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Feedback Megathread: Saryn Revisited.


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Except Stomp cannot be recast and if even a single enemy left alive, which seems likely given your large power range, then you can't Stomp again.


Saryn does not have this issue. Your failure to assess both your own preferred frame as well as Saryn makes your point moot.

I have no idea why you're talking about stomp. I was comparing spores and roar. Miasma is a terrible way to deal damage; setting up the wombo-combo for extra damage destroys your DPS to the point where it's better to just murder things with your guns. Stomp is an even more terrible way to deal damage, and unless you're on the first few planets you will never be using stomp to kill things.


Miasma is emergency CC. And here are the things you need to know about miasma to decide whether or not it's good emergency CC:

1) The stagger only lasts 3-5 seconds, so you barely buy enough time to reload a gun and shoot some people.

2) It has a base range of 15m, so unstaggered enemies will trickle in from outside your range to ruin your day.

3) If you cast miasma on an enemy that is already staggered, the stagger timer is not reset, so no matter how hard you try to keep the CC up enemies are going to unstagger periodically and ruin your day.


Stomp is also emergency CC. And here are the things you need to know about stomp to decide whether or not it's good emergency CC:

1) The stasis lasts 6-12 seconds in a typical build, and it's followed by a knockdown that takes 2-3 seconds to recover from. That buys you enough time to do anything you need to do.

2) It has a base range of 25m, so you will stasis the entire map and don't really have to worry about anyone trickling in from outside your range to ruin your day (unless they spawn and trickle into position inbetween casts, but Saryn wasn't even hitting them in their spawn points anyway, so this is really still a point for Rhino).

3) You can't cast stomp while an enemy is already in stasis, but because the stasis is followed by a knockdown in practice you can cast stomp during the knockdown to chain the CC.


The downside to Saryn's CC is that it's total trash that has neither the duration nor coverage to let you do anything important with it. The downside to Rhino's CC is that... it isn't a complete and perpetual map lockdown? Boo-hoo? Stomp will actually hit enough of the map with a long enough CC to let you sort out whatever mess made you hit the panic button in the first place. Miasma will make a handful of enemies sneeze while their friends pelt you with bullets from outside your crappy range.


If Rhino gets the recastable stomp, he might end up being raid-tier CC. 25m range that goes through walls is pretty amazing.

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Even thou I haven't experienced her yet. I still like to give feedback on what I saw. She's absolutely what she's suppose to be. I mean let's talk about what she was before this. Her spore wasn't even strengthen by stretch. But she suppose to spread disease through the battlefield thou. What?? Molt is still fine. The tweaks was also welcomed. Contagion felt like it did nothing. Toxic Lash guarentees a toxin proc on hit. That's what I thought contagion did in the first place from her description box. Her 4th everyone use as a nuke. I never like hit 4. BAM! Everything gone. I did use her nuke a couple of times but that's only because Ember was about to leave. The fact she spread Viral & Toxin at the same time is both pretty cool. None of her powers sync beforehand. Now they do & its so good. She doesn't even need her 4th anymore tbh. I can't wait for her to drop on Console.

Edited by (XB1)Cash201293
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Love it. The power synergy is great, the fact that the toxin and spores can spread in the way they do is great, and the ult makes it feel like icing on the cake. I never really enjoyed the P42W method of doing things, and the rework feels more interactive. I also didn't like Saryn before, so I sold it once I maxed it out. After the rework I built it again, and now I feel like keeping it.

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She might be used to debuff a low level mission when running pugs but then i have several frames that does her job much much better so probably not.


None of them have her energy issues, small assortment of weapons that actually works with her abilities nor her inability to CC.


So a S#&$ and giggles frame for messing around in low level star chart stuff.

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She might be used to debuff a low level mission when running pugs but then i have several frames that does her job much much better so probably not.


None of them have her energy issues, small assortment of weapons that actually works with her abilities nor her inability to CC.


So a S#&$ and giggles frame for messing around in low level star chart stuff.

you seem to be doing it wrong


I managed to go up to Wave 60 ODD with a Squad that contained Ember.

I dealt the most damage and did not use guns up to wave 55

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Still not sure.


Running a range/effi build is quite effective with torrid and a good melee. Using contagion when ever you meet weak enemy typed masses to fill (SOME!) of your energy and miasma when ever you need some cc.


Still think she has a energy problem and her molt is meaningless in higher levels and her miasma base duration/strength could be tweaked to be more inline with the DoT Frame theme.

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Her abilities are better balanced now however I personally don't like it. I liked it better when I was able to clear rooms with one press of a button. Most might say thats soulless gameplay but I found it more usefull. I think she just need more work so that she's stronger. The rework is a step in the right direction however.

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I tried with different builds with her, I'm really not a fan with her new works. Yes her fourth ability is nerfed so she's no longer a press 4 to win build, she's more balanced to use all her abilities, how ever, she's now an energy eater, you have to use 2, 1, then 4 to do the same amount of damage she has when using just 4 before with less energy use. You could build her with fleeting expertise, but then you would be taking away duration for the spores and long lasting damage to be on enemies so it's a flip of the coin really. I'm sorry, maybe with the prime will give her a bit more boost and I'll try again, but so far, she's went from press 4 to win to just down right energy hog.

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