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Sorry De....uranus Water Tileset - Impossible


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That´s just plain wrong and you should know since that stuff is 4th grade stuff. Either auto ignition temperature of the material is met or different oxidation agents are used, like fluorine can be oxidation agent for hydrogen.

It won't last without O2 fire runs off O2.

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You do know OP Uranus has several moons... maybe the water world tileset is set on one of them, many of them such as Ariel are largely comprised of rock and ICE... so the idea of one of Uranus's moons being terraformed into a large Ocean by the Orokin for whatever reason isn't that hard to believe.

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"Our upcoming Underwater Tileset provides a small glimpse behind the veil of Grineer industry, hidden away in Uranus' vast ocean of helium, methane and ammonia."


I'm sorry, I can't anymore.... All this talk of Uranus being full of methane, I can't even X'D | Warframe has become a fart joke.


I'm ashamed but I have to post this, forgive me.


Also on a more relative note, you do not need oxygen for combustion, depending on how you define combustion of course but most things that burn in oxygen will also do so in chlorine often much more violently. Some endothermic reactions are hot and violent and do not require any oxydising agent at all. Gravitational collapse of hydrogen being a prime example, Hydrazine combustion in rockets being another. So add the right catalyst to Uranus and you could cause quite a burnout.

Edited by GridBurn
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How would it ignite if their is no O2 to burn.


You do not need ambient O2 to burn things.  It's just easy to do in this atmosphere because there's so much.  But lots of substances will burn when heated up enough.


Thermite is super hard to put out because it can't be smothered. It oxygenates itself as it burns.  It will burn even in a hard vacuum.


And I'm pretty sure things like Helium and Methane burn all on their own without the need for O2 at all.  Someone correct me if I'm wrong here

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Oh c'mon it's simple!


You see, when a gas giant is made of...


N-no, let me explain : Uranus got methane & does...


Huh no wait! Tyl Regor got a huge machine of space magic with water bottles, and he...

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Well i meant the planet same thing happened with Galileo when it was made to crash into Jupiter people were saying it would cause it to light the planet on fire.

That would have been awesome.... I think I was 5 when it landed...

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And I'm pretty sure things like Helium and Methane burn all on their own without the need for O2 at all.  Someone correct me if I'm wrong here


Helium is a noble, inert gas. It won't burn at all. Methane probably needs a catalyst or oxydising agent, simply applying a spark to a sealed container of pure methane does nothing.


Edit: Also now that I think of it, Thermite pretty much burns the oxygen out of the rust (Iron Oxide) which is why you get iron. so the reaction provides it's own oxygen but the oxygen is in the system so not really relative to this discussion.

Edited by GridBurn
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Its a sea of liquid helium and other gases, because of the pressure.

Though im not sure how the Grineer built such strong structures to withstand auch compression, but I guess if they can move a moon, anything's possible.

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[OP, or "Why we can't have nice things"]



the Anthropic Principle: For any given story, there exist basic elements that, no matter how improbable or impossible their occurrence, are required for the story itself to happen. Or there would be no story. In other words, there is no "resolution" without "conflict".)


That about sums it up.

Edited by S7ORM
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Helium is a noble, inert gas. It won't burn at all. Methane probably needs a catalyst or oxydising agent, simply applying a spark to a sealed container of pure methane does nothing.


Edit: Also now that I think of it, Thermite pretty much burns the oxygen out of the rust (Iron Oxide) which is why you get iron. so the reaction provides it's own oxygen but the oxygen is in the system so not really relative to this discussion.

A year ago, at least over half this conversation would have made no sense to me.

Thank you, Chemistry class...

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Most planets in warframe are really contradictory of their real life counterparts. All gas giants cant be terraformed even with this space magic, why? Is easy, they are more akin to a star than a habitable planet. You gotta think of having Schwartzchild radius big enough that all gas cant be compressed into an habitable atmosphere. In millions of years mercury, venus and earth are eaten by the sun being a Red Giant and most likely there would be more chances of planetoids of kuiper belt be more useful but would be monotonous as they are barren and cold. Lets face it, if we base it in real facts we would have half the stages we have now.

Edited by Beatrix7hearts
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Do I need to point out the link in the OP actually says that scientists actually do think there's an ocean down there?  Secondarily, the article is from 2008, and the Wikipedia article on the planet (I know, Wikipedia, but still) is more or less in line with what DE presented? 


Or we could just keep going on about how funny the line, "this magic is impossible!" is. 

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