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Pc 16.9.0: Excalibur Feedback Megathread


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well im disappointed to behonest


slash dash:

vulnerable while casting meaning any group can easily get you killed especially in high levels

lock on doesn't work right

I only hit 1-2 enemies unless there in a straight line


radial blind:

finishers animation has to be done no normally melee which takes time to execute

LOS still functions badly- enemies still not blinded in groups/ enemies between doors don't get hit all the time/ enemies just a tiny bit round cover not totally covered are still not hit-so its unreliable as I got to spam it 24/7 to get any constant cc support


radial javelin:

no update ? really this should have been updated its inferior to blind for both damage and cc


4th skill:

air waves should do finisher damage to keep it constant damage

radial blind slide way to small I have to be right near a target to do a blind

auto parry! does not block any kind of knockdowns while bombard rockets don't get reflected and just knock you down from the proc same with anti moas they proc fire

damage falls off easily still its only the blind from the slide that gives it its massive damage

channeling mods were taken out so no more health gain meaning no survivability in late game




slash dash: auto lock on and make them go red so you know who got hit and didn't

and make the skill immune from damage while casting

Channing to enemy's should be done by strength to attack more enemies


radial blind:

finishers made into a different key so you can do a finisher or normal attack

LOS fixed ! or changed back and reduce the range


radial javelin:

damage from melee mods

stun duration effected by duration mods

or incorporate it into radial blind


4th skill:

channelling mods should be useable during the skill but cost no energy as hes a melee frame

air slashes finisher damage or add to combo counter

radial blind slide range increased a bit to actually blind targets near you im not saying huge im saying just enough to get targets near you

the health channelling mod should be incorporated into the skill or cost no energy so it is on all the time like it was before the hot fix

auto parry blocks knockdowns and reflects bombards rockets or stops the knockdown proc or parry mod to work

HE needs Survivability in his 4th skill and that's what he hasn't got now that the health mod that gave health for damage to enemy's either that or damage reduction

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Personally I'd like to see the life strike not needing channel come back again, especially as it actually gave a reason to use the reflection mod. That mod was useful for all of about a day until the Life Strike change in this hotfix.

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I like Excalibur's rework. I do, however, have a problem with his ultimate. Damage bugs aside, the energy waves are waaay too slow. I feel like I can catch up to them. They should be quite faster thanthat.


Also, Excalibur apparently got a passive now, huh? He attacks faster and with more power with long swordsnikanas and dual swords. And that bonus appears to increase Exalted Blade's power. Now, although quite cool, I think it should be like that. He is equipping a long-sword for his ultimate already! The passive bonus should be up then, even if I have a glaive as my melee weapon. That way we can have more variety with our close ranged fighting. I personallywould rather have a glaive, or a big hammer, or even a gun-blade for the utility, and have my exalted blade for kicking &#!! But for some reason, that would make my abilities a bit weaker. 


Also, would be quite cool if Exalted Blade augment was a different stance for the blade! Or even... a different weapon! The possibilities!


Excalibur would be a bit more versatile that way, just my 2 cents.

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Latest hotfix didn't fix scaling completely on the waves. Pressure Point, Spoiled Strike and syndicate mods such as Bright Purity don't work anymore on the waves but Elements actually do now, Life Strike also works.

Edited by R4yn0r
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Not sure if this is a bug or intended behavior: The energy waves from Exalted Blade do no damage to Nullifier shields and thus cannot shrink and eventually deactivate them. Other projectile abilities like Fireball, Freeze and Shuriken inflict damage on Nullifier shields and reduce their size, aren't Exalted Blade energy waves supposed to do the same?

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Latest hotfix didn't fix scaling completely on the waves. Pressure Point, Spoiled Strike and syndicate mods such as Bright Purity don't work anymore on the waves but Elements actually do now, Life Strike also works.


Not sure if this is a bug or intended behavior: The energy waves from Exalted Blade do no damage to Nullifier shields and thus cannot shrink and eventually deactivate them. Other projectile abilities like Fireball, Freeze and Shuriken inflict damage on Nullifier shields and reduce their size, aren't Exalted Blade energy waves supposed to do the same?

^ these things, among other stuff... for crying out loud, is it really THAT hard to make stuff work as intended? Fix one thing, break two things, back and forth. You have been working on his revamp up until now, yet it keeps being full of problems... More quality and focus, less rushing, please? Mkay.

