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Coming Soon: Devstream #63


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My first question is about the resource distilling extractors. On the star chart prior to what it is now you could claim your resources and leave your extractor deployed which gave it a greater chance to extract the rarer resources. This was great and unless it was damaged it made since. With the current star chart you now have to extract the extractor and then redeploy it. which is a tad annoying cause this causes your chances of getting the rarer resource resets. When the new star chart comes out in U18 will this be the same or will it be reverted to the prior mechanic?

Secondly, I would like to know if there are any future ideas of adding a secondary weapon slot to the Arch wing. If its a question of location as the primary and melee are stored under the wings. I've noticed a gap between the arch wing and the frame about where it attaches to the warframe so that would be a perfect placement for it. I just feel especially when your downed in combat you could still attack the enemies while waiting for you teammates to find you so they can revive you, like in regular missions.

Thirdly, I know that you are busy with fixing old content while at the same time as designing new content. but as a lore guy. I was wondering if you have any intentions of adding the missing lore from the game as well as the codex as it pertains to things that have been in the game since its inception all the way to U12. specifically Frames.

Forth, I'd like to know if your going to evolve the story line that was start in Vor's Prize with the Grineer Queens. Or has that fell by the way side.

Five. With the new star chart coming, its suggested that there will be fewer nodes. if this is the case. I know its a still a small amount but we gain or gained Affinity toward mastery from clearing those nodes and the individual planets systems. Will WE that have been playing for a while then loose that earned affinity and What compensation will be given to new players that wont be able to earn that affinity as the nodes for them wont be there. Was well I ask about the start chart in the past when new missions or new content was added sometimes new nodes were added that then made the planet or planets nolonger be cleared and we had to go back and clear them, will this also happen in the future star chart. This was really disappointing when it can to claiming resources and redeploying distilling extractors.

Five has already been answered on one of the previous streams. They want starchart to always give the same amount of mastery points.

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What about bladestorm rework about which Steve tweeted ?


1) are there any conclusion/further informations about how will it work/look like?

2) will ASH lose the finisher animation performed by himself (not clones) which many of Ash fans love so much?

3) will there be any camera fixes for BS? maybe its needed more than BS mechanic rework?

4) what about Arcane Trickery? will it remain as arcane enchantement synergizing with BS?

5) will BS keep its finisher type dmg?



6) plz tell me that BS rework wont turn ASH into summoner with ASH-rumblers jumping out of his wrists... it would mean the lost of his identity for me;/


7) and what about focus ...

Edited by Kripion
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We now have:

1) Single use abilities (Slash dash, Sonic Boom, Rhino Charge, Shuriken,...)

2) Toggle abilities (Absorb, Soundquake, Exalted Blade, Hysteria,...)

3) Chain abilities (Ripline and Landslide)


Will there be chargable abilities in the future (Hold X then release for more power)? If so, will any older abilities gain the ability to be charged?




To be blunt, channel parrying is too energy inefficient to be useful.

Will there be changes to how it works in U18?



I distinctly recall some patch notes stating that they should be able to wallrun. Whatever happened to that?

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1: We have three great Archwings so far, each fitting a different niche, when can we expect to see the next one? Are any ideas on the horizon for any more Archwing content to go with it such as bosses, tilesets and more?

2: Have you ever considered looking at the few damage type niches we may need amongst our weapons, such as a Cold Damage Melee Weapon? Perhaps as part of a set with the Glaxion? Puncture Melees are a good example though the few new ones we've received have been great.

3: Events are great community outings to get everyone riled up and hyped up. I personally was surprised the new Archwing Game modes weren't debuted through an Event like a lot of recent gamemode changes/tilesets were. When can we expect the next event? Sentients? Moon Tileset? Hype?!

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U18 ETA?


What to expect from U18, and what to expect from U18->new year ?


New dual swords stance ?


Sniper buff ?


Volt's overload rework ?


Ash's Bladestorm rework ?


Starchart 3.0 ?


Still some tweaks on miasma to increase saryn's end-game scalling (like coro procs or CC)?


Syndicates sigils wearable without loosing rep in most syndicates ? (ex : veil's sigils with a meridain/suda/hexis/veil combo)


2 arcanes without wearing a sciandana ?


Using arcane on a non-prime helmet on a warframe which I only own the primed version ?


For the last 2 I suggest that we have 2 arcanes slots and to not link them to any cosmetic (2/frame with the need of a distiller to change your arcanes if you want the distilling system so much).


Edit : Some special effect on sniper headshot would be a nice buff (even as a mod), like "the bullet goes into the torso of a nearby ennemi" or "the bullet explodes" or "armor ignore" or "guaranted 10x proc"(slow fire rate) or anything cool.

Edited by vazerd68
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1. Do you think we should get an augment slot? I think this would help out a lot with build diversity and also help vetern players feel that their time spent on formaing is impactful. 


2. Any thoughts to a psychic bolt rework for Nyx? As of now the skill has poor targeting and impact in the game or at least a rework of the psychic bolt augment. 


3. When is that banshee skin coming out? 

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RE: Devstream #62


Reb started asking about my 'extra colour slot for Prime items' question, but then got sidetracked and argh!


