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Hotfix 16.10.1


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Even at 20% it's dubitable whether building any pistol for crit would even be worth it, considering the trash that is Target Cracker/Hollow Point, let alone for 500+ R5 rare Fusion Cores and 2+ million credits.


I am not really seeing the point of nerfing Primed Pistol Gambit to 17% from Pistol Gambit's 20% unless they already have some kind of super crit pistol way beyond Aksomati in the pipeline.


It would be like nerfing Primed Ravage's base to 12% from Ravage's 15%. I mean, why!?! It's so unnecessary it's more like trolling than balancing. It's so ghetto/malicious/jackassy it's obscene.

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MY Huge problem - WHY NOT JUST GIVE THE REWARDS - Why make us farm on what can only be described as a TEDIOUS waste of ~25mins for MODs that (in the past) are given as higher tier rewards for the Tactical Alert. I can assure you, the market is NOT saturated, and players wouldn't mind if you STUCK TO WHAT YOU DID BEFORE. The same can easily be said for the amazingly disappointing Primed Pistol Gambit. Even @ 20% per lvl, 500 Rare Cores and 2 Million credits later it's a joke improvement. If you're releasing a new pistol w/high crit, release this THEN. Or, instead of having a useless mod, or one that's only good w/one pistol, make it BETTER.


Base should be 25% and everyone wanting it back at 20 needs to know - We don't need to settle for that just because they took it away. We need a Primed mod that's living up to its name.


I hope this isn't what I can expect to see with future Tactical Alerts/Events. If so, it's a new all time low that will forever change the name of the game to 'Warfarm'.


I guess we're supposed to grind places like Draco for minimal gains after all, if that's the case, they should stop complaining about people using farming tactics.


So, so true. Just like internet piracy. If you can't provide goods at a fair price, people will find another way to get it.


Bigger ducat price each time, and now less stat gain per level. Nice tendency.


How much was Primed Reach? (LESS THAN THIS) and it's more than twice as good. C'mon, DE. Get your heads on straight and either give us Primed mods that are worth a damn. Even at 20%, I'm a disappointed.


I agree with the assessment of Primed Pistol Gambit, a Primed Mod should be an improvement to the base mod, not a sideways joke reference.


DE, if this is a joke - I'm not laughing.

Edited by Mxysptlik
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I can't wait for coptering to be removed so I can run on walls like a derpy wall running rabbit at 1/10th the speed of someone who knows how to actually copter! /sarcasm


Not sure I'll be able to enjoy most aspects of this game after that happens.




Oh yeah, what the hell is up with 17%? You guys add primed mods which take 528 Rare 5 fusion cores to max and you can't even give us the proper crit rate for it??!?!

After playing this game over 2 years and knowing how to copter across maps, I support the update. So long as the movement works as intended by DE and it's faster than running it will work. If we have problems with that hindering our farm then we can bring it up later. (I assume it's much easier to change drop rates than parkour physics).


I think other players might agree that coptering in a straight line across an entire large tile is a lot less rewarding than zigzagging up walls, stalling while you snipe (basically invuln to infested up there I'd assume too), and the option to jump where you want to jump will enhance this game greatly. 

DE please don't lose confidence. While these players opinions are valid, I (at least) feel the decisions the devs are making are some of the best ones I've seen with my time in the game. 

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Thank you DE!


But what about the manic bug? It makes completing the tactical alert sometimes impossible.




Edited by Casardis
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here is how this new "parkour" going to look like vs anything that is not a level 30-35 enemy:


You jump on the wall, u jump to other wall, u get shot by nullifier/ballistas/pulled by ancients (puked by moa), u die from hitscan 100% accuracy, insane damage weapons (slowed to the point of being unable to do anything and die by swarmed enemies). 



This is bad, because the base speed of warframes is bad, the game feels slow without coptering and i highly doubt DE will buff Warframes speed by like 150-200% to compensate the loss of speed. 

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  • Fixed incorrect stats showing on the Primed Pistol Gambit Mod in the Arsenal - it now has the proper base of 17% chance increase, leading to a possible 187% when fully ranked.


Sure, cause 20% per rank is broken... are u serious?



Come on why not 20%?

^ This.

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Why not 20%? I really don't get it...

Comparing the regular version with the "Primed" at the same rank, the "Primed" is actually weaker?

Why not just make a Primed with less ranks to level and the regular 20% increase per rank?

If this is because it will somehow make a weapon too strong, why make a primed version of it in the first place?

Can i please have my ducats, fusion cores and credits back?


Great job on the other fixes though

Edited by Astralrage
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here is how this new "parkour" going to look like vs anything that is not a level 30-35 enemy:


You jump on the wall, u jump to other wall, u get shot by nullifier/ballistas/pulled by ancients (puked by moa), u die from hitscan 100% accuracy, insane damage weapons (slowed to the point of being unable to do anything and die by swarmed enemies). 



This is bad, because the base speed of warframes is bad, the game feels slow without coptering and i highly doubt DE will buff Warframes speed by like 150-200% to compensate the loss of speed. 


I had eluded to this in another thread. You can do all the tricks, but it will likely not help you (both to kill and survive) against higher level enemies with 100% accuracy hitscan. Even with the small change to accuracy loss while a frame is on the move, the percent change makes little difference to enemies with 100% chance to hit. Consider Ballista's and Seekers, and to a worse extend Elite Lancers (because of their numbers and slash procs). Unless they make the percent decrease of accuracy during movement much stronger, all of this parkour would be for naught on Ceres.