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I dislike how EB locks you into forwards movement. You can't strafe or go backwards or even really stay still. It makes the ability feel really clunky in my opinion.


The Blind also feels like an overkill on the ability. I already have a blind, why remove additional ability synergy? Not to mention that the weird slide animation makes the slide attack very hard to use as an actual melee attack.

Edited by LocoWithGun
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After the 16.9.3 hotfix, like mentioned before life strike and elementals seem to be working for wave damage, but base damage mods don't seem to be taking any effect any more. Also channelling still doesn't affect the wave damage like the patch notes stated they would. And finally when it comes to the combo counter, the wave damage does get boosted but it cannot increase the combo counter. I'm assuming the waves not increasing the combo counter is a bug.

Edited by Dragazer
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So, after testing Excalibur an extra day, in hard levels this time...


Slash Dash

- looses utility and is redundant with the 4th power. Suggestion:

  • launches a move somehow similar to Ash's Teleport (would require targeting an enemy) with less damage to compensate the utility (introduces Ash/Loki's mechanics?). Free aiming slash dash is currently useless since Melee coptering in air is superior, so you can skip it if this new approach is adopted.



Radial Blind

- in the Void, the inferiority of Radial Blind compared to Ash or Loki's Invisibility is flagrant: the range is limited, and Nullifiers are not affected (while they are when Ash or Loki are invisible=> they can't target them). Excalibur must have a mechanics to compensate this. Suggestions:

  • He leaves a shining Decoy behind him (persistence of vision phenomenon), attracting enemies attention and inaccurate fire (introducing Saryn's Molt/ Loki's Decoy mechanics?).
  • He throws a shining device attracting enemies attention and inaccurate fire (introducing Vauban's mechanics (grenade flash similar to grenades of vauban?))
  • or Radial Blind creates clones like the Hall of Mirors of Mirage (the clones disappear 1 by 1 through time)
  • or Excalibur enter in a state where every hit done to him triggers a Radial Blind (stuns again). Excalibur shining decreases a lot enemy accuracy (like Zephyr's Turbulence), but his light decrease through time, and accuracy of the enemies increases until a new RB is triggered. Good and inovative intro to Turbulence mechanics.

-The other main problem is the animation of the finishers. They are annoying, time consuming, they makes us vulnerable. The only solution to this is to adress the slowness of all melee animations ingame. All of them hinder the fluidity of our moves.



Radial Javelin

- Same as before, damage looses utility at high level, the stun is totally redundant with the one of Radial Blind (which is more efficient due to the duration of the incapacitation, etc) and the animation breaks the epic dynamism of the whole frame. Suggestions:

  • If you want to keep the damaging concept, lets give the Javelins utility: they'd proc some effect similar to the Viral status (-X% of Health): the Javelins can't kill by themselves, but weakens a lot any enemy at any level and help the team!
  • Another possibility would be that the Javelins, once impaled, handicaps the enemies (hard to run with a huge blade in their thorax, right?), and make them vulnerable to any proc from anything (100% Proc chance for weapons and powers of the team!)


Exalted Blade

-The big problem is the lack of built-in health regeneration (like Valkyr) and protection. Excalibur is THE starting frame, he needs protection/regeneration. The requisite of the Life Strike mods is UNFAIR towards new players, it becomes a mandatory mod for higher players and its effet is not balanced for Exalted Blade damages. Suggestion:

  • Make health regen when Excalibur is not damaging targets (faster regen when deflecting enemy fire)
  • Make shield regen when Excalibur is hitting enemies. (the higher the combo is, the higher shield regen (useful against enemies which don't die easily.)

- as usual, damage from the energy waves is useless very quickly. Suggestions:

  • reduce the "damage" from energy waves and instead inflict 100% interrupting procs (we'd use it to incapacitate a dangerous ranged enemy (sniper, bombard, etc): so something like knock down or ragdoll) and a chance of secondary proc based on our melee build.

- Channelling increases damage? Really? Another random weapon? What's the point of the unchannelled state then?! Noooo... My Suggestion:

  • When we channel our Exalted Blade, its energy length/reach increases, allowing us to perform very wide swings around us, hitting more enemies (also larger energy arc-waves).





These were my deep thoughts for my intense playing of Excalibur since the last changes. I hope it will inspire some.

I will come back if I think of something else/see other flaws in the gameplay of this amazing frame.

Thank you managers for compiling all of this, to the devs for the very hard work! Really.

