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This Sure Is An Event. One I Will Not Be Finishing, Thanks To...


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...the fact that this Tactical Alert is incredibly boring, primarily. There's nothing interesting aside from the Juggernaut, and I haven't even gotten to see that, on account of the buildup missions. Now, yes, I have been playing solo, but I really don't think this'd have been any more interesting with a group - just maybe slightly faster.


Here's pretty much how I've felt at each stage of the Alert:


Pre-Mission 1, Mission Mail:

Cautiously optimistic. Explanation for why melee weapons are required was laughable, given that one is a shotgun-katar and several will explode from time to time, among other things - for example, the existence of Bows. Suggestion: Stop trying to explain this kind of restriction, it'll either be 'okay, sure, whatever,' or 'that is a dumb thing.' 


Missions 1-3:

Mild interest. Eyes on the cores; I have plenty of catalysts. Heat Chroma tank build makes the going slow, but it's easy, lowbie crap, so not a problem. Using the Corpus tileset as the location seems ill-advised; the cameras are difficult to hit without a gun, and then come the laser walls. Luckily, it's easy to slide into and through the laser walls, because that just never will change, will it?


Missions 4-6:

Losing interest. Switch to Loki Prime, begin invisibly speedrunning. Mutter 'suck it, nerd,' when knocking out Black Seed goons. Pretty good indicator of how bored I am: whether I'm trash-talking random mooks.


Missions 7-9:

Bored. Increasingly aggravated due to near-constant cold proc combined with Usain Bolt targets. Supposed to be challenging, really just annoying, at best, and frustrating at worst. Completed one run, tried two more; one, the second target escaped by roughly the height of my Warframe, causing failure. The second, I was locked into a hallway without an access panel or any way to escape; I alt-F4'd, because I don't even want to play after that idiocy. Could probably do it with a Glaive, but it's just not interesting enough to make me care enough to do it.


Why I was doing this in the first place:

Those cores at 6 points looked pretty nice. Also, I heard that the Juggernaut could be fought in the tenth mission.


Primary reasons for finding this boring:

There's just about nothing to actually do, besides chase down a goon and whack them until they fall down. For six missions, this is essentially just Capture, but only with melee weapons, and I'm pretty sure an occasional cold proc.

For the last set of three, it's Capture with nigh-constant cold procs.


Reasons for finding it too annoying to bother finishing: The cold procs have the primary effect of making the forced (and idiotically explained) melee thing really just...aggravating. I'll miss nine out of ten attacks because of the cold procs, then I'll have to catch up to these lightning-fast sprinters, who will simply take off again, making the whole thing feel like an exercise in futility.


I'm done with this event; my interest in checking out the Juggernaut was 'I guess it would be neat to see it now,' but this event is unrewarding, repetitive, annoying at best and simply boring at worst - which is unfortunate, as boring filler missions account for literally 60% of its span.

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Seems like a lot of complaining for the sake of complaining. 


They cold proc... here's a thought... Take a Warm Coat.


Can't catch them? Take a Sunika Kubrow...


Perhaps adjust your build for melee combat?


Sorry to hear you're bored, maybe don't try and marathon the content unless you have the stamina for it. It's 9 capture missions which takes less then 20min solo. 


The boss fight is fun. and worth the 20min to get to it.


Too much  capture for you in one day? do 3 missions today, 3 tomorrow, and 3 on Sunday. Take a rest on Saturday so you're not too overwhelmed by running 3 capture missions a day on 3 consecutive days.


Don't let the mission defeat you, think and overcome.

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Honestly the only parts of this that I've found annoying are:


1.) The end capture targets are nullifiers. I never saw the point of regular nullifiers to begin with, as they just artificially increase difficulty and it seems pointless to give warframes powers in the first place when there are enemies that can simply take them all away, but now we get capture targets who can do that too? Ans slow us? And run super fast? Oh YAY! *sarcasm*


2.) The time the final boss takes. With a good team and high damage loadout (plus 4 Corrosive Projection) it's easy, but with anything other than that it's a slow whittling process that takes forever. Reducing the armor and/or health of the final boss somewhat would make a much better fight I think. Still challenging but no longer a war of attrition.


