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Genuine Concern: Pvp Mods Usable In Pve?


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  • The following Conclave Mods can now be used in PvE:
    • Reflex Draw / Twitch / Soft Hands (Pistol/Rifle/Shotgun) - Increased Holster/Draw speed.
    • Spry Sights / Agile Aim / Snap Shot (Pistol/Rifle/Shotgun) - Increased movement speed when aiming down sights.
    • Air Recon / Overview / Broad Eye (Pistol/Rifle/Shotgun) - increased FoV when Aim Gliding
    • Eject Magazine / Tactical Reload / Lock and Load (Pistol/Rifle/Shotgun) - weapons reload while holstered.
    • Gun Glide / Double-Barrel Drift / Strafing Slide (Pistol/Rifle/Shotgun) - Increased accuracy and reduced recoil while sliding.
    • Spring Loaded Broadhead (Daikyu) - Increased damage after the projectile has traveled 20m.


While they are not game changers by any strech of the imagination, I'm worried that there will be those that will claim that DE is forcing them to play PvP so they can get these mods like they did when Arcanes and Exilus Slots came out (there are those people out there, we all know it).


In my view: DE is trying to promote players to try the PvP aspect of the game by giving some rewards you can use on the Core game, this is great. They make game modes and want people to try them out so they can give feedback and in turn, improve it.


As far as making PvP mods useable in PvE, I have no problems as long as they remain gimmicks, if just not to ruffle the feathers of some players who are few in number, but annoyingly loud (Like one stray cat that just doesnt shut up at the middle of the night).

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It's probably a response if you will to the lack of diversity we'd otherwise have with the removal of the mandatory mods (pure damage mods)

They'll slowly add in PvP mods so we can obtain build diversity since much of what they do could be considered an augment.

This is precisely what they need to do, and PvP mods are a quick logical and efficient way to do it.

I have been suggesting that off and on (that we needed augments to weapons to give build diversity), and I applaud them for their decision.

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I'm interested in the reload while holstered ones.


I love those combined with faster holster rate in pvp but I just can´t see why I would ever use them in PvE with the current system. Maybe with a secondary and primary which both have insane reload times instead of reload mods maybe? (though usually I only bring one ranked weapon and use the other slots for passiv leveling)


Ontopic though dunno - as a pvp player I am happy if this leads to more peope playing pvp and potentially enjoying it but I can see why some would be annoyed (altough one could make an argument that it is similiar to the archwing situation or trying to get mods from a enemy syndicate). I wouldn´t be suprisied if this is just a test to see how the community reacts - espescially considering the collection since most people wouldn´t want to use those (and there would have been some juicy things like "lie in wait" which would be great in pve)

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I personally would not mind PVP if it was more stats don't matter kind of thing.


As of right now there is no tier or rank list so a person who plays PVP alot and has a good number of mods would have an advantage over me and new players who just have the unmodded guns .


I would prefer a casual PVP, Win or Lose standing gain is a fixed number and we get the same, All conclave mods have a chance to drop after playing a match. Last thing I would want to see happen is that winning rewards are so good that people farm bots to win.

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I personally would not mind PVP if it was more stats don't matter kind of thing.


As of right now there is no tier or rank list so a person who plays PVP alot and has a good number of mods would have an advantage over me and new players who just have the unmodded guns .


This isn´t really true - most mods in conclave are sidegrades rather than upgrades and those few which are upgrades are just minor things or are easy to get through pve (like maglev) - a unmoded gun is almost as good as a modded one (outside of vectis and daikyu which are balanced around their weapon specific mods). Having said that knowledge does matter quite a bit - so knowing which frames and weapons to pick helps a lot.

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Not good. If something is usable in PvE, it should be obtainable through PvE. I started Warframe because it was a nice co-op PvE game. If I want to play a PvP game, I'll fire up Planetside 2, where the battles are far more entertaining. This is not a good precedent to set.

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Cause Destiny was the first game to add PVP items to PVE for sure. Please, just stop.


This is a good change and i can't wait to see more PVP mods get a crossover. I really want this one next:



Totally irrelevant if Destiny wasn't the first, it is a current "competitor" and a valid comparison.

This seems to go against what was said that PvP and pve would remain entirely seperate. People now need to play pvp to acquire pve mods. Trade doesn't count as it is virtually a paywall, all in game items having a value.

Finally if this is the sort of "diversity" we are going to get in the damage rework, prepare for salt, mountain swallowing oceans of it.

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Problem: PVE players have to play PVP to get these

Solution: PVE player trades PVE syndicate mods for the PVP mods from a player who plays PVP.

If you don't want to do that - well, then those players are out of luck.. They can either drop plat on them or PVP themselves. Although they might encounter Lock N Loaded or CFE, who has no mercy for the weak >:)

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Problem: PVE players have to play PVP to get these

Solution: PVE player trades PVE syndicate mods for the PVP mods from a player who plays PVP.

If you don't want to do that - well, then those players are out of luck.. They can either drop plat on them or PVP themselves. Although they might encounter Lock N Loaded or CFE, who has no mercy for the weak >:)

What percentage of the player base are pvp? 10? 20? Seriously, should such a minority be in such a position of trade strength?

Forcing players to either pvp or pay is bad, end of.

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