*disappears in whispers and flickering*

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Either give Excal passive regen or life strike passively on all attacks - 20% melee, 10-15% (10-20m), 5% 20-40

Energy waves need to give combo points for combo meter - again, excal's uses at high level

These would do Excal wonders!

Edit: EB needs to benefit from power strength

All of the above would make Excal become the energizer lithium bunny - just keep going and going and going and going and going...you get the idea

Edited by Phyrak
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So, after testing Excalibur an extra day, in hard levels this time...


Slash Dash

- looses utility and is redundant with the 4th power. Suggestion:

  • launches a move somehow similar to Ash's Teleport (would require targeting an enemy) with less damage to compensate the utility (introduces Ash/Loki's mechanics?). Free aiming slash dash is currently useless since Melee coptering in air is superior, so you can skip it if this new approach is adopted.



Radial Blind

- in the Void, the inferiority of Radial Blind compared to Ash or Loki's Invisibility is flagrant: the range is limited, and Nullifiers are not affected (while they are when Ash or Loki are invisible=> they can't target them). Excalibur must have a mechanics to compensate this. Suggestions:

  • He leaves a shining Decoy behind him (persistence of vision phenomenon), attracting enemies attention and inaccurate fire (introducing Saryn's Molt/ Loki's Decoy mechanics?).
  • He throws a shining device attracting enemies attention and inaccurate fire (introducing Vauban's mechanics (grenade flash similar to grenades of vauban?))
  • or Radial Blind creates clones like the Hall of Mirors of Mirage (the clones disappear 1 by 1 through time)
  • or Excalibur enter in a state where every hit done to him triggers a Radial Blind (stuns again). Excalibur shining decreases a lot enemy accuracy (like Zephyr's Turbulence), but his light decrease through time, and accuracy of the enemies increases until a new RB is triggered. Good and inovative intro to Turbulence mechanics.

-The other main problem is the animation of the finishers. They are annoying, time consuming, they makes us vulnerable. The only solution to this is to adress the slowness of all melee animations ingame. All of them hinder the fluidity of our moves.



Radial Javelin

- Same as before, damage loose utility at high level, the stun is totally redundant with Radial Blind (which is more efficient do to duration of the incapacitation, etc) and the animation breaks the epic dynamism of the whole frame. Suggestions:

  • If you want to keep the damaging concept, lets give the Javelins utility: they'd proc some effect similar to the Viral status (-X% of Health): the Javelins can't kill by themselves, but weakens a lot any enemy at any level and help the team!
  • Another possibility would be that the Javelins, once impaled, handicaps the enemies (hard to run with a huge blade in their thorax, right?), and make them vulnerable to any proc from anything (100% Proc chance for weapons and powers of the team!)



Exalted Blade

-The big problem is the lack of built-in health regeneration (like Valkyr) and protection. Excalibur is THE starting frame, he needs protection/regeneration. The requisite of the Life Strike mods is UNFAIR towards new players, it becomes a mandatory mod for higher players and its effet is not balanced for Exalted Blade damages. Suggestion:

  • Make health regen when Excalibur is not damaging targets (faster regen when deflecting enemy fire)
  • Make shield regen when Excalibur is hitting enemies. (the higher the combo is, the higher shield regen (useful against enemies which don't die easily.)

- as usual, damage from the energy waves is useless very kickly. Suggestions:

  • remove the "damage" from energy waves and instead inflict 100% interrupting procs (we'd use it to incapacitate a dangerous ranged enemy (sniper, bombard, etc): so something like knock down or ragdoll) and a chance of secondary proc based on our melee build.

- Channelling increases damage? Really? Another random weapon? What's the point of the unchannelled state then?! Noooo... My Suggestion:

  • When we channel our Exalted Blade, its energy length/reach increases, allowing us to perform very wide swings around us, hitting more enemies (also larger energy arc-waves).





These were my deep thoughts for my intense playing of Excalibur since the last changes. I hope it will inspire some.

I will come back if I think of something else/see other flaws in the gameplay of this amazing frame.

Thank you managers for compiling all of this, to the devs for the very hard work! Really.

*disappears in whispers and flickering*


Reflection from your post


SD:  I agree.  I use it just to avoid damage and to score a knock down for finisher.  Using Free-Slash Dash makes you invulnerable though.  Melee Coptering is superior but enemies can still shoot you clean out the air.


