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New Weapons (U17 Megathread Topic)


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Harpak would be amazing with a fix to burst weapon fire rate.


Can we please get that bumped up the priority list? The broken refire rate not scaling with RoF mods, and extremely long delay between individual rounds in a burst, has plagued burst guns from the very beginning and caused them to be considered inferior weapons to full-auto rifles in every way.

As I said in my original post, I don't really have an issue with the damage. It's more the fact the shield has no added benefit outside of looks at the moment. Being a sword AND shield, I'd expect the shield to play some part in the weapon's functionality. My hope is that when blocking, it'll negate the damage more effectively.... but it doesn't at the moment which is a little disappointing.

That may be a bug. Weapon classes are supposed to give different levels of damage reduction, presumably with S&S giving the highest of all classes. This was specifically stated in the patchnotes, so if it isn't working, it's bugged.

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That may be a bug. Weapon classes are supposed to give different levels of damage reduction, presumably with S&S giving the highest of all classes. This was specifically stated in the patchnotes, so if it isn't working, it's bugged.


Ah, I see. I ran into quite a lot of bugs so there's a chance it might be me. Unfortunately there's no stat saying how much the weapon can defend but I'll double check. Thanks for the info!

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Please remove self kill and self damage from Kulstar. It's not fair that Napalms, Bombards, Hellions, Corrupted Bombards and any other unit that uses explosives cannot kill or self damage there self's really unfair and does not make any sense at all that they can't kill there own units or there self's heck there own plasma grenades can't kill them or self damage there self's this is getting out of hand. our grenades where scrapped when this game was started and there plasma grenades work perfectly for them and we can't even use them or even craft there own plasma grenades let alone use napalms weapon I am disappointed with you de. One more thing off topic a little, will the Napalms weapon ever be released? I really want to use this just so I can proc behind cover for the lols.

Edited by anamethisis
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[Twin Grakatas]


Increase recoil.  Currently these have less recoil than single version.  They also should use....Rifle ammo pool. Coz these are rifles. 


Considering how huge rifle ammo pool is, it will be ok.  + we have mods for ammo pool and mutation mods.

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[Ack & Brunt]


I was kinda disappointed that these doesn't holster Tyl style.   I mean :  Ack - dagger holster; Brunt - Neck mounted. 


I would really love to wear it on my back to imitate grineer armor (And im pretty sure im not the only one).


Brunt is too huge to be holstered on hand imo.  I think most will "hide" it.  So why not let "grineer fans" to have some real gud stuff? To complement 3 Grakata.

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I think I'd use the harpoon gun (and paracyst) a lot more if it had innate punch through like bows and it would just go in a straight line reach a certain length then come back and do more damage on it's real in so it would shoot out pierce through enemies then come back pierce again and do the damage again so you'd get more enemies hit then just 1 grappled. And it could grapple all enemies hit by it.

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Really enjoying the Ack and Brunt! Great job on the design, DE! Oh and may I just say OMFG DAT NEW STANCE HNGGGG!

However please consider giving shiled weapons 100% block. It would give them a niche for defensive purposes.


I think for the people complaining, you need to have the new stance to really enjoy the weapon. It was made for it, I think-multihits galore for dat berserker. The mobility and speed really make the weapon shine.

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The grattler was destroyed by the last update. 25 ammo makes this gun useless. As much as you want people to play archwing, ruining the only weapon that did not take ridiculous amounts of part farming really puts a damper on that goal. The way it was on release was fine, even if there was no AoE damage as enemies are never close enough for that to benefit the weapon.


Still sad the the starting weapon is the strongest/favorite weapon in the arch-gun category. That would be like making the mk1-braton the best gun in the game. Leaves little room for players to explore the rest of the content. Why spend time or platinum on inferior weapons.



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C5ZAkTD.pngIMPACT: 5.0


SHlzscK.pngSLASH: 7.5





STATUS: 10.0%







Made a thread regarding Harpak and the Paracyst

These weapons have a utility when using their alternate fire and punch through breaks it.


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The new Twin Grakata reload animation and sound FX is fantastic!!!

While I'm on the subject of the Grakata... The revised firing sound of the Prisma variant is also spot on, Thank You from the buttom of my Tenno heart!

Edit: Spelling.

Edited by Evan-0-matic
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At the release the main issue with the Grattler was the range. It's alright in Sharkwing, but in Archwing, it didn't feel like there was any reason to use the gun when the enemies were pretty much at melee range. I guess the gun was meant for Sharkwing only, since it got released at the same time.


But now, its magazine capacity received a pretty extreme nerf.

From a 250 magazine to 25 sure can't be right.


Was this intended? If it was, I'm really interested in the test runs that led to this conclusion.

For such a low mag to work, you either need a reload mechanism, instead of recharge.

Or the recharge needs to kick in much faster (lets say 0.5 - 1 sec). And it should kick in even when you're holding down the left-click, allowing the gun to shoot at least once every 0.5 - 1 sec at all time.


I'm glad the explosion issue got fixed, but could the range and the magazine perhapse get another look?

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Ack & Brunt is my new favorite melee now.Crits, looks badass, is a Sword-and-Shield type weapon (well Axe-and-Shield, I would have preferred a sword myself but i'm cool with this) I even got the Final Harbinger from day one. This thing speaks to me on a spiritual level.

