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Can We Get A Little Bit Better Moderating In The Forums?


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Moderators: you delete a topic, send a message to the author as why.

I don't care if it's an automated message or w/e, simply deleting threads without any explained cause as to why is horrible for the forums.


Been on 5-10 topics today alone that are just gone.(including my own).




Usually just closing a topic and putting a word in for why is standard procedure, what you're doing right now seems to be outright censorship.


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99.100% of all Threads that are 'deleted' are moved or Merged with existing Threads on a Topic.

I'm 100% sure you're making that up, seeing as how there was no notification either way and none of the topics have the post I was replying to.


Edit: Yeah, just checked the users and their post are gone too.

Edited by Empiren
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I'm 100% sure you're making that up

most of the Posts that users whine about being Deleted have just been Moved or Merged.


when either of these happen, your posting history won't display it, and there is no automated PM to notify you a Thread or Post has been Moved or Merged.



if a Thread or Post is highly toxic or is against the ToS Contract / EULA, then it may have been hidden (deleted as far as any user is concerned). but you shouldn't be surprised if that happens then [though].



the Moderators and Administrators don't have time to send thousands of PM's every day.



69% of all statistics on the internet are made up on the spot.

you missed the joke in that number.

Edited by taiiat
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most of the Posts that users whine about being Deleted have just been Moved or Merged.


when either of these happen, your posting history won't display it, and there is no automated PM to notify you a Thread or Post has been Moved or Merged.



if a Thread or Post is highly toxic or is against the ToS Contract / EULA, then it may have been hidden (deleted as far as any user is concerned). but you shouldn't be surprised if that happens then [though].



the Moderators and Administrators don't have time to send thousands of PM's every day.


Well 2 things.

1. If you have no proof your comment has been moved then it's indistinguishable from being deleted. This is one of those "you just gotta have faith" moments and I don't buy that.

2. If it's highly toxic then that should be a notification to the author of the thread at least, even if automated.


This is again, basic forum etiquette. 

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one of 2 things happened OP, either it was merged with another similar thread, or it was deleted because it was breaking the forum's rules. A good way to know if you'll be deleted/locked depends on the severity of it. If it's dev bashing, console vs pc, founder vs non founder, leaked content (data-mining) it will be deleted more often than not.

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one of 2 things happened OP, either it was merged with another similar thread, or it was deleted because it was breaking the forum's rules. A good way to know if you'll be deleted/locked depends on the severity of it. If it's dev bashing, console vs pc, founder vs non founder, leaked content (data-mining) it will be deleted more often than not.

1. Or the mods just deleted the thread without proper reason.

2. Nobody knows what the reasons are so it's indistinguishable from pure censorship.



I get that people that there is always a good reason for a topic being deleted, but if you've been around a lot, some mods simply delete threads willy-nilly and don't go by the forum rules or interpret them ad-hoc.

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Highly toxic is highly subjective considering that with every patch frustrated, exhausted and disillusioned players drop toxic waste in buckets(i dont blame them, theyre right when they are right)



one of 2 things happened OP, either it was merged with another similar thread, or it was deleted because it was breaking the forum's rules. A good way to know if you'll be deleted/locked depends on the severity of it. If it's dev bashing, console vs pc, founder vs non founder, leaked content (data-mining) it will be deleted more often than not.

When you break forum rules, you get warning or at least explanation which forum rule you broke when your post/thread is edited/removed. 

However i can personally confirm that there are indeed cases where threads are removed without notice, idk by who so i wont point fingers at either moderators or devs themselves.

Edited by Davoodoo
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Heyo Tenno! If you notice that your thread has been hidden the reasons for why are listed in the Code of Conduct. You are always more than welcome to contact any of the moderators for an explanation :) 


For clarity, here is a note on deleted post/threads outlined in the Code of Conduct


Forum Post Guidelines:
Due to the large volume of posts we receive every day, our mods have the right to delete posts and threads that:

- Have bad or misleading titles.
- Do not facilitate discussion.
- Are off topic.
- Contain any of the infractions listed above.

The best way to ensure your posts survive and thrive is to ensure your posts are clear and productive. If your post is deleted, please continue to participate in community discussions, but make sure you have adhered to the forum post guidelines.



If a thread is removed please refrain from re-posting, as it most likely violated the CoC and will be removed a second time. Thank you! 

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Well OP just wants clarity/information and I dont find that anything less then fair.

A moderator should get some automated box when deleting/merging topics to let OP know as to why.


If its agains the rules then the message should just read "against CoC: misleading title" for example.

I dont think that is asking too much of a moderator who is busy deleting a topic anyway.

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It is also very annoying to have posts removed with no reason given as to why.  


The best example I can think of was in a thread over in Fan Concepts where I disagreed with the OP regarding their claims on how to play a 'frame the 'best' way.  


My post was removed with no explanation as to how "I'm sorry but with all the options available for builds and game play, there is no one way to play this 'frame.  Great build and post, though!" violated EULA, CoC or anything else. (paraphrasing)


I understand the Com Mods have a lot on their hands, we do have over a million registered forum accounts, but it's frustrating and discouraging when this happens.  


Maybe there an option to set up an auto PM with the reason given for removal?  Assuming there isn't one already.  If there is, maybe put a hard stop in so the Com Mod can't bypass it. 

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Cue the tin foil hat.


OP this isn't the United States, DE is in Canada so "Freedom of Speech" doesn't apply. Not only that but you're not seeing the good side of censorship, only the bad. If EVERYone in here had the right to say anything we wouldn't have the community we have today, we'd have a toxic (pardon the pun) cesspool of keyboard warriors creating mayhem.