RB:  I like the idea of a type of light decoy.  DE could play around with that idea.  I do agree the RD animation is horrible.  I think they should re do it in total.  I would like to see the void energy light pulsate through his "Tenno-Power Lines" then flash outward.  That way the casting is actually Excalibur himself.  This would allow you to cast it whenever you felt like it without any disturbances.  


For a better visual.  Whenever you cast a power your energy and it's color will pulate through your Warframe's Suit lines.  Take that and add some type of light FX that will burst out of Excal.   


RJ: Doesn't scale well.  Either have it scale with the same mods as Ex.Blade (or some of the mods) or have every enemy that is hit with the blades to have a 50% chance to be knocked down.  Not just a normal knock down.  Knockdown + Bleed + Confusion :^) 


EX.Blade:  Melee STR mods still do not effect the Waves.  So I can't really say anything until that is fixed.  DE keeps saying it's suppose to work but it doesn't.  CH mods do not work on Blades but do work on hit damage.  Can't really review EX.Blade until DE fixes those factors.  

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Any chance this thread get cleaned up? I read about the first 12 pages and many of them discuss what essentially amounted to a bug whereby mods on melee weapon did not affect his ult. There are also many posts where the mods on melee weapon did not affect the blade waves. Now that those things are fixed, it's really hard to read through this and filter out bug reports versus feedback. Sorry for being picky, this thread is 46 pages dough. Maybe just restart it, hopefully people will re-iterate their points now that the exalted blade bugs have been squashed.

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i was in triton and the EB blade waves had increased damage and was finally counted as melee! meaning it kills nullifier AND stealth hits on blinded enemies, meaning same damage as hitting with energy sword. it sure is powerful now...


but i can't seem to keep using EB as long as the slide+blind keeps interfering with my proper slide attacks, thus i still had my vaykor and fast melee and #2 radial blind to just play optimally. . i seriously don't care even if you put a ridicilously low range on radial blind passive on slides, AS LONG AS YOU GIEF ME MY SPIN ATTACKS ON EB PLZXXX. 

it was enjoyable with the auto-parry and the damage now however


also, the sound of the energy sword is terrible... i keep feeling as if i'm holding a frying pan and swinging it

Edited by SomeCrackHead
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Stuff so far as of 16.9.3


Mods that work:

1)      Elemental Mods

2)      Channeling Mods


Mods that no longer work (may be a bug~also maynot be a bad thing):

1)      Pressure Point [PP]

2)      Spoiled Strike [sS]

3)      Syndicate Mods like Bright Purity [bP]


Channeling effects now affect EB’s energy waves, but channeling doesn’t increase the damage (may be a bug)


Using Radial Blind causes EB’s energy waves to deal Critical Finisher damage jumping from 2.1k to 19k (yellow/Crit)

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Found a Bug with EB: 


when you are not the host of a match and have the loka skana mod (forget the name right now) on and use EB it keeps the proc effect.

Tested this in 3 matches and it only happens when i was not the host.


(did not know how to pull the screen shots out of steam)


edit: found the mod name Bright Purity



Edited by bigfoot1812
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When I started coptering with exalted blade last night after the hotfix every time i coptered whilst exalted blade was on i would rise from the copter to do a radial blind which was kind of weird so i just spent most of the time using excalibur without coptering and only sliding

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Not sure what they changed, but the waves now do damage in the thousands and I am consistantly able to kill level 30+ enemies with the waves by themselves. Might be more technicial issues, but at least the ranged aspect of this ability is reliably killing now. Slash Dash still needs it's tracking to be improved as I'm still not hitting nearby enemies after landing my first hit. I'm sure you guys will get it right eventually though. Good job so far.

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Found a Bug with EB: 


when you are not the host of a match and have the loka skana mod (forget the name right now) on and use EB it keeps the proc effect.

Tested this in 3 matches and it only happens when i was not the host.


(did not know how to pull the screen shots out of steam)


edit: found the mod name Bright Purity



personally i wish it would work like that as we ARE still using a skana, even if its completely energy.

maybe have it make use of the syndicate proc of the melee weapon ONLY if we have the melee weapon active when we use the ult.

that or make it so ANY affinity gain will go to the weapon that is currently active trigger the xp....because from testing, it only takes the charging if the affinity is completely from the weapon, which is $&*&*#(%& as we tend to use our abilities alot.

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So, after testing Excalibur an extra day, in hard levels this time...


