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Stop Forcing Us To Play Archwing De


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The game is advertised as a 3rd person rpg shooter.

Thousands of players downloaded the game and are still playing it because of that.


I am NOT demandind anyone to hate AW, im not demanding DE to remove it entirely.

All i want is them to stop FORCING us to play a game mod we never liked.

Keep AW for those who like it.

But don't make us (the vast majority of the playerbase) who hate it play it just because you put time into it.

If that's the case then DE should keep kubrow stuff as plat only cause i don't like them. They serve no real purpose, other than draining resources and time. AW is an actual game mode that you can play. Kubrows aren't. Quit whining already about something THAT is a major part of the game whether you like it or not.

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It's pretty pointless to cry about it because Archwing is here to stay.


Also, the Fomorians are a permanent addition and will occasionally pop up like an alert. Confirmed by Rebecca on Prime Time.

and that should mean that the mode is not open to adjustments? 


If that's the case then DE should keep kubrow stuff as plat only cause i don't like them. They serve no real purpose, other than draining resources and time. AW is an actual game mode that you can play. Kubrows aren't. Quit whining already about something THAT is a major part of the game whether you like it or not.

when did anyone ever say archwing should be plat exclusive? people just want the option to progress without having to play it, at least in its current detached state (oh hey, can't any person who doesn't like kurbrows do that by not equipping a kurbrow?!). also in what world is AW a major part of warframe? it's one of the newer pieces of content for this game, is wildly under developed, and is still on the line for many players, it is hardly a solid part of this game. 

Edited by Cubewano
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If that's the case then DE should keep kubrow stuff as plat only cause i don't like them. They serve no real purpose, other than draining resources and time. AW is an actual game mode that you can play. Kubrows aren't. Quit whining already about something THAT is a major part of the game whether you like it or not.

you can't expect to advertise a game as something, then throw in something completely different and force the playerbase to play it  and be widely accepted.

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But don't make us (the vast majority of the playerbase) who hate it play it just because you put time into it.

LOL, just because you don't like doesn't mean there is even close to a majority that doesn't like it.  


This is a massive assumption with no real evidence to back it up.  Purely from what I have seen in my own clan chat, the ones that dislike it is a minority.  I am not saying that everyone else likes it, there are plenty that really don't care either way.  But you are blowing things way out of proportion.  Besides its a game mode that is still very barebones even with the recent additions, but they can't just ignore that they added it.  Don't forget, it was a player request to have EVA type battles since closed beta. 

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and that should mean that the mode is not open to adjustments? 


I don't think that's what he was saying at all... Archwing needs SERIOUS work, I like the game mode and even I'll admit that, and even I'll say that if this is going to be a regular thing ONLY Letting us attack via Archwing MIGHT be something that needs a little more reconsideration. Like you CAN attack via ground, but it'll do less damage than via Archwing (since you're not directly assaulting the core).


No! I Got it! You can attack via ground in a deception-style mission and it buys you more time (like... 1 hour for every 100 runs or something, the numbers are up to adjustment), but only attacking Via Archwing will actually cause it's health to run down - so if you don't destroy it EVER, then you'll end up with multiple Balors threatening many Relays.

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LOL, just because you don't like doesn't mean there is even close to a majority that doesn't like it.  


This is a massive assumption with no real evidence to back it up.  Purely from what I have seen in my own clan chat, the ones that dislike it is a minority.  I am not saying that everyone else likes it, there are plenty that really don't care either way.  But you are blowing things way out of proportion.  Besides its a game mode that is still very barebones even with the recent additions, but they can't just ignore that they added it.  Don't forget, it was a player request to have EVA type battles since closed beta. 

I dare you to ask DE for real game stats.

How many ppl play it vs how many ppl don't.

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you can't expect to advertise a game as something, then throw in something completely different and force the playerbase to play it  and be widely accepted.

Let's go old school. Do you know what warframe was back in closed beta? It was just you, playing the same tileset, with the smallest variety of weapons, 8 frames, and the same enemies just recolored. When I started playing, it was just advertised as a space ninja game. That advertisement hasn't changed. AW is what warframe was back in beta. it will get better and be loved. 



I dare you to ask DE for real game stats.

