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Why Can't We Change Kubrows Name?


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How often do you change the name of your pets IRL?


IRL I don't breed loads of pets trying to get the perfect combination of traits and throw the ones that aren't pretty enough into space leaving the one I end up keeping stuck with a number for a name forever.

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How often do you change the name of your pets IRL?


Anyone who has owned a cat knows that the answer ranges from eventually to often.   They start off with names and eventually become kitty, or get a new nickname every year or so depending.


At any rate, you get to name your pets after you've gotten to know them.  Rarely does the humane society force you to select a name before entering the building.

Edited by Don_T_Shoot
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Anyone who has owned a cat knows that the answer ranges from eventually to often.   They start off with names and eventually become kitty, or get a new nickname every year or so depending.


At any rate, you get to name your pets after you've gotten to know them.  Rarely does the humane society force you to select a name before entering the building.

Who changes their cat's name?

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Who changes their cat's name?


It happens....


If they are given/sold to you by previous owners and the names don't fit your expectations.


We were gifted strays named Han and Chewie... Those names got changed.


One of those strays was pregnant ( we didn't know) and the resulting kittens were named First, Second, and Third in order to avoid attachments until we could find them homes.

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I assume the idea makes one of the DBAs at DE very, very grumpy.

Honestly it shouldn't make them grumpy in any way:

The names of the kubrow are not forced to be unique (I've seen 3 'reginold' kubrows in the same mission, and have a friend where all of his Kubrow have the same name), meaning that the name isn't a key in the table, therefore it should be able to be just as changeable as a color scheme or mod-loadout.

Its not like we're asking to change to the guid that identifies them.

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How often do you change the name of your pets IRL?

What does that have to do with me naming a pet in a video game? If this DE's reason why we can't change our kubrows names then that's just stupid. Oh and I really don't think it should cost any platinum to change our kubrows names either. Just make it credits or something because everything dealing with kubrows cost enough already in my opinion.
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How often do you change the name of your pets IRL?


How often do you have to name your pet before you know what it is?


Or at the very least, tell us the type of kubrow before we have to pick a name.


Please! What breed, height, and build. 


IRL I don't breed loads of pets trying to get the perfect combination of traits and throw the ones that aren't pretty enough into space leaving the one I end up keeping stuck with a number for a name forever.


Hopefully true for all of us. 

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My Cat's Name History:


7 week Kitten:             Kitty, Hope.

4 month kitten:            Hope, damn cat

1 yr old cat:                 Hope, damn cat, %^^&ing cat

2 yr old cat:                 Your damn cat

4 yr old cat:                 Your @&*^ing cat

6 yr old cat:                 Tree fertilizer (no i have not buried it, it's what i call it)



So yeah, you should be able to change your Virtual Pet's name. why not?

Edited by muzashi1963
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  • 3 months later...

I see no real reason why we shouldn't be able to change our kubrows names. I would think this would be simple for DE to add.


Because of all the inbreeding which occurs inside a Kuroburow den ( The same reason why eggs or so rare, and the reason why they such a bad genetic makeup ) they unfortunately have a horrific memory. 


If you name them anything else, they will totally lose their _ _ _ _.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Still nothing on this? You could just throw in a limit like, say, you can only change the name 2 times or something if you don't want people changing all the time. Or perhaps a time limit after the kubrow matures to rename it, like a week or so. Would at least be much better than nothing.

Edited by Yechnagoth
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On 8/17/2015 at 6:35 PM, RoninJed said:

I see no real reason why we shouldn't be able to change our kubrows names. I would think this would be simple for DE to add.

In real life if you name your mutt "Smelly Sock" you can't just rename him into "Sparky"

A given name is permanent.

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5 hours ago, HaxBox said:

In real life if you name your mutt "Smelly Sock" you can't just rename him into "Sparky"

A given name is permanent.

In many cases, you're completely right, but I know in my experience that I've currently got three dogs, only 1 of which obeys and comes to you when you say his name, while the other two seem to only notice you're talking about them...sometimes.  It's gotten to the point that they'll respond to dog, you, pup and various versions thereof, I think it's all to do with how they're raised, but that's just my feelings.

On the matter of Kubrow though, I personally feel it could be changed constantly for 2 reasons:  1) As several have stated, the name doesn't serve any real purpose.  It's not run through a huge database so we have to have names like Dogmeat22kkx3 or the like, they're seemingly done entirely so the players have some aspect of attachment to them.  And 2) They hardly listen to us as it is, no matter what we call them (my chesa will happily play keep away with me and instead deliver items to enemies...dunno why) so they could hypothetically do away with the naming system altogether and be fine. 

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