As for Primed Pistol Gambit: I'm not getting it as it is. But my guess is that it won't change until Baro leaves, or just before so people who didn't get it before are now buttrushing to get it then. That is in no way healthy. Even if it does get the change, I won't bother, the percentage would still not be worth 1. the excessive ducat price and 2. the actual time and resources spent to get that number. The only excuse that DE has to knock it down lower than the original is the 2.8 multishot from usual builds, which is a poor argument. Even then, the Akmagnus and the Aksomati are the only weapons to benefit from this. I'd advise not releasing a crit heavy pistol next after this mess, because you'll get quite a lot of resentful players.


Baro trades seem to be degrading more and more in terms of quality, and the price just keeps going up. And people wonder why many players go on these ridiculous camping farm runs. Most of the time it is to farm cores to max these mods. I just laughed when they discussed Draco in the stream, because all they are going to do is "change" greedy pull instead of actually changing the source of this entire issue, the actual why (prime mods for an example) instead of the how (camping, greedy pull, past Excalibur radial javelin spam, etc.). It'll be Vivergate all over again, because all they did there was change the map and the abilities used to abuse it.

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  • Information on the Simulor’s radial damage per-projectile stack has been added to the Arsenal




i saw the per stack today...guess that is what this means (this was showing on my dread so i didnt know what it meant lol

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Yep, I laughed at this too


I had eluded to this in another thread. You can do all the tricks, but it will likely not help you (both to kill and survive) against higher level enemies with 100% accuracy hitscan. Even with the small change to accuracy loss while a frame is on the move, the percent change makes little difference to enemies with 100% chance to hit. Consider Ballista's and Seekers, and to a worse extend Elite Lancers (because of their numbers and slash procs). Unless they make the percent decrease of accuracy during movement much stronger, all of this parkour would be for naught on Ceres.



A I just laughed when they discussed Draco in the stream, because all they are going to do is "change" greedy pull instead of actually changing the source of this entire issue, the actual why (prime mods for an example) instead of the how (camping, greedy pull, past Excalibur radial javelin spam, etc.). It'll be Vivergate all over again, because all they did there was change the map and the abilities used to abuse it.

Honestly when I heard Rebecca bring this up I wasn't even laughing I was frustrated and disappointed , I honestly feel that DE staff members do not play this game enough to understand that it is not warframes that allow this sort of behavior to team up and camp in Draco, rather the broken game mechanics and how players abuse the RNG system into their favor by doing mass amounts of killing and not giving us enough rewards for our grinding which promotes this type of behaviour.

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I bought the primed pistol gambit cuz I thought lol red crits. Then I go to my pistols and see that my highest crit pistol was telos akbolto with its 10% crit chance and the pistol gambit moded over 100% upped it only to 20%. Dex Dakra and Dual Cestra has like 2% crit chance so when I put the primed pistol gambit in it I cried alittle.

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  • Information on the Simulor’s radial damage per-projectile stack has been added to the Arsenal.




  • Fixed the Bailiff Defector being placed in a location that he, ironically, cannot escape from.

  • Fixed incorrect stats showing on the Primed Pistol Gambit Mod in the Arsenal - it now has the proper base of 17% chance increase, leading to a possible 187% when fully ranked.

  • Fixed crashes related to the Simulor.

  • Fixed elements of the UI being cut off in 1280x1024 resolution.

  • Fixed Archwing items purchased from the Void Trader to not show in player Arsenal.


Adam, if you please, don't write text in black color. Very hard to recognize it for people, using nighty-dark scheme for forums.

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Fixed incorrect stats showing on the Primed Pistol Gambit Mod in the Arsenal - it now has the proper base of 17% chance increase, leading to a possible 187% when fully ranked.


That's far from proper, but whatever.

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The % crit chance is still wrong.  17% is incorrect.  All other primed mods rank up by the same ammount as their non-primed version but have 10 ranks instead of 5.  There aren't any pistols that have a base crit chance of over 25% so the 220% increase would actually make a crit build viable.

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Still no fix for Primed Pistol Gambit Mod.

It show incorrect base damage.

It must be 20% rank 0 and 220% rank 10, not 17% and 187%.

Please fix DE.

I think there is nothing to fix cause, sadly, they designed this mod to be 15(17% after rage-comments) at rank 0.


I do agree with all the people above that say "It must be 20% rank 0 and 220% rank 10, not 17% and 187%"


As another guy said, if you feel that it'll be too OP, don't prime it then.

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At first, I was going to try to argue DE's (theoretical) case for the 17%.


But I have to agree.  At rank 10, it'd be 220% with 20%/rank.  On a Vaykor Marelok, that's still only a 44% crit chance by my math.  If this mod isn't going to raise the crit on the Vaykor to AT LEAST 50% at 20%/rank, then nope, 20%/rank is more than fair.


I mean yes, there are sidearms with more than 20% crit chance, and I'm sure at 220% it would buff SOMETHING to 100% crit chance, but this still should be 20%/rank.


Sorry DE, I can't justify this one for ya.

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I mean yes, there are sidearms with more than 20% crit chance, and I'm sure at 220% it would buff SOMETHING to 100% crit chance, but this still should be 20%/rank.


There is one sidearm with more than 20% crit chance. Akmagnus has 25%. That's it.

187 Gambit takes it to 72% crit chance. 220 Gambit would take it to 80%.

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