How many ppl play it vs how many ppl don't.

It's not really anything about how many people play it. i love archwing but didn't play it much because the XP was difficult to get and RNG sucks. But i still love it. You don't have to play something religiously to like it ya know?

Edited by LordOfScrugging
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Deep breaths people, we're all friends here.




To me, a mastery hunter, archwing is just a compulsory inconvenience, never undergone without an experience booster to finish equipment as fast as possible. Archwing already has limited-time weapons and a primed AW when it's arguably not even in a remotely completed or enjoyable state. Slow it down with adding content and alerts and just make the stuff you have fun to work with.

Edited by (PS4)Xewkeryx
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Let's go old school. Do you know what warframe was back in closed beta? It was just you, playing the same tileset, with the smallest variety of weapons, 8 frames, and the same enemies just recolored. When I started playing, it was just advertised as a space ninja game. That advertisement hasn't changed. AW is what warframe was back in beta. it will get better and be loved. 



It's not really anything about how many people play it. i love archwing but didn't play it much because the XP was difficult to get and RNG sucks. But i still love it. You don't have to play something religiously to like it ya know?


I can go oldschool too, the game has always been a third person shooter, and it is in the store page description.


Deep breaths people, we're all friends here.




To me, a mastery hunter, archwing is just a compulsory inconvenience, never undergone without an experience booster to finish equipment as fast as possible. Archwing already has limited-time weapons and a primed AW when it's arguably not even in a remotely completed or enjoyable state. Slow it down with adding content and alerts and just make the stuff you have fun to work with.

Most ppl in my clan, if not everyone, level archwing stuff when there are free xp boosters.

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How did you get that from my post? Where in there did it say or imply that Archwing doesn't need tweaks? Where?

i didn't say you don't believe the mode is need of adjustments, but you did imply that the mode isn't open to change since apparently the request of making aw not mandatory to progress in the core game is impossible just by it being here to stay? which is to say it can't be changed to not be.


I don't think that's what he was saying at all... Archwing needs SERIOUS work, I like the game mode and even I'll admit that, and even I'll say that if this is going to be a regular thing ONLY Letting us attack via Archwing MIGHT be something that needs a little more reconsideration. Like you CAN attack via ground, but it'll do less damage than via Archwing (since you're not directly assaulting the core).


No! I Got it! You can attack via ground in a deception-style mission and it buys you more time (like... 1 hour for every 100 runs or something, the numbers are up to adjustment), but only attacking Via Archwing will actually cause it's health to run down - so if you don't destroy it EVER, then you'll end up with multiple Balors threatening many Relays.

maybe not but that's how i've interpreted it. i think its pretty important to keep aw out of mandatory play in its current state, it only makes more people upset. 


i do like the idea of making events like these formorian attack have multiple means of defeating it however, it'd allow for the aw part to remain for those who enjoy it to play while not locking players who don't into it. I don't side so much with it having less effectiveness, a player shouldn't be punished for enjoying the core game more than side mode, but otherwise it's a step above what is currently offered. 

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Atlas? heard of it?


Or at least make it completely optional.

The truth of it all is.... do not  assume in this game.... that everything will be in format to what you earned previously.... things  might have the same format of grinding and some may not. forcing AW to get rewards was your personal expectation that your just gonna do a rinky dink quest and might even complain the quest was too easy.


My advice to you is Embrace the New, Expect The Change. And Adapt for Booben Sakes

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you can't expect to advertise a game as something, then throw in something completely different and force the playerbase to play it  and be widely accepted.

actually, yes they can. Ultimately,  Its their game. They can evolve it into whatever they want to. No matter how much you feel that this is YOUR (community) game, it isn't. We play what DE feels they want to make- for better or worse.

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actually, yes they can. Ultimately,  Its their game. They can evolve it into whatever they want to. No matter how much you feel that this is YOUR (community) game, it isn't. We play what DE feels they want to make- for better or worse.

yes, so we should obviously not speak up against this and just watch the game crash and burn because that's a productive thing to do with our time. "because its their game" is such a terrible response to critiques, just as you said they can make changes for the better or the worse, and the community has all the right to confront them on when they could be doing something for the worse and ask for better, people didn't put money into this game just to sit idle and watch it crash and burn

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I like the idea of Archwing. I like the sharkwing stuff. But the junk in outer space dies not feel like I am playing in outer space. And it's way boring except for the laughing at how junky gameplay is. It can be fixed and it needs to be fixed.