Edited by The_Vile_Blade
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The Harpak


-Cannot use punch through and retain the ability to grapple/drag opponents. Same issue with the Paracyst. Drag-line functionality would be great.

-Recoil is fair, but the secondary's damage is sub-par and its utility, while handy, isn't really justifiable. It is effectively a Paracyst clone while not bringing much new to the table.

-Distinguish it from the Paracyst by making it full-auto. Its description says 'automatic'. It'd better be 'automatic'.


The Kulstar


-Really fun weapon to use! Nothing to really say here, other than its air detonation should send projectiles in every direction, not just upwards, so as to make better use of the explosive devices.


The Grattler

-Sub-par projectile speed in space. Makes sense for submersible missions, but it's otherwise pretty poor for doing what it's supposed to do. It should move faster in space. It needs to saturate an area with flak.

-Projectiles still don't seem to have an AOE effect to them.

-Underwater explosion sound isn't muffled enough and doesn't have bubbles as an after-effect. The explosion seems incomplete and imperfect.

-Magazine size is also puny. Needs to be doubled.

Twin Grakata

-Effectively stat-creep. Reduced proc chance is fair, as is the reload times, but it's pretty strong thanks to the differences in pistol mods and rifle mods. Slight decrease to crit chance would make up for the drastic DPS increase.


Ack & Brunt

-Basically a better Silvaegis, the stats should be revisited on the Silva and Aegis, I think.

-Makes good use of critical mods, and is great with the changes to the stamina system.

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So if the [DE]vs are checking in regularly, Could you please add the damage reduction blocking values to the weapons?


It would be great to have comparative information to help choose the right weapon for play style. You did add the stack size stats to the simulor, would you please add a value for us to have some sort of reference point to gauge the blocking efficacy of the melee weapons?

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The grattler was destroyed by the last update. 25 ammo makes this gun useless. As much as you want people to play archwing, ruining the only weapon that did not take ridiculous amounts of part farming really puts a damper on that goal. The way it was on release was fine, even if there was no AoE damage as enemies are never close enough for that to benefit the weapon.


Still sad the the starting weapon is the strongest/favorite weapon in the arch-gun category. That would be like making the mk1-braton the best gun in the game. Leaves little room for players to explore the rest of the content. Why spend time or platinum on inferior weapons.




Well said. I'm constantly finding that with every new weapon I build I've done nothing more than made another piece of mastery fodder. 76 weapons and probably 10, mabye 20% get used regularly. This is sad.



At the release the main issue with the Grattler was the range. It's alright in Sharkwing, but in Archwing, it didn't feel like there was any reason to use the gun when the enemies were pretty much at melee range. I guess the gun was meant for Sharkwing only, since it got released at the same time.
But now, its magazine capacity received a pretty extreme nerf.
From a 250 magazine to 25 sure can't be right.
Was this intended? If it was, I'm really interested in the test runs that led to this conclusion.
For such a low mag to work, you either need a reload mechanism, instead of recharge.
Or the recharge needs to kick in much faster (lets say 0.5 - 1 sec). And it should kick in even when you're holding down the left-click, allowing the gun to shoot at least once every 0.5 - 1 sec at all time.
I'm glad the explosion issue got fixed, but could the range and the magazine perhapse get another look?



I have to ROFL at the "I'm really interested in the test runs that led to this conclusion." part. Seriously? Do you remember the Bursa bugs? How about the Excal "reworks" or any of the vivergate changes. Although SOME of those changes were knee-jerks to stop exploits, one of my favorite posts of ALL TIME from DE is as follows >

"A note from The Lotus:


Special thanks to the Tenno who aided us in a small experiment with Update 16. After a couple years of talk, we finally were able to set up a Test cluster which could be accessed externally. This Test cluster housed the many iterations of Update 16 content.


For 1 week straight leading up to this update, a group of just under 20 veteran Tenno spent hours and hours each day playing together, giving feedback, finding bugs, and voicing concerns. Each day included tireless attempts at the incredibly difficult Raids, hilarious moments competing in PvP, and general exploration of all things new. This past week has been one for the memory books - about 60+ hours together with veteran Tenno who applied their skill to some of our hardest and most surprising content yet. I loved every minute of it, and I can’t wait to see what we can do for quality with the potential that this Test cluster has opened!



60+ HOURS! 60 Freaking HOURS of testing, by a group of LESS THAN 20 people. These numbers are so laughable, exponentially so when they reference a MAJOR UPDATE from a developer.


They might as well (and probably) don't bother to test this at all. When they DO, you get numbers that any other AAA developer would laugh at so hard they have to receive medical attention.


TL;DR: They don't test, and when they do it's a joke. Just look at their changes made since last july. Countless game-breaking bugs throughout, and monstrously ridiculously insanely under thought changes.

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[Grattler's animation and mechanics]


When fired, all 4 barrels move, but only one projectile goes out.    I think it would be much better with barrels shooting one by one (one projectile per barrel)....


And alt fire would be all 4 barrels shoot simultaneously (4 projectiles with more recoil....Maybe even with net between them that disable all targets caught in it)


Model is very interesting and complex...But mechanics are rather boring.

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The grattler costs too much and has too small a magazine. It's beyond mastery fodder; it's insulting to your players.


The Harpak is just uselessly bad. It's not good at anything. The paracyst was a terrible weapon no one likes to use; why make a grineer version that's even worse?


The other weapons are great.

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