Slash Dash

- looses utility and is redundant with the 4th power. Suggestion:

  • launches a move somehow similar to Ash's Teleport (would require targeting an enemy) with less damage to compensate the utility (introduces Ash/Loki's mechanics?). Free aiming slash dash is currently useless since Melee coptering in air is superior, so you can skip it if this new approach is adopted.



Radial Blind

- in the Void, the inferiority of Radial Blind compared to Ash or Loki's Invisibility is flagrant: the range is limited, and Nullifiers are not affected (while they are when Ash or Loki are invisible=> they can't target them). Excalibur must have a mechanics to compensate this. Suggestions:

  • He leaves a shining Decoy behind him (persistence of vision phenomenon), attracting enemies attention and inaccurate fire (introducing Saryn's Molt/ Loki's Decoy mechanics?).
  • He throws a shining device attracting enemies attention and inaccurate fire (introducing Vauban's mechanics (grenade flash similar to grenades of vauban?))
  • or Radial Blind creates clones like the Hall of Mirors of Mirage (the clones disappear 1 by 1 through time)
  • or Excalibur enter in a state where every hit done to him triggers a Radial Blind (stuns again). Excalibur shining decreases a lot enemy accuracy (like Zephyr's Turbulence), but his light decrease through time, and accuracy of the enemies increases until a new RB is triggered. Good and inovative intro to Turbulence mechanics.

-The other main problem is the animation of the finishers. They are annoying, time consuming, they makes us vulnerable. The only solution to this is to adress the slowness of all melee animations ingame. All of them hinder the fluidity of our moves.



Radial Javelin

- Same as before, damage looses utility at high level, the stun is totally redundant with the one of Radial Blind (which is more efficient due to the duration of the incapacitation, etc) and the animation breaks the epic dynamism of the whole frame. Suggestions:

  • If you want to keep the damaging concept, lets give the Javelins utility: they'd proc some effect similar to the Viral status (-X% of Health): the Javelins can't kill by themselves, but weakens a lot any enemy at any level and help the team!
  • Another possibility would be that the Javelins, once impaled, handicaps the enemies (hard to run with a huge blade in their thorax, right?), and make them vulnerable to any proc from anything (100% Proc chance for weapons and powers of the team!)


Exalted Blade

-The big problem is the lack of built-in health regeneration (like Valkyr) and protection. Excalibur is THE starting frame, he needs protection/regeneration. The requisite of the Life Strike mods is UNFAIR towards new players, it becomes a mandatory mod for higher players and its effet is not balanced for Exalted Blade damages. Suggestion:

  • Make health regen when Excalibur is not damaging targets (faster regen when deflecting enemy fire)
  • Make shield regen when Excalibur is hitting enemies. (the higher the combo is, the higher shield regen (useful against enemies which don't die easily.)

- as usual, damage from the energy waves is useless very quickly. Suggestions:

  • remove the "damage" from energy waves and instead inflict 100% interrupting procs (we'd use it to incapacitate a dangerous ranged enemy (sniper, bombard, etc): so something like knock down or ragdoll) and a chance of secondary proc based on our melee build.

- Channelling increases damage? Really? Another random weapon? What's the point of the unchannelled state then?! Noooo... My Suggestion:

  • When we channel our Exalted Blade, its energy length/reach increases, allowing us to perform very wide swings around us, hitting more enemies (also larger energy arc-waves).





These were my deep thoughts for my intense playing of Excalibur since the last changes. I hope it will inspire some.

I will come back if I think of something else/see other flaws in the gameplay of this amazing frame.

Thank you managers for compiling all of this, to the devs for the very hard work! Really.

*disappears in whispers and flickering*

yay someone sees the problems with his skills I like the ideas


radial javelin:

damage from melee mods with finisher damage and 100 percent bleed proc/ radial blind should allow radial javelin to get the stealth damage

stun duration effected by duration mods

or incorporate it into radial blind


4th skill:

all channelling mods should be useable during the skill but cost no energy as he's a melee frame and it would make different builds

air slashes should add to the combo counter while giving 100 percent staggers with either finisher damage or slash damage

radial blind slide range increased a bit to actually blind targets near you im not saying huge I am saying just enough to get targets near you

the health channelling mod should be incorporated into the skill or cost no energy so it is on all the time like it was before the hot fix

auto parry blocks knockdowns and reflects bombards rockets or stops the knockdown proc or parry mod to work

HE needs Survivability in his 4th skill and that's what he hasn't got now that the health mod that gave health for damage to enemy's either that or damage reduction

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