Dead Space 3 had a really good outer space part. It would be great if we could latch down on to surfaces.

If sharkwing had good in and out of the water animation and sharkwing only gear, it would be awesome.

Archwing is boring and feels choppy. Interception is a snooze fest. Nuking the Fumorians was just okay. The corpus maps are garbage with wacky scaling, I mean the GIANT astronauts.

I want to like. I really do. All the tweaks are heading in the right direction. But if it was a stand alone game I would have uninstalled it.

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i didn't say you don't believe the mode is need of adjustments, but you did imply that the mode isn't open to change since apparently the request of making aw not mandatory to progress in the core game is impossible just by it being here to stay? which is to say it can't be changed to not be.


No, that is not what i implied at all. My post explicitly said that Archwing is not going anywhere, no matter how much people cry about it. So all those people saying it needs to be removed because they don't like it, regardless of whether DE polishes it, should just deal with it. 

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yes, so we should obviously not speak up against this and just watch the game crash and burn because that's a productive thing to do with our time. "because its their game" is such a terrible response to critiques, just as you said they can make changes for the better or the worse, and the community has all the right to confront them on when they could be doing something for the worse and ask for better, people didn't put money into this game just to sit idle and watch it crash and burn

-but the game is NOT crashing and burning. Its growing and becoming more successful. I think DE knows what theyre doing.


saying - "i hate AW, remove it" does not help at all.


1. There are MANY players that enjoy AW and want it expanded

2. Removing content is not going to help the game. Many of the AW haters just want to say they hate it, and dont want to even give it a chance to improve.

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How exactly is this event interesting or even challenging? Load in, zoom to big ship, shoot two sheild gens, go inside, destroy reactor, and then win. Basically ignore mobs and get mission done in 2 minutes. This isn't what I call fun. At the very least it's over quickly, thank goodness.


I think of it this way, with all their development time focused on archwing...that could be used to make new ground tilesets, add lore, and other things that are needed rather than a mode designed to force you to grind/pay more since it's an entirely seperate game mode. It's like a cash grab.

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-but the game is NOT crashing and burning. Its growing and becoming more successful. I think DE knows what theyre doing.


saying - "i hate AW, remove it" does not help at all.


1. There are MANY players that enjoy AW and want it expanded

2. Removing content is not going to help the game. Many of the AW haters just want to say they hate it, and dont want to even give it a chance to improve.

AW fans will just assume we want AW completely removed regardless of what we are actually saying.


Many times in this post i said i am not demanding AW to be removed, just not forced into us.

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Then dont play? *zips off on his Odonata Prime*

You don't NEED to do anything in this game, unlike a 3 year old kid who has to eat his veggies we have a choice to go strait to dessert. However me personalty I'm zipping off myself and enjoying this event, Archiwng is not bad and you don't need to throw your a fit on a form post when ONE event rears its head up thats ArchWing related. Just sounds a bit silly....

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How exactly is this event interesting or even challenging? Load in, zoom to big ship, shoot two sheild gens, go inside, destroy reactor, and then win. Basically ignore mobs and get mission done in 2 minutes. This isn't what I call fun. At the very least it's over quickly, thank god.


The same can be said for some other aspects of Warframe. Load in, rush to camp spot/target, spam 4, and then win.

AW fans will just assume we want AW completely removed regardless of what we are actually saying.


Many times in this post i said i am not demanding AW to be removed, just not forced into us.


How are you being forced to participate in the Fomorian invasion?

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1. make (someone) do something against their will.

You yourself don't like archwing and you have the option not to play. If you're playing it now because you want the rewards, then it is you who forced yourself to play it in the first play. DE didn't make you sit in front of your computer and waste/spend your time playing a game, it is your choice after all.

People in wars like in Iraq are actually the one's who are the kind of people who are being forced to do something they do not like and that's to abandon their homes. How funny that we use extreme words such as "being forced to do something" but all we do is be lazy playing games and do things as we please anyway.

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