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Petition To Replace Nullifiers With The New Corpus Enemies.


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Basically the title. 


The new Corpus units (I don't recall their names) basically do what Nullifiers do, but in a less obnoxious way. They also don't restrict our weapon choice. DE just buffed Snipers but I can't use them since there are at least 5 giant Snow Globe sized bubbles blocking the entire map at all times. These new guys (and gals apparently) are Nullifiers done right.


Edit: I would also like to add that Nullifiers were designed during a time when press4towin was extremely prominent among the community and DE was rushed to eradicate it. DE had to quickly find a solution and in that heated time of crisis, Nullifiers were born. 


Post comments and start a discussion. Tell me your Pros and Cons.

Edited by Mr.Lube
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They also randomly pop up without a warning and thus ruin any Tenno's day easily. How about we keep both? Nullifiers work well enough, are fairly visible and are moderately easily dealt with. I prefer them over the Combas any time of the day.


I use snipers all the time. Nullifiers aren't that common.

Edited by Gale47
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So is it because they are to hard and the other easier to kill?

I am okay with having both I don't see problem I mean if u say replace them but I don't see the points.

 if it happens in consideration this one have an AoE bigger then the nullifiers.....But of course they are easier to kill....

But as well they are affected by power the nullifiers should be changed a little but so that they only spawn in HIGH level mission in my suggestion but not be replace.

 hey in the end throwing this out their combas are quiet mobile

Oh hey @knot

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I like the nullifiers and the combas.

The nullifiers make me rage when my back is turned and LOW AND BEHOLD their bubble just touches me and all my chroma buffs are gone.


I like the danger they bring together but perhaps a balance of both instead of replacing one entirely? I would like to see 1:1 nullifier and combas. Not 50 nullifiers and 1 combas.

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So is it because they are to hard and the other easier to kill?

I am okay with having both I don't see problem I mean if u say replace them but I don't see the points.

 if it happens in consideration this one have an AoE bigger then the nullifiers.....But of course they are easier to kill....

But as well they are affected by power the nullifiers should be changed a little but so that they only spawn in HIGH level mission in my suggestion but not be replace.

 hey in the end throwing this out their combas are quiet mobile

Oh hey @knot

I suggest this because anyone who doesn't use an automatic or beam type weapon has no chance of taking down their bubble. Nullifiers aren't hard when you bring the weapons it limits you to. Also, I welcome mobile enemies to the game. We could use more skill based combat in this game rather than the normal equipment based combat we have now.

Maybe it would be good if Nulli shields were weakened depending on the damage received and not on the number of hits. Right now taking them down is annoying without an automatic weap. Just an idea.

That has been suggested before and for some reason DE is against it. 

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People complained about nullifiers. Combas are even SCARIER. They are not very visible. They have a huge aura. They have insanely strong weapons. They fly around quickly and are hard to hit. They seemingly command other units (stay back away from danger) rather than charge in on you foolishly. If one thing were to be taken out- it would be Combas.


That being said. I LIKE both of these units. Nullifiers create a very visible priority target and prevent power spam in LIMITED areas. Combas are less frequent- and cause mass havoc in general but are possible to eliminate much more easily, and don't block bullets.


The changes I'd like to see are as follows:


-Nullifier shields thin out as you shoot them. After a certain point, punchthrough of 1m or higher is able to pass through one layer of the shield. This means that sniper rifles and other low fire rate weapons with high damage would be able to directly shoot the nullifier MUCH quicker than they currently can- but since high fire rate weapons completely wreck the shields in a mere instant- they wouldn't be killing the nullifier any faster even if they have punchthrough on. This would balance nullifiers to not have bias against low fire rate weapons, and make them less of a pain in general.


-Combas could use a slight reduction to the size of their aura. Honestly- the thing that terrifies me the most is when they scamble my screen. It makes it hard to operate normally and causes a mini sense of panic and confusion. Don't get me wrong- that's good. What is NOT good is that when they do that and they're at max distance from you in the middle of a crowd, and barely- if at all- visible, it's not good. It takes that moment of high focus realization that something is there you need to kill and wastes it because it's not close enough to you for you to react before that moment is over.


EDIT: TL;DR- I don't want either to go away, but they could use some QoL changes that make them better enemies while still retaining their role on the battlefield.

Edited by Stratego89
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Personally, I'd take Combas and Scrambuses (or whatever the plural of Scrambus is) over Nullifiers every time. Why, you ask?

Well, first of all, they only have short-range attacks - not like Nullifiers who can snipe you from the other side of the map, while also shielding a dozen more units who'll rip you a new one should you decide to close in.

Second, their auras are easy to counter - just shoot off their helmet and they are like any other enemy. Snipers are actually useful against them! Nullifiers can just grow back their bloody bubble after two seconds or three and you're back where you started.

