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No Wait, I Have Honest Opinion.


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Actually I just noticed you have to buy 2 of the PA packs just to get the full kubrow experience.


However, I don't think getting super hostile over it is the right way to make DE fix it.


Do people believe that DE is not going to do anything about it? For nearly everything that was wrong with Warframe DE has fixed it.


I just want people to show some form of respect over this, and for this to be discussed in a more human way.


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They're not going to do anything about it.


They won't make the Gene Masking Kit unlock with the collar. Main reason? The FAQ was updated to specifically cite the Gene Masking kit as being exclusive. Many people that have bought that package did so under the assumption that it was exclusive. If they turn around and make it available in-game later, that's false advertising to everyone that's bought the pack. A refund isn't really an option either, since I'm sure some players have spent some of the plat, etc.


For similar reasons, they won't shift the Gene Masking Kit to Prime Accessories. It's a done deal, people have spent money on it, DE has delivered what they promised for that money.


The best we can hope for now is that this won't happen again, moving forward.

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So why not leave the valid posts and delete the "hostile" ones? Or would the issue be best left under the carpet until we can get a bandaid or its forgotten? 




Starting to feel like I'm in North Korea. Is there somewhere else we can discuss these matters freely? 

Edited by SandmanTT
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i can see why people are upset, but.... its a skin....? and if DE does the same with a full sentinel or something then yes there is a point but... i feel like now-a-days everyone is just  going out of their way to find big issues outta small ones, i mean it always happens. every update/PA/anything people lose their S#&$. and if they haven't when de states something they do.... and also its a game, you don't have to buy the PA, you don't have to have the skin, it doesn't do anything to the game-play.

Edited by Reedfish
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They're not going to do anything about it.



I believe they are currently discussing what they are going to do about it per danielles lock message.




People keep mentioning buying two PA packs, so what, buying Blessing doesn't get you everything or did I misunderstand?

The top tier pack gives you everything like always

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People keep mentioning buying two PA packs, so what, buying Blessing doesn't get you everything or did I misunderstand?

It's more that people who want just the accessories can't JUST buy the accessories, they HAVE to buy everything. Which completely trivialized the entire point of the accessories pack, and comes off as a desperate money grab at the same time.

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It's more that people who want just the accessories can't JUST buy the accessories, they HAVE to buy everything. Which completely trivialized the entire point of the accessories pack, and comes off as a desperate money grab at the same time.


So why not include all the accessories in the accessory pack and sell it for like $70 ? 

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However, I don't think getting super hostile over it is the right way to make DE fix it.


Thank you ! :)


See guys ? Being agressive does not solve anything. It just spreads crap all over the place, and does not even give the dev team the fell to change anything. They're humans like us, y'know ? With feelings, things like that.


So let's just all calm down, have a constructive conversation, and wait for the final word to be passed. No need to slam our heads on the nearest wall : everything is "fine"... Sort of...

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Thank you ! :)


See guys ? Being agressive does not solve anything. It just spreads crap all over the place, and does not even give the dev team the fell to change anything. They're humans like us, y'know ? With feelings, things like that.


So let's just all calm down, have a constructive conversation, and wait for the final word to be passed. No need to slam our heads on the nearest wall : everything is "fine"... Sort of...

Yes, we see it, and save for a few people, most of us talked reasonably about this.


But sitting on our butt and waiting for the hurt wash away will not urge anyone to make things right.

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Yes, we see it, and save for a few people, most of us talked reasonably about this.

But sitting on our butt and waiting for the hurt wash away will not urge anyone to make things right.

We're not waiting. We discuss, we debate, and sure, we argue. The point is to keep it civil. DE has legal hoops to jump through, I'm sure (due to the masking kit being sold as part of PA already) and they'd have to write and deploy a script or hotfix to change anything.

Discussion takes a while, and fixes and deployment take longer still. DE has been faster about this in the past, but that was before U12 when the player population was small and there wasn't as much content. As time goes on response times get longer in the dev cycle.

I myself am not too invested in this, but I still believe DE needs to fix the issue with the masking kit as it defeats the purpose of the Accessories. I also agree with the opinion that the collar isn't worth much and either needs more buffs or serious changes.

However, we can keep it civil. We need to exercise restraint. If we yell and scream like children, of course DE will hear, and they will listen, but they will do it grudgingly, knowing full well they'll probably get more backlash from another angry population.

By keeping it civil, we let DE join the discussion, not just as devs, but as members of the community, much like they used to be before the toxicity of the community rose with the population. It allows them to make changes freely, to determine general consensus without wading through pages of rage, and most of all, it lets us, including DE, express opinions without dealing with the anger of a crowd. You can say I'm too optimistic, sure, but that's how the community was before, and I'm sure that somewhere within the anger and ranting that is the forums, that community still exists.

Edited by UpgradeInProgress
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Not buying it and giving constructive feedback is the way to protest.


Don't say things like that. Mods just locked some threads talking about doing that, saying that it's "not respectful." They might start issuing warnings and suspensions for saying that. It's funny, though, because they're essentially saying that not giving them money is disrespectful, but don't consider their handling of PA and their staff members' responses to the community to be disrespectful.

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Thank you ! :)


See guys ? Being agressive does not solve anything. It just spreads crap all over the place, and does not even give the dev team the fell to change anything. They're humans like us, y'know ? With feelings, things like that.


So let's just all calm down, have a constructive conversation, and wait for the final word to be passed. No need to slam our heads on the nearest wall : everything is "fine"... Sort of...





The first guy I see who's acting aggressive will get conclaved to death!!!

Edited by unknow99
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The thread being locked just will make the situation worse, as it will cause the anger to be spread to communities outside of the control of DE. Those communities will come here again and spread the word in game making it even worse

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The thread being locked just will make the situation worse, as it will cause the anger to be spread to communities outside of the control of DE. Those communities will come here again and spread the word in game making it even worse


Yeah I've been saying this over and over again. Its a very touchy subject, handling by the book will serve to reduce interest and in turn, sales. These matters need to be handled a little more out of the box. 

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