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Why Isn't Pvp Played More? Lack Of Advertising? Or Is It Something Else...


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For me it is because of a bad history with pvp in other games. In my experience, pvp is usually where you find the most toxic players and crappy attitudes. Warframe might be different, I don't know, but I don't feel like getting called a f****t by some 12-year-old for the nth time to find out.

(No insult intended to WF pvp players, that's just been my experience with several other games.)

This is a myth - I'm not saying your experiences don't count - but I've seen an equal amount of toxicity in Warframe - as I have in any of the other online games.

PvP or PvE makes no difference - the problem is the Internet at large and the fact there are never any consequences for being a rude little twerp.

As for Conclave - it has great potential - but so long as it's P2P it will forever remain a bad joke hanging off of Warframe as a whole.

Dedicated servers or bust!

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This is a myth - I'm not saying your experiences don't count - but I've seen an equal amount of toxicity in Warframe - as I have in any of the other online games.

PvP or PvE makes no difference - the problem is the Internet at large and the fact there are never any consequences for being a rude little twerp.

As for Conclave - it has great potential - but so long as it's P2P it will forever remain a bad joke hanging off of Warframe as a whole.

Dedicated servers or bust!


Not sure if DE can actually support dedicated servers or that there'd be enough people interested in hosting their own servers (again, plenty of other games are much better when it comes to PvP, and most people would probably rather host servers on those games).

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I play pvp more then I pve nowadays.... My friend and I often feel we "cannabalize" the community because there is a steep learning curve, and new players who join more often than not find themselves stomped into the ground. This probably leaves them with a bad taste in their mouth.


We try to let them kill us, and cap the cephalon etc etc. But the skill of some of these players is so low that they have a hard time doing that as well. Hopefully some sort of matchmaking system will eventually be put in place, or a newbie pvp map will be implemented for newcomers, because its just as boring for us to stomp new players as it is to be stomped.


When rank 0's join our games we always feel guilty killing them and end up drawing the games out 10x as long just trying to help them learn the ropes. Just one reason that maybe the conclave isnt played more. Although i never have a hard time finding a match at any time of day.

Edited by Skaleek
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I play pvp more then I pve nowadays.... My friend and I often feel we "cannabalize" the community because there is a steep learning curve, and new players who join more often than not find themselves stomped into the ground. This probably leaves them with a bad taste in their mouth.


We try to let them kill us, and cap the cephalon etc etc. But the skill of some of these players is so low that they have a hard time doing that as well. Hopefully some sort of matchmaking system will eventually be put in place, or a newbie pvp map will be implemented for newcomers, because its just as boring for us to stomp new players as it is to be stomped.


When rank 0's join our games we always feel guilty killing them and end up drawing the games out 10x as long just trying to help them learn the ropes. Just one reason that maybe the conclave isnt played more. Although i never have a hard time finding a match at any time of day.

Yeah, I feel that is a very big problem right now. DE really needs to do something about it because PVP is losing a lot of people due to that.

Edited by Sebastianx
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Lots of factors can contribut to this.


First the vision. Beforehand a small community of players roughly 150-200 people played conclave worldwide and adapted to a sort of arena based playstyle. But when the new system came out, many of the people who played since u10 quit because they did not like the forced adaptation of powers. So thats a huge chunk of the devoted player base gone.


There is also the patching, many patches are good but other times it's due to too many salty people that are not that experienced in the game or a lack of attention from devs. For example when the vectis received the lie and wait mod almost all frames were 2 shot kills except for Loki and Banshee. Because of the massive complaints of veterans or fundamentally good sniper players destroying in the conclaves they nerfed the snipers to the point where they are unusable.


There was also the karak nerf, many people did not want the karak to be nerfed but for all the other weapons to get a univsersal buff. Yet the devs decided to nerf only the karak and give band-aid mods to weapons taht actually need a lot of love. So yay RNG walls.


Then there is the TTK. Honestly after 2 years of playing this is the most frustrating game and build of warframe pvp that I have ever played. There is too much movement and too high TTK. It akes forever to kill someone and 80% of them move really fast, so you can baiscally get shot once, flock away and get a health/energy orb and come back.


Then theres the P2P servers, the modifiers, etc..


TL;DR PvP is a mess. They should have left the nodes, at least there would of been sanctuary. They're treating it like a MOBA, this game was not meant to be a moba #LeagueOfTenno

Edited by Eureka.seveN
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Between rounds, when the scoreboard is showing, the only useful interaction you can have with the UI is "Leave Conclave".  I think that is a little bit of a design oversight- your only option for interaction is quiting?  You should encourage the players to talk to each other.  Regardless of the quality of conversations, it's more likely they stick around for the next round even if they don't participate in conversations.

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There is also the patching, many patches are good but other times it's due to too many salty people that are not that experienced in the game or a lack of attention from devs. For example when the vectis received the lie and wait mod almost all frames were 2 shot kills except for Loki and Banshee. Because of the massive complaints of veterans or fundamentally good sniper players destroying in the conclaves they nerfed the snipers to the point where they are unusable.


There was also the karak nerf, many people did not want the karak to be nerfed but for all the other weapons to get a univsersal buff. Yet the devs decided to nerf only the karak and give band-aid mods to weapons taht actually need a lot of love. So yay RNG walls.


Then there is the TTK. Honestly after 2 years of playing this is the most frustrating game and build of warframe pvp that I have ever played. There is too much movement and too high TTK. It akes forever to kill someone and 80% of them move really fast, so you can baiscally get shot once, flock away and get a health/energy orb and come back.