Third, they only target one specific kind of abilities each. So no matter what frame you're playing, you'll have at least ONE ability they do not disrupt and that can potentially be used against them.


Nullifiers are just a cheap counter to us being so much stronger than the enemy. The only tactic against them is to either pump an entire mag into their bubble and then them - or to slide into the bubbly (losing ALL active abilities) and slice them up.

Combas and Scrambuses are actually fun to play against and offer a wider variety of ways to deal with them.


So yes, please do away with Nullifiers. Or, if we have to keep those blasted things, turn them into a stationary hazard that activates with alarms or cameras (like turrets).

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well, both units have their pros and cons.


first let's look at the Nullifier Crewman. they are heavily dependant on a large energy bubble that can be quickly shrunk into nothing with a fast DPS weapon, and they have very little health and shields, which makes them easy to melee kill within their bubble (my favourite method). however, they have the ability to Snipe and protect other Corpus enemies, and be a real pain in the &#!.


The Scrambus, Comba and other Modular enemies can only nullify certain powers, and they only have regular defenses, but they can move and strike quickly, and they might just stop the power your Warframe is built to depend on.


either way, they can be a pain in the &#!, but while I don't complain about Nullifiers, I'd still take their roller-skating counterparts any day.

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DE really needs to destroy Nulifiers because they are a band aid fix for a problem that doesn't exist anymore, and they are more durable than Artic Eximus as well.

They really should be replaced by those units in both Void and Corpus missions

I am the kind of person that loves using single round weapons (my most used weapons are Bows, the Sybaris, Opticor and Tonkor) and needing 8 rounds to bring one bubble down is a horrible unbalance for this type of weapon. Today I decided to do a T4S with Ivara. Artemis Bow fires 14 arrows at the same time. I needed to fire 8 times to bring a bubble down, and if I tried to get close, I got the pleasant surprise of a ton of Bombards and Ancients, that is without talking about the Lanka being stupidly powerful for a unit like it...

Unlike Nulis, the Modular Units Prevent activation of a certain type of ability, but doesn't dispell working abilities. They are tough, but unlike Nulis, they can be on shot and doesn't bring a shield for 5 Bombards...

Fix it, DE. They are not needed anymore.

Edited by Swailwort
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DE really needs to destroy Nulifiers because they are a band aid fix for a problem that doesn't exist anymore, and they are more durable than Artic Eximus as well.

They really should be replaced by those units in both Void and Corpus missions

I am the kind of person that loves using single round weapons (my most used weapons are Bows, the Sybaris, Opticor and Tonkor) and needing 8 rounds to bring one bubble down is a horrible unbalance for this type of weapon. Today I decided to do a T4S with Ivara. Artemis Bow fires 14 arrows at the same time. I needed to fire 8 times to bring a bubble down, and if I tried to get close, I got the pleasant surprise of a ton of Bombards and Ancients, that is without talking about the Lanka being stupidly powerful for a unit like it...

Fix it, DE. They are not needed anymore.

My thoughts exactly.

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Corpus just doesn't make fun with such an enemy like nullifier. I'd rather fight napalms that i can compete against instead of nullifiers just ignoring everything i do except risking my life to enter the bubble or waiting so long for his bubble to shrink before it opens up again after like 3 seconds.

A complete coward enemy which is totally not cool.

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A good player will just pop the bubble and then ram an AoE up through the mobs.


A bad player will rage.


Which are yu?


If yur using a Bow or Sniper, bring a secondary apt at putting down bubbles. 


Don't even have to destroy it, just shrink it enough so that it doesn't cover the entire mob.



The reason Nullifiers exist is to counter Mag. 

If Nullifiers never existed, not even the Combas can stop her, she will blow out their shields and fry them from a mile away.

Nullifers must stay.

Edited by YasaiTsume
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I like nullies.

They were the first unit which was added that acutally changed the game a bit. Before that we would spam our 4th's and just cc the map. We could go into endless waves like this withouth thought or risk.

The combas, I actually find quite annoying. Unlike the nullifiers with their bubble, these units are lost in the chaos and take you by surprise. Not cool. Is not the unit itself that I find annoying is that I just wish they were mode visible so we could deal with them accordlingly.

EDIT: forgot to reply on the sniper part. What's broken is NOT the nullfiers and how they make sniper rifles useless, but instead it is the mechanics of the sniper class which are broken which everyone thought it would be fixed in sniper2.0 but did not get fixed even a bit.

Edited by alfaomega04
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All the people complaining because they can't spam abilities to clean out rooms with Ash or Mag.  This is the reason why they exist, why they decline at a caped rate (spraying won't make it pop faster) is to help counter all the AoE spam.
Without those Nullifiers everybody will be playing mag for easy wins.

Edited by xFrostKnightx
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