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Coming Soon: Devstream #59


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Is there any plan for Archwing to be integrated more closely into the game?

IMO, you should be able to swap back and forth at any time or at least be able to choose to run an Archwing on any mission.

(Yes, I know about Sharkwing, but it's not close enough integration.)



EDIT: When is the difficulty slider coming? (relevant topic: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/478807-warframe-is-boring-for-veterans/)

Edited by ChronoEclipse
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What are your thoughts on making prime warframes and weapons purely cosmetic in PvP?  Some of the advantages they provide are fairly significant and in the case of Warframes (ex frost) their better stats exacerbate existing balance problems.

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What will you do for those players who already have everything in the game? Warframes, weapons, mods and all that?


 You are giving us the tools to fight, parkour 2.0 for example. but what are we supposed to do with them when there is nothing to archive anymore?


We know that the focus system is still in the works, but as far as I got it, it will only expand a playstyle that we choose. So in other words, more buffs. More buffs for battles that we don't need to fight because there is nothing to get anymore.

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What do you guys think about making 'tanking' and other playstyles more viable for endgame? As it stands right now, pointed out in a thread the other day (thread in question https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/518332-how-to-make-survivability-in-form-of-tankyness-and-partial-damage-reduction-such-as-blocking-lategame-relevant/,


CC is the only thing that appears viable for long runs, due to the fact that crowd control is not affected by enemy strength, health, or quantity(variable), whereas tanking or damage warframes seem to have no real place.


And would it be possible to get some details regarding the Sniper rework and maybe even saryn's tweaks? Also, elemental bow when!  

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What have you thought about the Armor system? Lately, people have been saying that it's almost completely pointless, and only really works for a very few amount of frames..Frost and Valkyr are ones that come to mind. Will armor be replaced or taken out entirely, like the Stamina system? I'd personally like to see it matter a little more if it sticks around. Maybe even applying to our shields as well.


If it stays, will we be able to actually damage armor of foes? As in, shooting parts off the armor to reveal weaker spots on the body, and deal more damage in that area.

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It seems that there's a growing movement to split the vertical and horizontal progression in modding. As it is now, almost every mod spot on most weapon builds are devoted to improving vertical progression, the things, like damage, that are inherently required to make weapons usable--no amount of reload speed, magazine size, chance to explode, or any other measure of horizontal or minor vertical progression can make a weapon that deals no damage usable for even the most skilled player; damage is something that doesn't change the feel of a weapon or its effects. Anyway, would you be interested in completely splitting the "required" mods from the rest of the system? If not, would you rework them to not be required?

The second question is about enemy scaling and its heavily CC biased effects. Would you consider capping damage scaling around level 50 so that tanking and melee could remain viable longer like CC? Are you still interested in adding scaling to damage skills? Or would you consider giving enemies a CC resistance that also increases with level? Or do you feel the meta is fine in its current state?

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