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Melee: Will You Even Equip It?


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This feels like another thinly veiled rage thread about the upcoming changes that nerf coptering as a movement system. 



Why would you ever not use your melee weapon? If you are already equipping it ONLy for mobility, you are already handicapping yourself. Melee can be very useful in combat, if you actually try to use it for it's intended purpose... 

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There are lots of players in the game that use melee a majority of the time for mobility and parkour enhancement rather than for damage output.



With the introduction of parkour 2.0, that wont be the case.




Will you still equip melee? Im thinking i probably wont. Reducing the amount of melee love out there doesnt seem like a good investment.

I use my melee for damage output o.O

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Well, I don't really equip melee with mobility as highest priority. I also like to be prepared, and there are just some instances where melee is the most effective option. So yes, I will continue to equip melee after Parkour 2.0, because the deciding factors for whether or not I equip melee won't have really changed.

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People need to realise that in survival and other horde spawn modes melee is very viable if you work on it...just like ranged weapons. 

Some of them also get insane combat mobility and very strong damage. So I don't see why it's being shunned...in PUGs I end up using melee the most since no one will care...and damage wise it's rare that I'm outdone by the Boltor P and Soma P kids. 

Sure...you can't really use melee weapons for those lame camping parties...except for Glaive P. That thing will explode right through nullifiers...making it a very nice choice for boring camping parties. ;p


Edited by Shehriazad
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Ember using Accelerant on a all fire modded channeled Jat Kittag.. 28k non-Crit damage.

I'll keep melee weapon for a bit.

Also, if people like mobility but melee is about damage, why not make low damage mobility weapons and high damage stationary weapons. Let people play how they want to play. Reminds me if a kid on the school yard, stomping off because people are haVing fun the wrong way.

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You know directional melee is still a thing right? Anyway heres my reasons for still using melee:

- viable as a weapon

- directional melee

- stealth kills

- You see Ivan, when one uses knife, you never run out of bullets

- melee to melee death battle with stalker!

- life strike = health recovery

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Ember using Accelerant on a all fire modded channeled Jat Kittag.. 28k non-Crit damage.

I'll keep melee weapon for a bit.

Also, if people like mobility but melee is about damage, why not make low damage mobility weapons and high damage stationary weapons. Let people play how they want to play. Reminds me if a kid on the school yard, stomping off because people are haVing fun the wrong way.

I'm gonna miss Super Jump in a way. Using Excal with a properly modded Jat Kittag, super jumping and slamming? Can you say Tenno Space Program? Now you see the heavy gunner, now you don't! Lol. Highly entertaining to launch enemies across the map.

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For me using melee for dmg output really isn't my style. I'll admit it can be helpful and I've been enjoying heat dagger as of late but melee from me is always quick melee rarely equipped as main weapon. Excluding archwing of course.

As I've tried to explain to grimlock and other anti copter antagonist tenno, it's not about rushing. It's about trick maneuvers. Copter to wallfling boosted copter in order to connect wall runs between areas that are otherwise inaccessible.

I can understand the negative sentiments when it involves completely ignoring everything just to hit the objective and to get to extraction however for me it's equally important a tool even when I'm in an endless mission.

Flying around and shooting from the air is a big part of my play style.

Saying that copter overshadows parkour is far from the truth.

Parkour as it is in game right now consists of three basic things. Wall running. Climbing. Jumping.

If I can use coptering to creatively add to those why shouldn't I. Melee for me is directly tied to Parkour because with it I'm able to access new routes and paths during my tenno acrobat mayhem.

Directional air melee and coptering are both getting speed and distance caps. If it's not going to enhance my play style since I don't focus on melee then I may not end up bothering to bring it along which sucks because all of the melee weapons and accessories for them I own... Or who knows maybe the rework will be good enough and actually enhance the feel of melee combat that I won't miss copter xgames and perhaps add some new flair to melee.

Jumping on enemies will be fun either way so I'm looking forward to that. I hope we can all stab heads mid piggyback.

Edited by T4LCOMX
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I'm hoping that with the new parkour, you will be able to do all of what you mentioned, both more and better. I think we will all be fine with coptering being gone when we see the new movement system. But we will see, it's impossible to know how it will feel until it's released and we all get to try it out. 

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I'm hoping that with the new parkour, you will be able to do all of what you mentioned, both more and better. I think we will all be fine with coptering being gone when we see the new movement system. But we will see, it's impossible to know how it will feel until it's released and we all get to try it out.

Yes absolutely. If I can still pull off the crazy freerunning chains then bring it on I'm down.

Saw the wip double jump vine and it had me worried as excal barely went anywhere. I'm hoping it's way more beefy. Tenno got strong legs look at saryns get away sticks. I'm hoping we can jump much higher. Perhaps charging jump is in order for big or small jump controls

Just to reiterate I'm not against change I'm against nerfing the acrobatic capability which for now unfortunately involves a mechanic a lot of players seem to dislike

This is the vine video of the work in progress double jump which as of this vid Is less cool than doing that same thing in current system

Check out Steve Sinclair's post on Vine!


This is the work in progress of... Wall hopping?

Current system could do this in two moves. Wall fling to wall run. Same height less effort much faster

Check out Steve Sinclair's post on Vine!


Edited by T4LCOMX
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For me using melee for dmg output really isn't my style. I'll admit it can be helpful and I've been enjoying heat dagger as of late but melee from me is always quick melee rarely equipped as main weapon. Excluding archwing of course.


I think this might be a source of some of the more negative reactions right here, a bit of confusion of terms. When I left my reply (hopefully it wasn't too negative), I had interpreted the title as asking whether I will keep melee in my loadouts. And I think a lot of other people have interpreted it that way too. But this suggests what you meant was, would we equip melee as an active weapon in-mission, rather than just would we keep it in our loadouts. Would you mind clarifying?

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Yeah I'll keep it on, Aerials will still be handy even if there is the charge jump or whatever.

Honestly, it's not like i need more xp routed to my other weapons anyways, since Brakk and Boar are the only weapons in the game still available I haven't maxed. Maybe not on Mesa? Even if she only gets like 40 health or something, it might be more useful than aerials, I dunno though.

Probably gonna keep it on even then, variety is nice, even if Melees can't do more dps than guns even at super close range, for some god awful reason, they're fun to use sometimes.

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