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Why Do People Use Rhino?


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Rhino offers much tankier option to newer players than starter 3 and acquired early and complication free. Couple that with not mod heavy dependant and you can see why people use him so much early to mid game.


He should be much better after rework esp with vocal fanboy Scott behind changes but that depends on Steve lol (he didnt seem comfortable in dev stream with some of the ideas)

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I actually really LIKE playing Rhino. I equip a good Melee, bulletjump to the enemy with iron skin, buffing allies with roar and provide a defenceperemiter with stomp.

Properly modded rush takes me far and smashes through groups of enemies.

Whats not to like?

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Why do people use oberon and equinox when there's trinity?

Why do people use nux when there's loki?

Why do people use vauban when there's frost?

Why do people use banshee when there's nova?

Why do people care what other players use? As long as they mastered their frame of choice and can hold their liquor I'm fine.

I get 'looked down' often when i bring mesa in a T4 survival, yet i manage to show off how godly she can be, almost reached 2 hours yesterday with a non meta team with my mesa~, loki can disarm while mesa can't, hysteria makes you invincible and shattershields doesn't, yet i still use her because i know how to use her. Its the diversity that makes this game fun, why only use those 5/6 frames when we have 20? Why restrict yourself to a meta squad just because, im not a fan of rhino and never will, but if people like him, let them be.

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I used to have this big distaste for Rhino because he was a "NOOB" frame. I then started to use Valkyr and realized how dependant I became on her invincibility. I then let her go and built Rhino and quickly realized he was way more than a "NOOB" frame. As my collection of mods grew so did my builds with Rhino. As it stands I have 2 go-to builds; Full range, strength build and high duration team commander build. Roar is a godsend especially when lvling those fresh out the foundry weapons. 72 secs of 100%+ atk and holding enemies in stasis so that you can safely pick them off with stomp is just beast mode though its range is lacking on that build. Either way Rhino is a really good frame once you know the ins and out of him.

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Codpiece Prime.


Good stats, still durable, decent party buff, good aesthetics.


Some people like different things. 



So much this, besides, why care if someone plays Rhino?  How often do you see other players anyway unless doing alerts?  That starmap is awfully lonely...

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He's my frame for nightmare missions incase the "no shields" condition is up, have a really strong recastable iron skin, speed, some extra armor, decent health and health regen


I also have another build for stomp with duration to keep enemies suspended, for the fun.

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Rhino is getting a Quality of Life update here (soon) supposedly with his new skin. Making him scale better into the late game (we hope). Which would warrent using him more I'd think. He used to be my fav frame, that has shifted over time ( Regen Molt Saryn is love, R.M.Saryn is life & death >:3 ) But everytime I used him I have a blast, plus his Warcry can be pretty great for parties if you wanted to make him a CC Buffer support Ability-wise. I still find him fun and pretty cool, outclassed by other frames that do his different aspects better, but still enjoyable, and hopefully even more-so after his new skin!

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Rhino was one of my first frames and I kind of grew fond of him. He may not top out the best but he is still a decent all round frame, good durably and a decent party buff. Along with Chroma he is one of my frames I like to use in group missions where I think I might need to pitch in on various roles. Mainly though I think because I got him early and played him so long I am just familiar and comfortable with him.

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I play him for aesthetic reasons, and I like being able to buff my team mates without having to ride them like a pony for it to be effective (Chroma).


Originally I wanted him because he looks durable, extremely thick and stocky.. like a rhino XD and now I play him for toxin/bleed/fire immunity and buffing.

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