And no, threads are never "deleted". They're just hidden from public view, mods and admins can still look at the threads and or posts for future reference should they need it. Merged threads also retain the posts you made within them so if you look at your recent posts you will see that post in the merge thread. The lack of notification isn't troubling honestly if you're "in the know" about how the forums operates. Though it would be a QoL change for the forums as a whole, you still have to remember the human factor and man power the Mods and Admins actually have. Not only that but the Mods are volunteering their time nearly 24/7 to the forums and even then there isn't enough of them to cover everything going on.


Just because you don't see something doesn't mean its simply non existent. Basically you're just grasping for straws to complain at this point.

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Cue the tin foil hat.


OP this isn't the United States, DE is in Canada so "Freedom of Speech" doesn't apply. Not only that but you're not seeing the good side of censorship, only the bad. If EVERYone in here had the right to say anything we wouldn't have the community we have today, we'd have a toxic (pardon the pun) cesspool of keyboard warriors creating mayhem.


And no, threads are never "deleted". They're just hidden from public view, mods and admins can still look at the threads and or posts for future reference should they need it. Merged threads also retain the posts you made within them so if you look at your recent posts you will see that post in the merge thread. The lack of notification isn't troubling honestly if you're "in the know" about how the forums operates. Though it would be a QoL change for the forums as a whole, you still have to remember the human factor and man power the Mods and Admins actually have. Not only that but the Mods are volunteering their time nearly 24/7 to the forums and even then there isn't enough of them to cover everything going on.


Just because you don't see something doesn't mean its simply non existent. Basically you're just grasping for straws to complain at this point.


Lol... try looking up Freedom of Speech with both United States AND Canada... see what you can find :)


One has to wonder though, is the lack of needing to give an automated message with a reason too much work when added up or not.

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Lol... try looking up Freedom of Speech with both United States AND Canada... see what you can find :)


One has to wonder though, is the lack of needing to give an automated message with a reason too much work when added up or not.

Awhile back, DE announced they had hit 1 million registered forum users.  I know there aren't nearly that many active users here, but even at half (500,000) that's a lot for 20 some Com Mods and one dedicated DE to handle. 




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I concur. If a post is removed or merged there should at least be an automatic message that says "Removed due to violation of the Code of Conduct" or "Merged with another Thread".

These can be simple automated messages that at least gives the player a general direction as to what happened to their post. And then if they want to further inquire about it they can reach out to a community moderator or DE staff.

It is frustrating for players to find their post gone with no general explanation at all.

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I can understand the frustration, OP. We are in no way required to message the poster when their thread or post is removed, moved, or merged.

For moves, I, and many other mods, always post in the thread.

Merges, I try my best to leave a PM.

Hides of forum posts are a bit trickier. Hiding a whole thread means I must create a custom PM for all involved users, and then respond to all those users if they seek one. It's a large workload I'm not sure can be handled.

I'll try to message the OP's of threads that are being hidden in the mean time, and see how things evolve from there.

Thank you for the feedback.

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Well OP just wants clarity/information and I dont find that anything less then fair.

A moderator should get some automated box when deleting/merging topics to let OP know as to why.

If its agains the rules then the message should just read "against CoC: misleading title" for example.

I dont think that is asking too much of a moderator who is busy deleting a topic anyway.

Rules (and CoC) are published, and as such all of us forums members are supposed to know them, and in consequence, should know what we cannot posted and where to post different stuff. If a post gets closed, it will obviously be for going against CoC, if a post gets moved we should think a little where it is now. If a post gets merged with another, we didn't take time enough checking fot other similar threads before posting and will have to look again for our content (maybe the last one could be notified, but the other reasons should get easily understood with no need of a PM

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Awhile back, DE announced they had hit 1 million registered forum users.  I know there aren't nearly that many active users here, but even at half (500,000) that's a lot for 20 some Com Mods and one dedicated DE to handle. 





Thank you buddy! +1


But you can't teach ignorancy! :-/

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I concur. If a post is removed or merged there should at least be an automatic message that says "Removed due to violation of the Code of Conduct" or "Merged with another Thread".

These can be simple automated messages that at least gives the player a general direction as to what happened to their post. And then if they want to further inquire about it they can reach out to a community moderator or DE staff.

It is frustrating for players to find their post gone with no general explanation at all.


I agree in a sense. But then The frustrating players see their post or thread being removed/hidden and think they have the right to be bashing the ComMod for answers if they find that they've done nothing wrong!


I like what Noamuth posted because alot of people feel they can say whatever they want and hide behind the freedom of speech and they don't care if you are a random player or ComMod.... had a guy the other day on Region Chat saying not nice things about other ethnic groups. When I, being mature, pulled his attention in a desent way he start bashing at me, that it's freedom of speech! So I just ignored him.... I bet if a ComMod pulled his attention about it he would've reacted the same way.. I happened to see threads just before it being deleted that people in a disrepectful manner posting things that [DE] this and [DE] that and whatever... I often call it childish but actualy it's mannerless and direspectful.


So I find it to be good the way the ComMods handle stuff out here!


They are [DE] Ambassadors, keeping an eye out here where we are invited to be on... not the other way around.

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I'm 100% sure you're making that up, seeing as how there was no notification either way and none of the topics have the post I was replying to.


Edit: Yeah, just checked the users and their post are gone too.

ugh i can believe it. often times unkowingly post in wrong sections and it seems like it was deleted but as i look through other forums i find my posts so yea...

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