery?


Q2: Steve, to celebrate 2 years of Warframe and 50 devstreams.... now's the time to show us what's under that hat.

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In regards to your "Mini-game" Content, such as Wyrmius and Happy Zephyr, do you have any plans to create more games like this? I personally really enjoy them.  are there any plans to release more? They may not add a huge amount of content to the game, but I like to show the little games to my friends, and it's always just a cool novelty. In my opinion it really adds to the games charm.

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