They'll nerf every weapon that is too strong in order to add mods for that weapon type so the player can pick and choose how he/she wants to customize the weapon, without it becoming overpowered. It will happen to every weapon type. (after they find a middle balancing ground for that weapon type)


And TTK is very subjective, some of us enjoy low TTK while some prefer it higher. I do agree that HIGH TTK really doesn't fit Warframe, but it should definitely not be like it used to be before the conclave rework, because getting killed by a stray bullet scratching you sure wasn't fun at all, or getting killed by a press 4 to win frame wiping out the whole map in one go...

Edited by Sebastianx
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Between rounds, when the scoreboard is showing, the only useful interaction you can have with the UI is "Leave Conclave".  I think that is a little bit of a design oversight- your only option for interaction is quiting?  You should encourage the players to talk to each other.  Regardless of the quality of conversations, it's more likely they stick around for the next round even if they don't participate in conversations.

Aye, the UI is incredibly basic right now, it could use some more functions and features. Like map voting in between rounds, shuffle teams vote, because sometimes the game places 4 MR20 vs 4 MR5 for some reason, ability to see your conclave progress, how much you have to go until the next rank, what is your total available syndicate points, etc.

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Three major reasons:


1. Lack of pvp tutorial.


So many players (not just rank 0 btw) have no idea what or oro is or don't understand how to play capture the cephalon. They also don't understand the new pvp mod system and why they suddenly aren't able to use their weapons. Or the massive changes to abilities (why isn't my pull working? Because it's now an aimed ability, not automatically aoe ect")


It is a frustrating experience.


2. Lack of advertising.


Self explanatory. Frankly, syndicates have the same problem.


3. Lack of proper matchmaking.


Why am I (33 thousand kills, 3.2 k/d) being matched with players with less than 1 thousand kills and k/d less than 0.5? This is partially a consequence of insufficient player base to do implement matchmaking across the board. However, simply removing rank 0-2 or players with less than 1000 kills from the rest of the population would do amazing things for the new player experience. 


New players need to be matchmade with other new players.


Not with the veteran/high skilled monsters who instantly destroy the entire FFA 8 player lobby 25:0 in 5 minutes




4. An emerging issue is now rising cost of entry into 'equal playing field' pvp


Referring to both teshin rewards and rare end of mission rewards, but mostly referring to the latter. This is raising the cost of entry into pvp significantly, in that new players are at a mechanical disadvantage using certain weapons until they get these mods.


Having to grind out 100s of matches in order to become 'mechanically equal' to regular players is surely a frustrating and unhealthy experience, especially when you are bound by RNG (end of mission rare rewards) rather than an actual sense of progression.

Edited by Pythadragon
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for me its the change of pace. I enjoy using my abilities. i feel that PvP limits it too much. The weapon play doesnt feel fine tuned enough to make it an engaging PvP experience, especially when compared to dedicated pvp games.


i think we need more to fight for too. Dark Sector conflicts need to return with higher stakes. We should be fighting for our clan- not just fighting in random matches that mean nothing after the mission end screen. It would even be cool if they had us fight to represent our syndicates...just something to give Pvp a bit more meaning and context.

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First; I've wathced your latest videos - and I want to say that these are very well done, in multiple ways. Good job.

I'd play Warframes PvP now and then - and as someone who never have more frames then 20 - it feals quite balanced.
And yes, advertising is really a problem, but also the lack of tutorials and the function to play against bots for training.
Oh, and P2P have to go. Without dedicated servers Warframes PvP will never get the reputation it deserves.

As a sidenote: toxic players in clonclave are rare.

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First; I've wathced your latest videos - and I want to say that these are very well done, in multiple ways. Good job.

I'd play Warframes PvP now and then - and as someone who never have more frames then 20 - it feals quite balanced.

And yes, advertising is really a problem, but also the lack of tutorials and the function to play against bots for training.

Oh, and P2P have to go. Without dedicated servers Warframes PvP will never get the reputation it deserves.

As a sidenote: toxic players in clonclave are rare.

Thanks a lot, my videos will only get better once I get the hang of it.


And you're right, especially with the dedicated servers...usually I don't notice the problem because I go in as a squad with a friend, and it means me or him get to be the host thus the lag is pretty much non-existent. But there are times when I play alone and it's incredibly frustrating to play. The need for dedicated servers is INCREDIBLY high.


And yep, toxic players are almost impossible to find. Most people are actually pretty nice to talk to, even though there's not much time to actually talk.

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basicaly, only one thing that makes me hate PvP is PvP players.


Insulting, animal behaviour, typical rage and drama follows every PvP game.


Every PvE-only player who shows up in the PvP feedback forums has a bad attitude and says things like this.


You'd be surprised at how nice the Conclave community actually is, especially compared to the "PvE" Draco Recruiting Elitists who literally think the only way to play the entire game no matter the node is with 5 specific frames.

Edited by Gelkor
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Why does PvP get so little attention in my opinion?

I think it stems from players feeling cheated by playing against opponents who out gear them.

DE chose to go the direction of being able to become stronger in ways or more advanced in terms of modding equipment and so there will be players who have an andvantage where the players generally want a fair fight.

Getting health energy and shield regeneration on kills is an obvious one.

I personally would have offered items like skins sugatras and syandanas but mods would be left out of PvP even if obtained by PvP rep.

The idea one would think is having an average ttk among weapons and abilities

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