Aside from those and the event being a little boring, I quite like it.

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Jo jo jo, I have done already 15 of these and I can tell you what's frustration. But before that I would like to point that I got stuck in the same room, and while I found a way out. There's a console glowing green that opens the doors...


Now, yes, Usain Bolt with a Supra and Nullifier shield that makes you freeze for 8 seconds is very annoying. I didn't thought they were so hard to kill since I have Quick Thinking and Rage, making me hard enough to not be killed.

Ahh, but I wasn't ready for that bossfight at all! Even if I can melt the **** out of it with my corrosive torid... Is there anything more annoying than being killed wihtout explanation? 4 rooms far from the boss I got killed by who knows what. Near him, the same. Absorb doesn't take damage from these "strange cases" but then again, why would it? if as soon as Absorb ends the wave of who-knows-what kicks in dealing... 1000 dmg? I know that each time it happends drains all my health and shields, and as a measure, 250~ energy each "wave".

I got a full pack of that new equipment. But I'm done with this. I wasted 8 revives (4 in the first try with melee only) and 1 in the first run, 3 in the last run (which killed me magically almost 20 times with my friend resurrecting me each time he could).

I can't describe that "attack" as nothing more than "unfair" since even those flying things from Phorid that kills you anyways are at least VISIBLE. Even those delayed Jackal grenades are visible. But not this, this is just a wave of invisible Juggernaut Behemot ****.

Sorry, I can't deal with something like that anymore. I hope that the actual Juggernaut (not boss-like) doesn't have that attack.

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The boss fight is fun. and worth the 20min to get to it.

fun? really? being perma slowed by his secretions is "fun" having to unlead every singel bullet in a fully formaed veykor merlok + fully formaed hek is "fun"


if thats your definition of fun then i suggest playing EVE... that as "fun" as fighting this boss is...

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Can't catch them? Take a Sunika Kubrow...


Oh snap, totally forgot about those niche kubrows.  They have purpose, now!


There's also that mod that decreases proc duration.  Getting cold proc'd was frustrating, but I've gotta hand it to DE, it's a perfect tactic for someone trying to escape.  This Tac Alert isn't supposed to be just so simple as striking the target till they stop.  There's some thinking and adapting, which is really what we need.


I found that throwing weapons with Power Throw quickly took down the 3rd level capture targets, too.

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fun? really? being perma slowed by his secretions is "fun" having to unlead every singel bullet in a fully formaed veykor merlok + fully formaed hek is "fun"


if thats your definition of fun then i suggest playing EVE... that as "fun" as fighting this boss is...


Just a thought... stop standing in his secretions if you don't like being slowed. XD


Hmmm The bosses name is the Juggernaut, did you really think you could 1 shot him like Kela De Thaym?


In fact he's less annoying than bosses like Lech Kril and Sargus Ruk. Bosses that have phases you must sit and wait for them to stomp around aimlessly before you can do any damage. At least with Juggernaut you can whittle him down if you so chose while you are waiting for a chance to get at his weak points. Yes he has weak points.


I do agree that the skill he uses that basically kills your whole team is unfair, and needs to be modified. But that is why DE does these tactical alerts to refine elements before they are implemented.


Oh snap, totally forgot about those niche kubrows.  They have purpose, now!


There's also that mod that decreases proc duration.  Getting cold proc'd was frustrating, but I've gotta hand it to DE, it's a perfect tactic for someone trying to escape.  This Tac Alert isn't supposed to be just so simple as striking the target till they stop.  There's some thinking and adapting, which is really what we need.


I found that throwing weapons with Power Throw quickly took down the 3rd level capture targets, too.


Yep, yep. One of the great things about your Sunika is he/she doesn't get slowed and has no problem chasing down that Escapee and pinning him to the floor giving you plenty of time to catch up.


Remember people that the nullifer shield is just skills, and a nice ground slam with your melee can still easily knock him down, drop a finisher on him as he lies there and you are good to go. To make sure you get him, don't try and attack him from behind. Melee copter, wall vault, or even directional melee past him, once in front of him its a lot easier to make sure you get him with your attack.