So my questions;


1) Can Prime items get an extra colour slot for their golden additions? This would mean items wouldn't have to have a colour option essentially removed when it has been Primed.


2) Can we use the default Warframe skins on the Prime models? We can already use basic helmets and immortal skins on them.

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Any news on the development of Bladestorm based on feedback? Perhaps anything to show? (Please let Ash still do the attacking himself)


The china warframes seem to stand out from the ones released in the global build when taking into account that while global build frames tend to have a theme but they are their own thing the chinese war frames seem to be direct representations based on the characters they're named after, any reasoning behind this design shift specifically for them?


How far has the progress gone on the second dream quest and when will we get a preview if we'll get any at all? 

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Currently the Cyskis skin is only usable on the Dual Zoren. Many players have expressed disappointment about this, and would like to see it usable on other dual sword type weapons, similar to how the Proto Glaive skin is applicable to all thrown melee. There is a petition thread for this that, at the time of posting, has received 247 "signatures" (OP upvotes) and 185 replies, the vast majority of which agree. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/556517-petition-megathread-please-allow-new-deluxe-weapon-skins-to-be-universal/ Many commenting on the thread have stated that the exclusivity to Dual Zoren has stopped them from purchasing the skin, and that they would buy it if it were, at least, usable on other dual axes (dual ichor is a popular request).


As you can see, there is a lot of support for the idea. Can we at least get word on whether this will happen or not? The lack of acknowledgement is worse than a flat out "no."

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Please comment on improving the Arcane System.


-The reason old Arcane Helmets were removed was because they didn't want changes in stats tied to cosmetics.

-Arcane Enhancements are introduced, and tied to cosmetics again. While the new arcanes need to proc in order to activate, there's still the issue of these enhancements being tied to cosmetics.

-Nearly every update, we get more technically and visually interesting syandanas. This is why arcane distillers were introduced.


Warframes should have Arcane slots. Make them work like Exilus Adapters; make us grind for an item that will let me freely equip arcanes on my frames like I can with Exilus mods. 


- The current Arcane Enhancement system limits a player's choice of cosmetic items (and frames to a lesser extent).

- Arcane Distillers are just a band-aid to the problem arcanes limiting player choice.

- The original problem with arcane helmets is back.


I'd like the power ups that I've earned and traded for to be equipped no matter what cosmetics I use. If I want to have my Warframe decked out in Grineer cosmetics, I shouldn't have to compromise that look because I also want my Arcane that's on something that isn't thematic to my look.

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Q1 (via Premium Skins/Banshee Progress): Hows the progress on the soon-to-be Banshee's premium skin, regarding if you guys started modeling it yet? Since from the sounds of it, Rhino's skin is all ready to go, and you teased us some of the progress on Trinity's skin. It's more of just curiosity since I'm not expecting it to be released anytime soon.


Q2 (via Archwing/Unique Excavation-esque sort of mission mentioned?): Ever since the lastest updates to Archwing, it's definitely has been a blast playing it alot more often, and definitely can't wait for it to be implemented even more into the main game! Regarding an older Devstream (prior to Archwing releasing) that you guys would be looking into some unique gamemods specifically for Archwing, one of them being as to collect resources on meteors and such during gameplay.

      - Any word on that or plans to be on the table to work on soon? Or has that particular idea trashed/put on the backburner for now, as it's not as fun to play in practice?

      - Though I'm sure doing a larger-scale Excavation-type mission would probably be really fun to do! And give us more of an incentive to check out some of the structures on a few of the meteors~


Q3 (via Future Conclave Content): Regarding Conclave, have anything to tease for us that the small team is working on currently (other then adding more weapons/Warframes and balancing)?

       - Like for example: New planned gamemodes to look into, adding more maps and/or going back and cleaning up some older maps, if there is any cleaning-up to be done, etc.

       - I'm loving Conclave so far, but I'd definitely welcome more variety in gamemodes, even though we do have already the main 3 via Annihilation, Team Annihilation, and Capture the Cephalon.


Speaking of Cephalons....


Q4 (not particulary important/Cephalon variety?): This is just more of a for-fun/silly question, but many players aren't a fan of always listening to Cephalon Ordis using the same dialog over and over again. I know we do have an option to mute him now, but there are a few of us who do enjoy that sort of thing of him being around/keeping the Liset a bit more lively.

        - Have you ever thought of using other Cephalons (i.e. the ones in Conclave, Relays, etc) as an option for us to listen to in the Liset? Or is Ordis too much tied-down to the lore/cutscenes that it's not something you can't just simply go back and change.

        - If the latter, it could be just having a different Cephalon in the ship for customization's sake, but keeping Ordis as the story's main Cephalon you carry throughout as you play the main quests and storylines.



It's more of a non-important thing, so take it with a grain of salt. Just something I think it would be neat to have in the Liset/Relays to break up the monotony of Ordis' lines~

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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Currently, Loadout slots can only be acquired through increasing one's Mastery Rank. However new Warframes are added to the game faster than we can unlock new Loadout slots, and with the maximum possible Mastery Rank being (21)30, there are a finite number of potential Loadout slots to be had.

So I ask: Would you consider alternate methods of unlocking more Loadout slots?(Such as quests, Syndicates, or the Market.) Or is there a database/storage reason we can only have so few?

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