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I Feel Like Veterans Are Getting The Short End Of The Stick Again


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I think its great that some older weapons are being reintroduced. Its giving newer players a chance at the older weapons, especially for mastery.


But what about us older players? I cant speak for others, but ive been around over a year, and have ~1700 hours in game. The last thing im looking for is a duplicate of something i worked my butt off for in a prior event once already. Can we trade in these duplicates for something else that we missed in our early days?


What about being able to trade them to another player? At least let me make some platinum on it or something.


What about those who have been here since the very beginning and have everything already? A free weapon slot and 7,000 credits isnt exactly the best way to say "hey, thanks for sticking around".


Im not asking for anything crazy, but at least do something for those of us who are beginning to see redundancy.

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Did they not seriously just make Dex Dakra and then had an event for the Quanta Vandal. I think they're doing a pretty good job of re-introductions alongside new event-based weapons. They're also putting out plenty of actual new weapons from the market and dojo labs. Then there's a new Kubrow on the way. There's plenty of ACTUAL new things! o 3o


I mean, even [DE]Rebecca doesn't have the Strun Wraith. There's gotta be a recycling point sometime. It's just happening right now. I wonder how many "thanks for primed streamline" and "thanks for primed rush" or "thanks for the prisma edo armor" we'll actually see.


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Playing since U7, at one hand I agree with giving wraith weapons to new players, that's nice, on other hand, I feel very discouraged. Now I have not just two Dex AkFuris, but two Strun Wraiths also.


It feels that DE doesn't give a damn about their long-time players: they could just let us have Stratos and Bite at 100 or at least give us Potatos/Boosters instead of a gun. But no, we get a duplicate of the gun we already own if we want to get stratos.


Well kinda can live with that, it's ok, we should care for new players and it's ok that veterans got no reward at 100 (well, a free slot I guess). But here is something that makes me really frustrated:

The most dissapointing thing that DE refuses to bring back Snipetron Vandal, Braton Vandal, Lato Vandal and Prime Chamber. Their "its against lore" argument thing is a joke. 

If you bring back event weapons - bring back all of them! Such half-a$$ed approach is really frustrating.

Edited by SonicSonedit
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For re-released event/exclusive weapons, I feel it would be much more appropriate to award a 1-hour build time blueprint, a Catalyst and an inventory slot, that way the player gets the option of another of the weapon, but if it's a 'wasted gift', then they at least get a Catalyst and the inventory slot.

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Maybe one day dual wielding strun wraiths would become a thing

I think this may be the best solution.

Well, not if they treat it Like Bronco prime-- Akbronco prime is a nerfed version of Bronco P . >> Edited by InhibitedFox
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You veterans already have an advantage when it comes to mastery anyways


This game shouldn't have anything different from an old player to a new other than experience. Don't ruin this game because you want entitlement.

Edited by Husla
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Been playing for over two years now, and while I do feel like veterans often get the shaft for awhile now, I just can't see how DE reintroducing event weapons is a bad thing.  Hell, they even have been saying for a LONG time that event weapons would likely make a comeback, not sure why anyone is surprised by it.  If you already have it, then its a free slot, if not then people are getting something they either missed out on because they could not play that week or whatever, or something missed because they where not playing yet.  One of the good things about DE is they don't go overboard with exclusives. 

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What is your problem with newbies getting older weapons?


Like, everyone gets a free slot and you're complaining?

Read what he wrote and reply accordingly or don't reply at all, he didn't complain about newbies getting older weapons, he said that veterans get the same weapon again, and there might be some option for veterans.


And i kinda agree OP Maybe these event weapons could be sold for like... idk... 100000 credits or something? i mean, we can't "exploit" that anyway.

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I see no issue bringing old stuff back because it's less plat i have to spend on slots since i only missed 2 event weapons.But I do have to say if you had the weapon before they should give you something else with it other then just another dupe.

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I think what op is trying to say isn't that we shouldn't give away old stuff, I'm 100% behind giving away old wraiths and vandals, but the issue is that we already have them. I have two struns and two dex furis sitting around, unranked, with nothing to do with them. it's great that newer players get to experience the old weapons but it feels like we're getting skipped over.

What the new player got, was a tactical alert to play, and new gear. The veteran player got a tactical alert, but the grind didn't give us anything. Most people I knew sold their strun for credits the second they got it. Sure we could not play the tactical alert, but then we'd be missing out on content. As for the inventory slot, well as a veteran player I have more slots than there are weapons in the game. I don't need more, and neither do most veterans.

TL;DR the new player gets awesome gear, the veteran gets nothing.

Edit: Honestly I'd be happy if they like, put a freakin gold star on the one I already have, and then give me a weapon slot. it's like "Hey you earned two of these special thingies, have a sticker" and honestly that'd do it for me.

Double Edit: OH OH we could just take the badge from the event the weapon came from and just hot glue it on like a gun-sigil, that way we could have a kubrow strun and a survival strun. Same mastery, same stats, same everything, but with a sticker on it that says the event you got it from.

Edited by Coatduck
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Doing a person a favor who's not your very self is hardly a "slap in the face" now is it?

Do you know what kind of person only doing favors to his new friends to gain their affection and than never cares about them, only remembering about them when in need of their help? A bad person.

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Do you know what kind of person only doing favors to his new friends to gain their affection and than never cares about them, only remembering about them when in need of their help? A bad person.


You're being dramatic. I have 1600 hours of play time, too, bought prime access in the past etc. ... We are not DEs friends or children getting birthday presents, we are consumers. We were given things for free, which is generous, now other people get the same stuff for free, which is generous, too. Just being around for longer doesn't make us special. Playing a free game excessively isn't service, it's for our own entertainment. You don't need/want another Strun W? Just skip the tactical then, save your time. This is not even a main event, if you're still afraid to miss out on precious content that's entirely your problem. If you do decide to do it you still get a free slot on the way to your stratos emblem. I can't help but feel certain people on here have serious jealousy issues, sorry.

Edited by Kotsender_Quasimir
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I think its great that some older weapons are being reintroduced. Its giving newer players a chance at the older weapons, especially for mastery.


But what about us older players? I cant speak for others, but ive been around over a year, and have ~1700 hours in game. The last thing im looking for is a duplicate of something i worked my butt off for in a prior event once already. Can we trade in these duplicates for something else that we missed in our early days?


What about being able to trade them to another player? At least let me make some platinum on it or something.


What about those who have been here since the very beginning and have everything already? A free weapon slot and 7,000 credits isnt exactly the best way to say "hey, thanks for sticking around".


Im not asking for anything crazy, but at least do something for those of us who are beginning to see redundancy.


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