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In hindsight, it was probably a mistake to try crushing the whole 10 missions solo in one sitting.


That definitely made me sick of the whole business. Does that mean the operation didn't... kinda suck anyway? I say no, and that chasing targets who can infini-sprint with godly parkour skills and perfect knowledge of where they are going through every tileset while you try desperately to keep up through constant friggin' Cold procs that always go through Insulation anyway so why did I even bother fusing that mod to max!?


Disappointing, really.


Breaking down my only real grievance:


Without the constant Cold procs, these missions would be trivial. With Cold procs, they suddenly become an exercise in keyboard-destroying frustration. It really has the feel of "just shove it out the door" content, and that's a shame. If there was any time spent fiddling with knobs and polishing widgets and reticulating splines, it absolutely doesn't show. That's really my only legitimate problem with this "operation."


The Juggernaut itself was... okay. Pretty cool creature, some interesting ability ideas, but it still wound up being a "typical Warframe boss fight" for me. All my time was spent either standing still wailing on him because he got stuck on something yet again, or scrambling for cover because something suddenly hit for "terrible, terrible damage." I was hoping for something more, but my experience alone isn't enough to judge the true quality of DE's work here.

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Protip for Missions 7-9: BRING A LECTA. Give it a maxed Reach and Fury, pump its Status % up to maximum, and get ready to turn those proc-spamming jerks' own tactic against them. It's not perfect, and makes the regular mobs a pain depending on your Frame, but being able to just dash into the Nullifier's bubble and stunlock him with the whip until he falls over is nothing short of cathartic.


Also, screw the Nullifiers who spawn in the stairway room right before the escape point. Why would you even do that.

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fun? really? being perma slowed by his secretions is "fun" having to unlead every singel bullet in a fully formaed veykor merlok + fully formaed hek is "fun"


if thats your definition of fun then i suggest playing EVE... that as "fun" as fighting this boss is...


This makes me wonder what "fun" is, then.  I should think having to be aware of the surroundings, having to roll more than I've had to in some time and having to chase the boss and close the gap quickly are all elements that make an encounter fun.


People on these forums have been asking for enemies who aren't bullet sponges that can one shot you for some time now.  This boss certainly seems to fit that idea.


I thought it was all great fun personally.

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I won by maxing Rush, putting it on an Ash, and giving that Ash a Galatine. Because even Nullifier units can't say no to a stealthed knockdown from above. :P Tempo Royale's guard combo kept him ragdolled, it was keeping up with him that was a pain, but made a little easier by a quick frame made quicker.

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I agree that the capture missions were *not* fun. The first two sets were really easy and repetitive. The third set? Alright. Slow them down a bit, because they were at annoying levels of speed, and those levels are very hard to navigate, but otherwise a good challenge and very doable with a decent team.


The Juggernaut?




Remember guys, when he's shooting out ranged, his top part becomes a weak point. When he rears up to do that ground smash, his belly becomes a weak point.


My main problems with him was that you couldn't shoot the slowy goo, like you can with mutalist moas, and that he got stuck on things a bit too often. Also, like someone else said, weak points showed too briefly. Otherwise, pretty solid.

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They cold proc... here's a thought... Take a Warm Coat.

I believe you mean Rapid Resilience. Warm Coat doesn't affect Cold Procs.


I'll admit, I'd forgotten Sunikas can grab VIP targets. So that's useful. Or would be if I hadn't already finished.

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The build up missions were boring as hell. I expected something different at least - even low gravity would have been something different!

All Prodmen, double spawn rate. That would've been fun and worked on multiple layers.

Mix in infested. The 2nd and 3rd group had infested tiles, but no infested.

It was only 9 missions, and took me less than 5 minutes each, but it was like eating 9 slices of white bread. The first two went down easy, the last one made me hate bread.

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I absolutely agree with the cold proc complaint. It's not an avoidable attack, it's unavoidable RNG at its finest.

I did it by Rhino-ing through everyone and knocking them down, but it definitely felt like every other Tac Alert: cheese it or suffer.

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